,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(set: $lastPassage to "Startup")
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:#a5d8ff)[#Fragment of Possibility]Follow Aster, a young fox with no knowledge of his parents or homeland as he tries to figure out his past and also cement a future for himself. How he tackles his journey and with who, is up to you. But first, explore Lindwood and get to know its denizens.]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[[[''Take Hold of the Future''->Menu]]
(set: $CTF to 2)(set: $Vore to 2)(set: $Cboy to 1)(set: $Pregnancy to 2)(set: $TF to 1)(set: $Bestiality to 2)(set: $Chastity to 1)(set: $Hypno to 1)
(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.7))[^^(This story is for adults 18 years+)^^]
(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//Version 0.3//^^]]''--Kink Toggles--''
1=: On / 2=: Off
CTF: Controls Cock transformation content & Ryota
Vore: Controls vore content.
Cboy: Controls Cboy TF, Echo & Matyas
Pregnancy: Prevents pregnancy in all routes.
TF: Controls transformation contnet, trims Rabel
Bestiality: Controls Bestiality contnet & Echo
Chastity: Controls Chastity content & Koen
Hypno: Controls hypnosis content & Eliniel
Intro: Unlocks things relating to the intro.
Intro = 1: Finish the opening scenes.
Intro = 2: Finish the cathedral scene.
''--The Town of Lindwood--''
''Den:'' Manages the interaction with the brothel.
Den = 1: Never visited before.
Den = 2: Visited before.
''Pimp:'' Manages the interactions with Eric
Pimp = 1: First visit
Pimp = 2: Eric has been met.
''Academic:'' Manages access to the academy.
Academic = 1: Professor not met, default acdemy.
Academic = 2: Professor met, can meet Ezra again.
''Hoyt:'' Progress in Professor Hoyts Story.
Hoyt = 1: Has not been invited back yet / met the prof.
Hoyt = 2: Can start the bad ending event chain with Hoyt.
Hoyt = 3: CTF ending now achievable.
Hoyt = 4: CTF ending completed
Hoyt = 5: SFW ending achieved.
''Companion:'' Unlocks extra companions after Tonric
Companion =1: Companions are locked
Companion =2: Post Tonric companions are unlocked
''CharacterName:'' Character story progress. (Examples below)
Tonric = 1: Story is available.
Tonric = 2: Part 1 done, adventurers guild unlocked.
Tonric = 3: Part 2 is done
Tonric = 4: Part 3 is done.
Tonric = 5: Part 4 is done, recruitable.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//A fragment of possibility, the crystalization of energy that forms when a soul reaches a cross road of myriad futures. Those who manifest these crystals can become anything they desire, with enough effort. But one wrong step and they they can fall. //
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Start The Story", "Dreaming Intro")
[[Credits & Thanks->Credits]]]
See More On <a href="https://inkbunny.net/HoukaKyouryuu" target="https://inkbunny.net/HoukaKyouryuu">''Inkbunny''</a>.
Support Me On <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/kingofdetention" target="https://subscribestar.adult/kingofdetention">''SubscribeStar''</a>.
Interested In <a href="https://inkbunny.net/s/2644322" target="https://inkbunny.net/s/2644322">''Commissions''</a>?
Coding help by <a href="https://inkbunny.net/alomo34" target="https://inkbunny.net/alomo34">''Alomo34''</a> and art by <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/aenomaly" target="https://subscribestar.adult/aenomaly">''Aenomaly''</a>.
''Special Thanks To My SubscribeStar Supporters!''
ManiacalMercury, Cody N, NeoPatamonX,
Nectrus, Seph, Lumocity, LunarMouser,
David T, RazzlePanda, Jacoby.
](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster felt a familiar crunch below his feet as he walked, confused, the young fox looked down and stared at the pristine white sand. A bit bewildered the boy looked around, sand as far as the eye could see. But it wasn't hot, in fact he could feel the breeze of the ocean and hear distant crashing waves.
His brain was struggling to process the information, looking to the sky all he could see was glimmering starlight shining across a vast black sea of night. But there was no sign of the moon, yet it didn't seem dark. Looking over himself, it almost seemed like the fine white sand below him was shimmering bright enough to light the area around him.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Look Around...?->Dream Part 2]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Skip The Introduction", "Prologue Start")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Behind the inn were the stables, to Aster... This was his home. He'd been living above them during the warmer months of the year alongside his close friend for many years now. The roof was a bit leaky at times, and it was by no means suitable for colder weather!
(if:$Intro is 1)[Checking the area, Tonric was nowhere to be found for some reason... Perhaps he had been sent on an errand?](if:$Tonric is 1)[Tonric seems to be inside the stables tidying them up, (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Approach him?", "Tonric P1")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->The Sleeping Serpent Inn]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Standing before the Sleeping Serpent inn, the iconic sign of a wyvern fast asleep atop a pile of riches. The smell of exotic spices filled the air, it was a pretty well-known place around the city... In fact, it was the favoured inn for adventurers and travelling merchants alike.
From the front, you could see the path leading to the stables winding around behind the main building itself- But at the moment there wasn't anything stabled at the inn itself.
Stepping inside, the old orcish innkeep was currently helping a few customers at the counter. Down the familiar hallway the door to the kitchen remained open, Yeuda always loved for others to smell what she had cooking for that day after all.(if:$Tonric is 4)[
Aster felt his stomach rumble, was about to have time to have (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"dinner with Tonric", "Tonric P4")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Eastern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Stables.->The Stables]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Venturing into the heart of Lindwood it was easy to find the large fountain plaza regardless of what road you took. Surrounded by smaller businesses, parks and other features there weren't too many reasons to hang around the large square outside of the usual festival as most businesses could be found down in the markets...
Still, the large statue atop the grand fountain was always an impressive figure. A Fishfolk holding up the banner of the city itself, water flowing out from around him and down into the fountain.
'Aratel Coralheart, First Lord of Lindwood' was written on a plaque that could be found at the front of the fountain along the edge.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head North->Northern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head East->Eastern Lindwood]]
(if:$Intro is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head West->Western Lindwood]]]
(if:$Intro is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head South->Southern Lindwood]]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Following the long stone roads up to the highest point of the city, the lord's castle could be seen on a cliff looming over the gated noble's district in the city. The guards main barracks settled on the main path leading up to the richer part of the city.
The grand cathedral of Saint Aurbella could be seen at nearly any point in the district, surrounded by the colourful gardens that the clergy so lovingly tended to. In fact, the entire district had many flowers growing along the paths that probably took a lot of effort to maintain.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Central Lindwood->Central Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Cathedral->Cathedral Grounds]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Nobles District->Noble District]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Guard Barracks->Guard Barracks]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Venturing down a few stone staircases, passing a few buildings built into the side of the cliff. The scent of the ocean grew stronger, looking out over the southern part of Lindwood from such a vantage point was quite the sight.
Blue stretched out as far as the eye could see, trading and fishing boats could be seen leaving and docking at the harbour. Large warehouses and workshops lined the roads leading to the market district, from here Aster could see the bustling streets and even a few of the larger shop signs.
The central ring of the market was full of tents from travelling merchants, while the main road was lined with large shops. It was always a busy place and often rather expensive but in a city like Lindwood, you could find almost anything.
It was small in the distance, but Aster could just make out the smaller town gate that lead out to the slums. The idea of going there made Aster a bit uncomfortable...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Central Lindwood->Central Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Harbour->The Harbour]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Market->Market District]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Slums->The Slums]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The sound of chatter filled the air, Eastern Lindwood was as busy as usual. Due to it being so close to the main gates of the city many businesses opened up to cater to travellers and merchants alike. While not as industrial as the markets it was still filled with taverns and inns alike.
Beyond the looming figure of the massive city gates in the distance, one could see the vast farmlands beyond it. Yet wandering along the main road one would find a few of the city's more well-known establishments. The Sleeping Serpent Inn, known for its food.
The Adventurers Guild, manned by the association founded all the way in Runtora became a stable of many kingdoms in recent years and helped normalize mercenary work.
Finally, the smoke billowing from a large chimney and the faint clinks of metal from the workshop withing always drew attention to The Wolven Way, a renowned blacksmith set up along the main road towards central Lindwood.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Central Lindwood->Central Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Sleeping Serpent->The Sleeping Serpent Inn]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Wolven Way->The Blacksmith]](if:$Intro is 2)[
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Adventurers Guild->Adventurers Guild]]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The City Gates->City Gate]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The Market District was busy as always, people bustling about from shop to shop. Various smaller stalls were packed to the brim with goods from all over the continent and even beyond that. Not having many coins to his name, Aster didn't have much to really do in the market aside from window shop and hope for the future.
As he wandered through the streets a few signs stood out to him, the garish shimmering sign above Anets Alchemical Menagerie stood out the most. It was large and glamoured through some sort of magic to light up and draw attention to the shop.
Aster made sure to pass a few shops he always liked to look at, the local armourers were always interesting to explore even if he was much too small to wear any of it. The local arcane accessory store usually had strange magical baubles that were much too expensive but were amazing nonetheless.
And of course, the market had various shops dedicated to outfitting adventurers with useful supplies and tools to make their jobs easier.(if:$Wicke is 2)[
Aster did have plans to meet up with Wicke... Maybe he should (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"look for him?", "Wicke P2")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Southern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Alchemical Menagerie->Alchemists Shop]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Armorers->Armorer]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Arcane Accesories->Arcane Accesories]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check Out A Supply Shop->Adventurer Supplies]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping inside the cathedral, rows and rows of pews lined each side of the building. Stained glass with decorative floral designs allowed light to shine inside causing abstract patterns of flowers and nature to stretch across the ground.
At the far back was a statue of a large draconic figure, a peaceful expression on their face as they leaned forward just over the top of the podium at the far end. A carved mane of stone was lined with what appeared to be real flowers that bloomed from an odd ivy that grew along the Stoney surface.(if:$Intro is 1)[
Aster paused for a moment when he spotted an older priestess standing in front of the podium, she was conversing with a few young clerics who seemed to be holding various cleaning supplies.](if:$Chastity is 1)[(if:$Koen is 1)[(if:$Companion is 2)[
Back in the cathedral once more... Perhaps Aster should (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"look for Koen?", "Koen P1")]]]]
(if:$Intro is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Approach The Priestess.", "Approach Priestess")
](t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Cathedral Grounds]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Venturing down in to the harbour was a bit of a trip, most of it was rather boring to a boy like Aster but there were still some rather interesting things to find. A few inns and bars here and there that probably catered to the sailors and dock workers alike.
Along the pier there also seemed to be a few shops, but nothing that really caught the boy's eye. Leading into the market from the docks there was actually a rather sizable fish market that seemed rather bustling, but the smell was a bit much for Aster maybe he would take the other way into the market.
At the far end of the harbour he could see a few warehouses lining the water's edge, he wasn't really sure what got stored in them but he assumed that most had been bought by merchants or businesses in the area.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Southern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check Out The Warehouses->The Warehouses]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping through the massive city gates, Aster could see miles and miles of familiar farmland that dotted the eastern fields that led to Lindwood. He hadn't really ever really explored the farmlands to a greater extent, not wanting to get in trouble or annoy the farmers themselves.
But still, the long winding road could be seen vanishing into the horizon. The mountains of Coronam to the north framed by the imposing figure of the great tree dominating the skyline then the forests and marshlands of the south that lined the path to the capital city...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Eastern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head To The Farm Tonric Works At.->Farmland]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Taking a walk through the gardens, one could easily get lost in the winding paths surrounded by trees. Flowers grew throughout the whole thing, sometimes in flowerbeds that had been carefully put together while others grew in large patches scattered throughout the gardens.
(if:$Koen < 2)[It was a mixture of careful planning and allowing nature itself to take hold, eventually after following the path long enough a small fountain could be found. A stone draconic figure with flowers growing out of what seemed to be a mane sat on top of it, Aster himself didn't recognize the figure...](if:$Koen is 2)[Koen was supposed to be around her somewhere doing chores, if Aster remembered what the boy said correctly... Maybe Aster should (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"look around for him?", "Koen P2")](if:$Koen > 2)[It was a mixture of careful planning and allowing nature itself to take hold, eventually after following the path long enough a small fountain could be found. A stone draconic rendition of Sitria sitting atop of it, colourful flowers growing out of its mane. The same sad, yet content expression on its face as the statue inside the cathedral.]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Cathedral Grounds]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[(if:$Academic is 1)[Gazing up the stone steps that scaled the cliff face, it seemed exhausting to even climb up to the Academy. It wasn't entirely closed to the public but not being a student himself and having no real aptitude for magic Aster didn't see much of a reason to climb all the way up there just yet.
But still, from the road he could see the highest peaks of the academy, the large facility was built into the cliff face under the Nobles district. He had no idea how large the academy actually was, but still, it had a few towers on the grounds. From other points in the city, it seemed to have a small forest off to the side that could only be accessed by going through the gate at the top of the steps.](if:$Academic is 2)[Hiking up the old stone steps was still exhausting, but perhaps it was the excersize that scholars needed to keep them healthy when they spend so much time studying tomes and such. Still, Aster couldn't imagine doing this frequently.
Once he reached the top though, with his visitors insignia in hand gaining access was rather easy! Still he was limited in the places he could explore, nor did he want to get lost by wandering around. But now, inside of the academy he could admire the strange arcane architecture a little bit more and try to seek out some knowledge perhaps?](if:$Wicke is 3)[
Aster had been invited inside to speak with Wicke, under the guise of acting as the kobolds new assistant. Perhaps, it was time to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"accept that offer.", "Wicke P3")](if:$Wicke is 4)[
Aster had recieved an interesting offer from Wicke, he owed the kobold a few experiments and in return would recieve an extra special (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"demonstration.", "Wicke P4")](if:$CTF is 2)[(if:$Hoyt is 2)[
He was invited to seek out Professor Hoyt and hopefully learn a bit, maybe it's time to try to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"find his office.", "SFW Prof")]](if:$CTF is 1)[(if:$Hoyt is 2)[
He was invited to seek out Professor Hoyt and hopefully learn a bit, maybe it's time to try to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"find his office.", "Prof P1")]](if:$Hoyt is 3)[
Aster had been thinking about it... Maybe it was time to go see Ezra again, let the professor know that he had (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"made a decision.", "Prof P2")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Western Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The rhythmic clangs of metal grew louder as the Wolven Way grew closer, armor and weapons of quality make decorated a large window that displayed the skill of the artisans inside to the public. Maybe the location helped but the talent of the woman inside earned her the respect of the adventurers and artisans of the city.
Peaking inside, a few customers could be seen looking over the wares. A young elven woman was currently running the counter, chattering away with whatever customers were trying to haggle with her this time.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Eastern Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Reaching the gates to the noble district, Aster would find they were locked tight as per usual. A pair of guards stood next to the main gates and paid no mind to the boy who elected to keep his distance...
Aster had no real way inside, only those who lived or worked within could freely use the gate and the fox by no means had any connections like that...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Northern Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Walking up to the shop's door, he noticed it seemed emptier than usual. As he reached to grab the handle a small sign stuck to the door itself caught his eye.
//'Closed due to alchemical mishap, please come back later!'// The boy frowned, he didn't have the money to shop there but he still wanted to look around... He'd have to come back another time it seems.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Market District]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Along the road and up a few steps sat the sleepy old Library, aptly named 'The Lindwood Library'. It was an older building by the looks of it and was connected to the scholars at both the local crafting guild and institute of the arcane but it was open to the public.
Stepping inside and walking along the old bookshelves, many books could be found covering various topics. Some even in languages Aster himself didn't understand, but in the end, after a little while of exploring the maze of shelves nothing really stood out to the young fox.(if:$Wicke is 1)[(if:$Companion is 2)[
On his way back towards the exist, something did catch the boys eye, a short looking reptile in blue robes was studying a shelf that was out of his reach... Maybe Aster should (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"offer to help?", "Wicke P1")]]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Western Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster could see it in the distance, the farm he knew Tonric had been helping around for the past year or so... The boy considered heading there for a moment, but then realized that his friend himself wasn't going to be there at the moment.
There wasn't much of a reason to go all the way out there, he had other things to worry about right now after all... Though, a walk did sound nice.(if:$Tonric is 2)[Actually, Tonric was working right now wasn't he? Maybe Aster should go help him out and (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"visit", "Tonric P2")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->City Gate]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[There wasn't much to the residential district, being mostly made up of homes and a few scattered small businesses Aster wasn't really sure what to do while wandering around the streets. He didn't live here himself nor did he really know anyone that did, of course wandering around he did eventually find a few places of interest.
A bathhouse stood out to the boy, it seemed to be on the larger side and actually looked like it had been well taken care of from the outside. Aside from that, he also stumbled upon the brothel he had heard so much about in the past from a few people back at the inn.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Western Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Bathhouse->Bath House]]
(if:$Den < 4)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Brothel->Brothel]]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[A reluctant walk through the graveyard allowed Aster to check some of the headstones for recognizable names, but each one he checked seemed old and weathered to time... He could make out a few names here and there but none of them stood out to him.
A few mausoleums could be found scattered about the graveyard, but each of them had a metal gate locked shut to prevent anyone from entering. A few of them did seem to house notable priests from the church itself- At least, that's what Aster assumed from the names...
The entrance to the catacombs below the church was nestled in the back of the graveyard, but the gate to it was locked shut... Not, that Aster really wanted to go down there. (if:$Koen is 4)[But, the young fox recognized a young rabbit standing near the entrance. Why was Koen in the graveyard? Perhaps Aster should (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"check it out.", "Koen P4")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Cathedral Grounds]](if:$Catacomb is 2)[
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check Out The Catacombs->Cathedral Catacombs]]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stared at the entrance to the catacombs for a moment, he really didn't want to head down there after what he felt last time... Briefly testing the gate, he found it was actually unlocked... Koen must have forgotten to lock it.
With a sigh, Aster made a mental note to tell someone the way down wasn't locked and turned to leave the entrance behind. There was no way he was going down there without a good reason!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Graveyard]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping inside one of the local armourers and making sure to keep out of any actual customer's way, the young fox looked over the various display pieces. Plate mail, some scale mail and even different styles of leather garb sat for customers to look over.
Of course, getting armour was expensive but having it refitted to your size was a chore of its own. Just looking at a few pieces decorated with golden trim made the boy's stomach twist, he couldn't make enough to buy something like that in a few years.
Not wanting to loiter around the shop too long, the boy eventually slipped back out into the market.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Market District]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[(if:$Tonric is not 3)[Aster had one shop he always liked to explore, stepping inside it seemed the owner was busy conversing with a few customers. He didn't plan on buying anything, so that didn't really matter to the young fox.
The shop had shelves filled with various common odds and ends, a few displays with more valuable tools of the trade. Just looking over some of the things got his imagination running, what sort of things would he scale with those pitons? What would it be like sleeping under the stars in a bedroll?
None of it was that expensive on its own, but he had done the math before... It was, actually fairly expensive to keep supplies while doing work for the guild. Satisfied with his usual window shopping, the young fox slipped back out of the shop and into the markets.](if:$Tonric is 3)[The supply shop was the same as it always was on the outside, a large window displaying the various goods Aster always liked to look through despite not having the money or a reason to buy it.
Today was a little different though, with a little pouch of coin stringed to his belt the young fox actuall needed to get some supplies! Taking a quick look around it didn't appear that Tonric had arrived just yet... So it seems Aster would have to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"wait for his friend.", "Tonric P3")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Market District]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[(if:$Den is 1)[Curiosity got the best of the young fox, he didn't exactly have the money but still, he found himself getting closer to the brothel. Being somewhat acquainted with a boy that had mentioned this place before he felt confident enough to at least peak inside.
Much to his dismay, there was a slender rabbitfolk man tidying up the front entrance. It actually looked like a normal business of sorts... But, well everyone knew what it actually was.
The rabbitfolk paused for a moment and smiled at the boy. "Oh... Please do come in."(set: $Den to 2)](if:$Den is 2)[Despite not having much money, seeming he actually was welcomed in the establishment Aster gave in and quickly made his way back inside. Much like before the same rabbitfolk was relaxing in the front room, this time reading a book.
The man looked up from the book as the boy stepped inside, giving him a smile and a nod. "Oh, welcome back to The Dragons Den."]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Maybe Another Time.->Residential District]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Step Inside...", "The Dragons Den")
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|''Farmhand Friend: Tonric'' (Human / Fighter)
Meet him when you wake up.
Can go visit him in the farmlands, help him out for extra cash.
Meet him at the adventurers guild and attempt to get registered.
Go with him to the supply store to get things for your journey.
Talk to him at the tavern and have a discussion about the future.
''Prudish Noble: Eliniel'' (Fish / Fighter)
Attempt to enter the noble district, get told to leave due to being no
Hear about the rumors around his family outside the barracks.
Find him at the training grounds, but he is rude to you.
Follow him to the nobles district and accidently trance him.
Sneak into his home with him, toy with the fish. Eavesdrop on the uncle.
''The Blacksmiths Assistant: Xihe'' (Dragon / Fighter)
You can first hear about him in the blacksmith
Then go to the armorer to actually meet him
Meet him again at the crafters guilds
Get invited to his home as thanks for the help
''The Cunning Thief: Matyas'' (Weasel / Rogue)
Witness him swiping food in the market, can follow him to alleyways.
Get roped into swiping something from arcane accesories with him.
Invited to meet him at the slums, then get invited to the underbelly.
Get roped into another scheme at the warehouses, he needs to leave town!
''The Innocent Acolyte: Koen'' (Rabbit / Cleric)
Briefly see him during the explanation of the crystal.
Can introduce yourself to him at the cathedrel.
Travel with him to the slums to do some good work (See the cage)
Something something gardens?
''The Sealed Pervert: Cain'' (Demon / Sorcerer)
Find him sealed in something after sneaking into the catacombs
Can help unseal him by using references in the old library.
Convinces you to go to the bath house and mess around.
Coerces you to go to the brothel in order to make cash for travel.
''The Wild Warrior: Rah'ha'' (Lion / Barbarian)
Meet him in the tavern initially, chat with him.
Get forced in helping him register at the advenuterers guild.
Brawl with him in the training grounds and end up losing.
Go with him to the bath house, end up getting dominated.
''The Reppressed Scholar: Wicke Watsit'' (Kobold / Wizard)
Meet him at the old library initially.
help him with something in the markets.
Get invited with him to the magic academy for a bit.
Find out about his perverse magic interests.
''The Alchemical Prodigy: Rabel '' (Slime / Artificer)
Meet him at his shop initially, he requests you to get something for him.
Travel to the crafters guild and retrieve some reagents for rabel.
venture to the dock district and pick up some stuff from a merchant.
travel back to the shop, get paid and get offered a nice reward.
''The Flirtacious Bard: Eze'' (Otter / Bard)
You see him in the intro going upstairs with someone at the tavern.
Later you can find him performing there, he will flirt with you.
Meet him at the cathedrel gardens for inspiration, he cant go in alone.
Travel with him to the brothel for a free session with him.
''The Greenhearted Druid: Echo'' (Goat / Druid)
You can find him at the cathedrel gardens gathering a few herbs.
Meet him at the catacombs to venture down and collect a few things.
Travel to the merchant district to find him at the alchemists shop.
Get invited back to his home outside of the city walls, by the slums.
''The Keen-Eyed Hunter: Dreil'' (Falcon / Ranger)
Can find him in the local adventurs guild, taking a small job.
Travel with him to the farm lands to help trap and kill a boar.
Join him in the market district to sell the beast to a local butcher.
Meet him at the tavern to enjoy a drink and a meal, his treat.
''~ Guests ~''
''The Voracious Naturalists: Vexio''
Find him relaxing in the fountain, he gets in trouble.
Converse with him at the docks, distressed that he can't use the water.
Meet him at the bath house after telling him about the place.
Tell him about the brothel and take him there.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[(if:$Intro is 2)[Aster stopped to stare at the adventurers guild, it was a dream of his after all... But, he was much too nervous to try and go inside right now. He was still young, inexperienced and he by no means could afford to get a licence to even take work under them, with a reluctant sigh he set his fantasies aside.](if:$Tonric > 1)[The Adventurers Association was a large building, almost always bustling with it's rowdy guild members. Through the front doors sat a large main hall, it looked almost like a bar with tables scattered about the place and a large counter opposite to the door.
Off to the left a few doors led to the various facilities the guild had including the stairs up to the second floor and on the right sat the job boards, sorted by rank. There were things ranging from simple labour jobs around the city, small hunts or larger expidition notices
Reyka was at the counter, chattering with a few guild members about some sort of job. Seeing Aster, she gave him a slight nod before going back to what she was doing.]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Eastern Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Along the main road of northern Lindwood was the guard's primary barracks, it was a massive building that had a few guards stationed outside of it. Aster by no means could just, walk right inside for no reason... Even if he did have a mentor that worked as a guard, whenever he and Tonric had lessons they were to meet out back on the training grounds.
But, despite the strict rules the actual training fields were fairly open for public use as long as you asked the current guards on duty and nothing was going on- But, Aster didn't have anything with him to train with anyway...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Northern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check Out The Training Grounds.->Training Grounds]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Walking around the barracks, the training fields quickly came into view. A few training dummies had been set up along the wall next to a sand pit Aster himself had never used... There were also a few other pieces of training gear that the boy had no clue what it was even used for.
There was a guard on duty watching over the area as per usual, while he did glance over to the boy... The man didn't seem keen on speaking up. Aster didn't want to cause any trouble regardless.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Guard Barracks]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Taking a peek inside, it seemed rather empty for the time being but there was an older elven man cleaning around what seemed to be a reception desk of sorts. Aster could smell the minerals from the water all the way from here, he did kind of want to take a dip...
But, not having the coin to indulge in a place like this he was forced to relent and turn back before the owner noticed him.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back->Residential District]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster tried to get his barrings, looking in all directions around him to find... Nothing, there was just nothing but the open starlit sky and the endless white sands. It was almost disorienting, he could hear the water but he couldn't see it. It felt like it was night time but the world around him felt lit from below, the poor boy felt dizzy as he stumbled.
But a sudden whisper coming from behind him caused the boy to spin around and look, just as the glimmering stars above started to drift down and fall around him. It was almost as if shards of crystal were now slowly raining from the sky, refracting the light from below...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Try To Find The Source Of The Whispering.->Dream Part 3]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy stepped forward, avoiding the shards of crystal as they slowly fell around him. He heard it coming from this direction... But he didn't see anyone, still as he passed one of the shards something caught his eye.
Faint figures moving about within the shard, Aster looked closer to see... Something familiar, it almost looked like him and his friend walking through the streets of Lindwood? He sort of remembered that, but another whisper soon pulled his attention away from the shard.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Find The Source!->Dream Part 4]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quickly turned to the whisper and rushed in that direction, for some reason he felt like he needed to find it. But in the end the boy didn't know what was going on only that whispering was the key to it... He just knew it, for some unexplainable reason, he had to find it.
As the shards fell around him, he caught glimpses of faded events. Some felt like memories to him while others looked entirely unfamiliar but, seemed like something that could easily happen in his mundane life. Did they happen, maybe he just forgot?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Keep Looking.->Dream Part 5]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[As the boy's foot hit the sand, he felt water rush past his ankle and the world around him seemed to distort. Nearly losing his balance, Aster caught himself before he fell forward into the... Sea? He had found himself at the edge of the white sand as the tide pulled back, a vast body of water reflecting the falling shards around him.
But, something stood out. A brighter fragment of light off in the distance... It was, floating above the waves. Then he heard it again, the whispering... It was coming from the direction of that light. Aster bit his lip, it wasn't that far out...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Determined, Wade Out To It.->Dream Part 6]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster took his first step into the chilly water with a resigned sigh, he needed to figure out what was going on. So he took another step and then another, bit by bit the water grew deeper. Soon it reached his knees, then his waist... Finally, his chest, the gentle push and pull of the tide was now threatening to knock the boy over.
The water was bitter, chilling him to the bone as he continued to step deeper and deeper. But something was calling him, driving him to push forward despite the danger.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Hold Strong.->Dream Part 7]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[But he held strong, the light was just in reach. He could make out a spherical shape. With a strained groan, the boy reached out and tried to grab the crystalline orb, his fingers wrapping around it as the whispers grew louder and louder. Familiar and unfamiliar voices now screaming around him, at first he couldn't tell what they were saying... But soon he could hear his name.
//"Aster, Aster... Aster."// It rang through his ears as he gripped the stone tightly in his hand before everything suddenly went dark as the waves suddenly came crashing over his head without warning.]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster coughed as the water hit his face, bright sunlight hitting his face suddenly as he sat up and groaned. Dazed and confused the boy looked around, quickly meeting the gaze of a young human that was standing next to him with a half-full bucket in his hands.
"Morning, you were sleeping in a bit too late and no matter how had I tried to shake you... Just kind of kept tossing and turning, you alright?" The boy said with a playful grin as he lifted the bucket up.
Aster blinked for a moment and looked down at his soaked fur. "Ugh... Tonric, Did you have to dump water on me? C'mon my fur is going to take ages to dry." The boy said as he quickly got up, pausing for a moment as he heard something fall and clink across the floor.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check What Fell.->The Stone]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Tonric chuckled at the foxes reaction and set the bucket down with a shrug. "Well, calling your name wasn't doing anything, nor was shaking you... Kind of felt like the only option, did you have some kind of nightmare?" The boy asked, watching as his friend knelt down to pick something up.
Aster paused, his hand hovering over a weirdly... Familiar gemstone, spherical in shape. He stared at it, before the vague memories of his dream suddenly clicked in his head. "Uhh... I thought I did, but this thing was in it." The fox said, picking it up and looking to Tonric.
It felt... Warm to the touch, but nothing happened as Aster stood up and looked it over. It was a rough, multi-faceted gemstone with no real pattern to its cut. It seemed opalescent in colour but wasn't exactly clear.
Tonric stepped closer, looking over the stone with a skeptical look on his face. "Really? Did you find that on the road or something and dream about it?" The boy said with a chuckle.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Tell Tonric About The Dream.->Tell Him]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["No, I didn't find it before I slept... At least, I don't think I did. But I remember grabbing it right before you woke me up, I had to wade out in some deep water to grab it and it was erm... Whispering, no yelling something..." The boy said, scratching his chin as he tried to dredge up the memories of his dream again but it had already begun to fade.
Tonric stood there and listened, looking at the gemstone again. "Hmmm... Maybe you're cursed, or this is some kinda good omen? Kinda can go either way, maybe you should talk to Rhut or Yeuda about it...?" The boy said with a shrug.
Aster blinked. "Cursed- You can't just say that so nonchalantly Tonric... I hope I'm not cursed." The boy said with a little sigh, stuffing the gemstone into his pocket with a nod. "But yeah, I will go ask them in a little."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time To Get Dressed...->Get Dressed]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox grumbled to himself, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his damp fur- He was still somewhat wet, but it felt like it was a really warm day so he should dry off pretty quickly. Looking around, it felt almost weird to be back in the stables. After that dream, the normality felt off even if he didn't really remember it.
Tonric snickered and made his way to the old wooden ladder that led down to the bottom floor of the stables. "Anyway, I already did most of the morning cleaning here. We don't have anything stabled right now sooo... I guess go talk to the innkeep and I can finish stuff off."
Aster cocked his head, quickly following Tonric down as they spoke. "Are you sure? I don't want to make you do all the work..." The boy said, his feet making contact with the solid dirt ground.
The human shrugged and gestured to the stables. "As I said, we don't really have anything to do today so... I will finish moving the feed, don't worry about it."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Relucantly Agree.->Agree]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster crossed his arms and mulled it over, he did still feel kind of out of it, and he could still feel the warmth of the stone in his pocket. "...Alright, fine I guess I will head inside for now." The boy said, reluctantly agreeing to his friend's offer.
Tonric nodded, patting Aster gently on the back and gesturing towards the door. "Good! Go on then maybe get something to eat, you still seem a little out of sorts." The boy said, gently pushing Aster along as he walked.
"I'm fine...! Jeez..." The boy said with a little huff as he made his way out of the stables and towards the back door of the inn... Grabbing the handle with one hand while gently feeling the gemstone through his pocket with the other for a moment...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Enter The Inn.->Enter The Inn]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster pulled the door open and stepped inside with a quiet sigh, he was still somewhat tired but as he walked along the small hallway he passed a few doors. The storeroom, always stocked up with everything the inn needed. The young fox frequently had to help move things in and out of there to help keep things running smoothly but in the end, he wasn't strong enough to move the larger boxes or heavier supplies.
Finally, as he passed the kitchen, the powerful scent of exotic spices hit him. Jostling the boy and waking him up pretty thoroughly as he sniffed the air- Whatever Yeuda was making, it smelled pretty good. Quickly popping his head through the open door to try and get a peak at tonights special, he sadly didn't see the innkeeper's wife. But, he did spot a few large pots simmering over the hearth.
With a little shrug, the boy left the kitchen behind him and stepped out into the inn proper, with Rhut the orcish innkeep standing behind the counter yawning loudly as he cleaned the counter. It seemed like things were still pretty quiet for the time being.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take A Seat At The Counter.->Take A Seat]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy quickly made his way to one of the stools at the counter and hopped up onto it, just a few feet away from the old orc who glanced towards Aster before giving him a smile. "Finally up? Once the wife gets back I can have her whip up some breakfast for you." He said, walking along the bar counter until he was standing before the boy.
Aster shook his head. "I can wait, not really that hungry right now in all honesty..." The boy said, still fiddling with the stone through his pocket.
The orc paused for a moment and stared at the boy, thinking before he spoke. "Something weighing on your mind?" The man asked before setting down the cleaning rag he was holding, giving Aster his full attention.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Show Rhut The Stone.->Show Him]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[After a moment of hesitation, the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out the opalescent crystal before setting it down on the table in front of him. "I had this... Really weird dream last night... But can't really remember much of it now, but I saw this thing in it and when I woke up it was just kind of there." The boy said with a little grumble.
Rhut stayed silent, staring down at the stone before reaching down to gently pick it up. The man studied it for a good minute, then with a sigh he set it back down on the table. "Heard of stuff like this, some sorta... Fragment whatsit." He said with a slow nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Fragment? Question Him.->Fragment?]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Fragment? Of what? Like, a bigger stone or something...?" Aster asked, his confusion growing as he looked back down to the stone... The faces by no means seemed carved deliberately but it was much too round to be a piece broken off of a larger whole.
Rhut shook his head and sighed, scratching his chin while trying to come up with a better explanation. "I don't know how to put it, it's magic stuff... Old stories I heard when I first got to Lindwood. Honestly, kid, you'd best take it to the cathedral and ask them about it." The orc said with a nod.
Aster stared at the stone for a few moments, before picking it back up and stuffing it into his pocket. "I still need to help Tonric out with a lot of stuff, so maybe later I guess..."
The orc shook his head as he reached out and put a hand on the boy's shoulder before he could get up off the stool. "Go now, don't worry about Tonric he will be fine." The man said before letting Aster go.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Leave The Inn.->Reluctantly Leave]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping out of the inn, the brisk air brought by the sea clashed with the warm sunlight beaming down. It was a bright day, with clear skies meaning the fishermen would be out doing their work.
Shaking his head, Aster brought himself to the task at hand. He was to go to the cathedral in the northern part of Lindwood! He didn't really know why Rhut believed they would be able to help him, but it was worth a shot.
Aster wasn't exactly one to put his faith in the gods, but the clergy was one of the oldest factions in the city so it was either there or perhaps one of the more academic circles. Peraps he could check the library later or even visit the arcane institute, but for now following the innkeeps suggestion felt like his best bet.]
(set: $Intro to 1)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Set Out", "Eastern Lindwood")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stayed there for a moment, before getting up off of the stool with a little grumble. "...Okay, I will go now if you really think I should." He was curious and worried, but he still felt bad about abandoning his work.
But, if Rhut was fine with it he knew for a fact Tonric would also tell him to go. At least it seemed quiet around the inn today, without saying much else the boy turned and just made his way towards the main door.
Then the orc called over to him. "Make sure to keep that in your pocket, no need to show anyone just yet... Be safe." The man said as Aster looked back and gave him a nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Leave The Inn.->Town Intro]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Following the western road out of the central plaza for the most part led to the residential district, made up almost entirely of homes and a few small businesses that catered to the denizens of the city itself.
But along the road, there was a large stone staircase that lead all the way up to the Institute of the Arcane which was built into the cliff face under the northern end of the city. Aster had never really been there before, but it was an impressive building... Still, the stairs looked exhausting.
Luckily Lindwoods very own library was only just down the road and wasn't up nearly as many steps. On the opposite side of the road was a collection of buildings surrounded by a large gated fence, a large sign hanging over the gate read 'Lindwood Crafters Association'. From what Aster remembered, that was filled with various guilds dedicated to many industries within the city.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Central Lindwood->Central Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Residential District->Residential District]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Institude Of The Arcane->Arcane Academy]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Library->Old Library]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Crafters Association->Crafters Guilds]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Following the old stone steps to one of the highest points of the city, the ornate gates to the cathedral grounds sat open for all who wished to enter. Stepping inside, the large building stood tall despite its age- From what Aster mentioned, the cathedral itself predated the patron saint it had been named after by a few hundred years... But, he didn't know a whole lot about the old dragon gods of Legalia.
As he ventured through the open grounds the boy could see flowers and shrubs positioned carefully all around him, the cathedral was known for its vast gardens- Aurbella's teachings revolved around respecting and tending to nature as well as the people so everything around it was always a sight to behold.
Halfway through the grounds, a small side path could be seen leading to the graveyard of the cathedral. It wasn't the only one in Lindwood, but no one had been buried there in a very long time.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Northern Lindwood]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Inside.->Aurbellas Cathedral]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Explore The Gardens.->Cathedral Gardens]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Check Out The Graveyard.->Graveyard]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy quietly approached the priestess, not really sure how to start this conversation and of course not wanting to interrupt her as she spoke. Among the children, before her was a young rabbit, Aster somewhat recognized but couldn't remember.
"Alright, I believe everyone has their chores for this afternoon?" The woman said. She seemed to be elven in nature but as her gaze lifted to meet the young foxes her emerald green reptilian eyes locked on his. "It seems we have a visitor, go on children you can play once the day's work is done." She said, gently gesturing with her hands for the kids to disperse. "Now, how may I help you?"
Aster gulped, watching the other children quietly scatter before taking a step forward while scratching the side of his chin. "Uhm, sorry I didn't mean to intrude if you are busy..."
The woman shook her head with a quiet laugh. "Nonsense, we are here to help the people first and foremost. So please, tell me what's wrong." She said with a welcoming smile.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Try To Explain.->Explain To Her]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Well, you see... I had a strange dream last night, it's pretty vague now..." The boy said, starting to explain before the woman interjected.
"The gods often give people small insights, no matter your blood or background dreams can be a powerful thing. Always good to consider what the dream entailed, did you see yourself becoming an acolyte here? Sometimes, a call to service does occur if your soul is destined for it." the woman said with a slow nod.
Aster fell silent, frowning a little at the woman while listening to her explanation. It wasn't exactly what he was looking for, let alone attempt to recruit him...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Show Her The Stone.->Show Her The Stone]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quietly reached into his pocket before pulling out the stone and holding it up between the two of them. "I found this after I woke up, I remember it appearing in my dream but that's about it..."
The woman paused for a moment, her eyes going wide as she stared at the stone. "Oh, that's... A very different situation, my apologies I thought you were just a misguided youth looking for a bit of divine guidance." She said with a sigh, taking a moment to rub her chin. "Alright... I suppose we were due something like this if you would please follow me I can explain someplace a bit... Quieter."
With that the woman turned, gesturing for the boy to follow as she walked.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Follow Her.->Follower Her]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy stood there for a moment, unsure if he wanted to follow her. But as he thought about that sudden change of expression, the tone of her voice suggested that the priestess obviously knew of this stone.
Aster moved to quickly catch up with her, just as the woman opened a door that led to one of the side hallways. "What do you mean, due for something like this?" He asked as he followed her into the hall.
The priestess turned to close the door. "I haven't ever seen one before, but the energy it gives off... That stone matches a few descriptions I heard from my seniors back when I was an acolyte."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Inquire Further.->Inquire Further]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sighed quietly and looked down at the stone in his hand. "Okay, but what exactly is it...?" The boy asked, slowly turning the stone as they continued down the dimly lit hallway. The stone did give off a strange aura to it, but Aster by no means could sense magic himself.
"Well, You see... Ah, it's difficult to explain but... Here, come inside and sit down." The woman said, guiding Aster to a large wooden door before taking a moment to pull it open.
Prismatic light blinded Aster for a moment, instinctively the boy brought a hand up to shield his eyes as the woman stepped through the door. Peaking around her, it just seemed like a normal office... But, there was a large stained glass window opposite to the door and the sun was unpleasantly angled to shine right through it right now.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Step Inside.->Step Inside]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox quickly stepped inside, once he could finally see it really was just a normal office. In front of the stained glass window was an old wooden desk with a few chairs around it, the largest, of course, had it's back to the window with a pair of smaller chairs on the opposite side facing the window.
Aster elected to move his chair slightly, so he wasn't sitting in the blinding sunlight. Curiously watching as the woman walked past the desk and opened up a cabinet, digging around for something.
Finally, she turned to the desk and set an old journal on the table. "Here we go, I can't tell you why the stone appeared... Honestly, I doubt anyone but the gods could do that. But I can tell you, stones like this only appear for the most miraculous of souls." She said with a nod before opening up the journal.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Look At The Journal.->Look At Journal]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The priestess opened the journal to a page that had a few crystals sketched on it, all of different shapes but next to each one a myriad of familiar descriptive words was written. Opalescent, faintly glowing, and then some other words he didn't even consider. Seemingly indestructible, refracts light oddly.
"Here, we have come to call them... Fragments of Possibility, a crystalization of ones potential. Alone, it doesn't really do anything. But luckily those who came before us left this book on their discoveries to us." She said with a nod before turning the page.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Keep Reading...->Keep Reading]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The next page had a lot written on it, the boy struggled to gather his thoughts as his eyes scanned the page. It mentioned things such as the future, and potential and used terms that he didn't even recognize or seemed to be in an unfamiliar language to the boy. "Uhm... This is kind of confusing I don't even know what some of these words mean." The boy said with a little sigh.
The priestess nodded and pulled the book back towards herself. "Well, essentially these crystals manifest when a young person reaches a crossroad in their life. One that can lead to, well... Anything."
"Anything? That, sounds kind of impossible..." The young fox said with a nod, now just staring down at the gemstone in his hand.
"Haha, alright perhaps it is an exaggeration. I haven't heard of anyone founding a country or taking a crown, becoming a divine or anything like that... But, still, this journal says that those who manifest a fragment can make whatever future they desire come to fruition with enough effort." The woman said, turning a few more pages in the journal.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Whatever Future He Desires...?->Whatever Future]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Soo... If I try to learn how to bake, with the desire to open a successful shop then that will happen...?" The boy asked, looking up to the priestess with his head cocked.
The woman nodded slowly. "Yes, but this journal is full of stories of people discovering things... Becoming adventurers, finding great success or even being part of a cause that began a new era- Ah, here this may interest you. Aratel Coralheart, first lord of Lindwood manifested his crystal at age thirteen. Dedicating his life to raising his family from poverty he eventually built an empire of trade and took the title of Lord... Ah, I suppose that is rather close to a crown so my apologies perhaps I was wrong." She said with a quiet snicker.
Aster fell silent for a moment, the figure standing atop the fountain at the center of Lindwood came to mind. "Really? He got one of these things? So, I could... End up an adventurer, or even a noble?" The young fox asked as he stood up from his chair.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Life Of An Adventurer!->Grounded Future]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The woman lifted her hand to try and calm the boy. "Now now, it is no guarantee. But, if you do as this journal suggests then perhaps you will find the path that best suits you. Aurbella believed that the people of this world could put their minds to anything and achieve it, that is why anyone who has manifested one of these stones before has set out on a journey."
Aster paused for a moment, hand tightly gripping around the stone. "A journey, so an adventure of sorts?" The boy said as his smile continued to grow.
"Oh my, I can tell what your heart is set on. If that's what you'd like it to be then yes an adventure. A pilgrimage to find one's fate, to shape your future... That is what this journal suggests." The woman said, closing the book. "But, if you so choose to live a normal life that is also understandable."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[An Adventure...->Next Step]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Okay, what do I need to do then? Do I just, pack by bag and leave?" The boy asked, now holding the stone close to his chest.
The priestess laughed and stood up from her chair. "No, no. First, you must find a friend you wish to take this journey with, it is not one you should take alone. Many in the past have chosen to take an acolyte from this very cathedral along with them, but at the end of the day who you travel with is up to you." The woman said with a warm smile as she stepped around the desk.
"They should be close to you in age though, someone who can grow alongside you... At least, that's what the journal suggests... Ah, here would you mind letting me look at the stone? I believe I can make it a bit easier for you to carry on your person." The woman said, now holding out her hand for the stone.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Hesitantly Hand The Stone Over...->Hesitantly Give]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster paused for a moment, clutching the stone tightly in his hand... He didn't exactly want to hand over the key to his future to this woman, even if she did seem kind enough to offer so much help and information freely.
As if reading the boy's mind, the priestess chuckled a bit and shook her head. "The stone isn't what holds your future, it is just a manifestation of what you can do. Even if you lose it, that won't change anything. But I do suggest not telling others about this, some may want to use you for this... Potential."
The boy grumbled quietly, not having any reason to think this woman a liar he relented and slowly moved to place the stone in her hand, hesitantly giving it to the priestess.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Watch Carefully.->Woven Twine]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy watched quietly as the priestess turned and walked back towards the cabinet she retrieved the book from, seemingly placing it back inside before taking something else out.
Aster moved to follow her, watching closely from behind as the woman carefully wove what seemed like some sort of twine around the gemstone. Quickly creating some sort of net before pulling it taught around the stone, with a nod she turned and held it out to Aster with a smile.
"This should be much easier to keep track of, wear it around your neck or perhaps tie it to your belt. As long as it shines you still have the potential, but if it ever falls dim... Then, your future is set." She said with a slow nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take The Pendant.->Take The Twine]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster took the pendant and looked it over, despite the material it actually seemed to be pretty well tied and even as he gently tugged at it. "Thank you... Uhm, what's your name by the way? I don't think I ever even told you mine."
The woman chuckled a bit. "Ah, my apologies I actually know your name so it's my fault for not introducing myself. My name is Adela, if I remember correctly you are... Aster, yes?"
The boy cocked his head to the side, eyeing the woman for a moment. "Uhm... Yes, how did you know my name exactly?" He said as he stashed the pendant in his pocket.
"My apologies, I don't think there is another foxkin in all of Lindwood. Let alone one so young, when you were little I worked directly with the orphanage often so I simply recognized you." She said with a warm smile.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Moving On...->Moving On]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded and stepped out of the office, looking back at the priestess. "Alright, thank you then, Ms. Adela... Wait, how did you know the stone was real? You never really took a close look at it."
The woman laughed, gesturing to her eyes. "I was born with the ability to see odd forms of magic, not that of the arcane. But that of the soul, that stone radiates the same energy as you yourself... It's a cold blue, but there is much comfort from that brisk breeze." She said with the same smile.
The boy cocked his head for a moment, but as the priestess gave him a wave and started to close the door all he could do was wave back. Aster stood there for a moment before a voice brought him back to reality.
"Uhm... Excuse me?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Return To The Cathedral.->The Rabbit]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Oh..." The boy said quietly, feeling a bit embarrassed he didn't even recognize her himself. "Well, that aside then what do I do next?" The boy asked as he looked at the priestess.
Adela crossed her arms and thought for a moment. "Well, if you intend on travelling at your age. I'd recommend preparing... Finding someone you trust to have your back, then set out when it feels right... Ah, but I do have a lot to do myself today. If you need anything at all or wish to enlist the help of an acolyte of Aurbella please come any time." The woman said as she walked over to the door and opened it up.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Nod Quietly And Leave The Office.->Leave Office]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quickly turned, locking eyes with the shorter rabbit he had seen before. The boy shuffled a bit, fidgeting with his shawl as he seemed to struggle to put his thoughts together. "Uhm, what do you need?" Aster asked.
The boy perked up for a moment. "Oh! Right, only acolytes and clergy members are allowed in this hall so... If your uh, meeting with Sister Adela is done. I'm gonna walk you back to the cathedral hall if that's okay with you?" The boy said with a meek smile.
Aster snickered and nodded. "Oh, that's fine lead the way." He said, the rabbit looked genuinely relieved at the other boy's reliance and quickly turned to guide Aster back down the... A rather short hallway.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Follow Him Regardless->His Names Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Hey, do I know you?" Aster asked as he followed the young rabbit down the hallway. He didn't really know any acolytes from the cathedral but still, this boy seemed very familiar.
"Oh- My name is Koen, I don't think we have met before? Maybe though, I do a lot of charity work around the city so maybe we have crossed paths." The boy said, not seeming that phased by the topic as he gestured for Aster to walk past him through the door.
The young fox nodded as he stepped out. "Oh... Maybe that's it, my name's Aster. Nice to meet you Koen!" The boy said, holding out his hand to the young rabbit.
Koen froze for a moment, fidgeting for a moment before he reached out to shake the other boy's hand. "Ahh... Nice to meet you as well, but I do need to get back to my chores... So, bye...!" The young rabbitfolk said, letting go of Aster's hand and rushing off as quickly as suddenly as he showed up.
Well... Seems Aster was on his own again, what next?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Think...", "Prologue Start")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:#a5d8ff)[#Prologue]From this point on, it's up to you to find a companion you like and follow their stories. Each character comes in four parts, upon finishing their fourth scene you will unlock the ability to invite them as a travelling companion at the city gate.
The Fragment of Possibility is a manifestation of many roads, simply find the one that suits you the best. Each character has their own tale to tell and multiple ways to tackle it, now go explore what Lindwood has to offer!
''Tonric, Koen and Wicke are currently implimented into the prologue but cannot be invited out on a journey yet! You must complete Tonrics story to unlock any other companion stories for now.''
(set: $Intro to 2)(set: $Den to 1)(set: $Companion to 1)(set: $Catacomb to 1)(set: $Pimp to 1)(set: $Tonric to 1)(set:$Koen to 1)(set: $Wicke to 1)(set: $Academic to 1)(set: $Hoyt to 1)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Prologue Start", "Aurbellas Cathedral")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Skip Tonric", "Tonric Fin")
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(text-colour:#a5d8ff)[#Menu](link-goto: "Return To Story", $lastPassage)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Character Compendium->Character Profiles]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Kink Toggles->Kink Toggles]]
Coming Soon!
''CTF Content:'' (if:$CTF is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$CTF is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$CTF is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn CTF On", "CTF (ON)")](if:$CTF is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn CTF Off", "CTF (OFF)")]
''Vore Content:'' (if:$Vore is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Vore is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Vore is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Vore On", "Vore (ON)")](if:$Vore is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Vore TF Off", "Vore (OFF)")]
''Transformation Content:'' (if:$TF is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$TF is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$TF is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn TF On", "Transform (ON)")](if:$TF is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn TF Off", "Transform (OFF)")]
''Bestiality Content:'' (if:$Bestiality is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Bestiality is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Bestiality is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Bestiality On", "Bestiality (ON)")](if:$Bestiality is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Bestiality Off", "Bestiality (OFF)")]
''Warning:'' //This game contains various fetishes and kinks that you as the reader cannot toggle on and off! Such as Ageplay, Large Dongers, Shotacon and copious amounts of gay sex involving younger characters.
The companion characters serve to focus on specific kinks but this does not mean that only their route will include said kinks, or just those kinks! So use this handy dandy toggle page to switch off some of the weirder junk you aren't into yourself!//
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")[[Return To Menu->Game Menu]]
''Cboy Content:'' (if:$Cboy is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Cboy is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Cboy is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Cboys On", "Cboys (ON)")](if:$Cboy is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Cboys Off", "Cboys (OFF)")]
''Pregnancy Content:'' (if:$Pregnancy is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Pregnancy is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Pregnancy is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Pregnancy On", "Pregnancy (ON)")](if:$Pregnancy is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Pregnancy Off", "Pregnancy (OFF)")]
''Mind Control / Hypnosis:'' (if:$Hypno is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Hypno is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Hypno is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Hypnosis ON", "Hypno (On)")](if:$Hypno is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Hypnosis Off", "Hypno (OFF)")]
''Chastity Content:'' (if:$Chastity is 1)[(text-colour:lime)[''On'']](if:$Chastity is 2)[(text-colour:red)[''Off'']]
(if:$Chastity is 2)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Chastity On", "Chastity (ON)")](if:$Chastity is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Turn Chastity Off", "Chastity (OFF)")]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''//When starting a chapter you will need to retoggle your kinks.//''](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img
See More On <a href="https://inkbunny.net/HoukaKyouryuu" target="https://inkbunny.net/HoukaKyouryuu">''Inkbunny''</a>.
Support Me On <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/kingofdetention" target="https://subscribestar.adult/kingofdetention">''SubscribeStar''</a>.
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Coding help by <a href="https://inkbunny.net/alomo34" target="https://inkbunny.net/alomo34">''Alomo34''</a> and art by <a href="https://subscribestar.adult/aenomaly" target="https://subscribestar.adult/aenomaly">''Aenomaly''</a>.
''Special Thanks To My SubscribeStar Supporters!''
ManiacalMercury, Cody N, NeoPatamonX,
Nectrus, Seph, Lumocity, LunarMouser,
David T, RazzlePanda, Jacoby.
](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping through the smaller city in southern Lindwood, the slums quickly came into view. Many wooden shacks had been built up over the years along the outside of the city walls, the further out you went the more tents you would find.
The slums had grown rapidly over the past few years, Aster himself wasn't entirely sure why. But the boy knew that he was rather lucky to have a place to stay at the Sleeping Serpent Inn, he could easily have ended up living out here if the orphanage didn't take him in when he was small.(if:$Koen is 3)[
Wandering through the slums, Aster was actually a bit suprised to spot a familiar young rabbit, Koen! Who seemed to be handing out what looked to be food and water alongside a few other acolytes... (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"See what Koen is up to?", "Koen P3")]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Southern Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Taking a quick trip around the outskirts of the warehouses, there wasn't much to find. In fact, Aster for the most part wasn't able to venture too far into the area due to a few guards patrolling. After being told that the area wasn't safe for boys his age the boy sighed and turned back the way he came.
At least the view of the ocean was rather nice during the walk back towards the main docks!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->The Harbour]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Peaking into the arcane accessories, Aster could see a few baubles tucked away in glass cases or held out of reach. It was filled with odd decorations and knick-knacks with simple enchantments to them, but still, most things of that nature still cost more than Aster made on average.
In the back, he could see the large cabinet, glass doors housing wondrous objects with more... Useful enchantments, things adventurers would use. With a little sigh, the boy sadly stepped away from the shop.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Market District]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Peaking through the gates, the grounds seemed to have a central plaza that each had a path leading to one of the various buildings. Aster didn't know much about the crafters guild aside from it being a good place to learn a trade in Lindwood, but they only took people who already had a skill that could be developed by the guild.
None of the buildings had signs he could see from the road or any other indication as to what building housed what guild. Over all. the grounds seemed rather sparse, but he did see a few people conversing outside of one building.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Back.->Western Lindwood]]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[(if:$Pimp is 1)[Aster stepped inside with a little grumble, looking around at the rather... Mundane-looking building, he expected something a bit more overtly sexual but that actually didn't make a lot of sense.
The rabbitfolk chuckled as the boy glanced around. "No need to be nervous, though I can't say we often get customers your age. Are you by chance looking for work? We do employ those of your age if you are looking to earn plenty of coin." The man said as he stood up and walked towards Aster, looking the boy over curiously.
The boy opened his mouth to speak, but he wasn't given much of a chance to explain why he had come inside before the rabbitfolk put an arm around the boy's shoulder and started to pull him along. "Come come, I am sure the boss would love to meet a new prospect!](if:$Pimp is 2)[Stepping back inside of the brothel, Aster cautiously looked around with a little sigh. "Uhm... I was told to come back at some point. Something about a mentor, new hire and all that..." The boy said quietly, still not having fully come to terms with it.
The rabbitfolk cocked his eyebrow and chuckled. "Awww... Sorry kiddo, the boss isn't here right now. You will have to come back later, sorry." The man said with a playful grin. "Unless you'd like a first-hand lesson from yours truly...~"
Aster frowned, he wasn't sure if he liked this guy just yet... Shaking his head, the young fox turned around and left the brothel and the rabbitfolk man behind. Seems he wasn't able to work here just yet!]]
(if:$Pimp is 1)[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Wait, What!?", "Eric S1")
](t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Head Back.", "Residential District")
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[[(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"blur")(link-goto:"Menu", "Game Menu")] ] ]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Tonric visibly perked up when he saw Aster step inside. "Oh hey! So how did it go?" The boy said with a grin on his face as he tossed the broom he was using aside.
"Oh, it went okay. Still kind of confused in all honesty, they seemed to know what the stone was but it seemed like... Something out of a story, or something." The young fox said with a quiet chuckle.
Tonric cocked his head to the side. "Well, what was it then? Wait, what do you mean from a story? It's not some kind of, ancient all powerful magic artifact or something... Wait, is it?" he said, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Tell Him About The Stone.->Tell Him About Stone]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster paused for a moment, the priestess told him to be careful telling people about this but Tonric was the boys closest friend. Shaking off any doubts the young fox toon the pendant out of his pocket and held it up.
"Well... I don't think so no, it's called a Fragment of Possibility or at least that's what they told me." The boy said, sitting Tonric down and explaining to the best of his ability everything the woman had told him.
Tonric was visibly getting excited as the two conversed, once the subject of Aster having to head out on a journey of sorts got brought up the young human jumped up with a grin on his face. "Really!? Ohh, perfect timing!"
Aster was a bit taken aback when Tonric jumped up. "Ahh, what do you mean perfect timing?" it was hard not to get excited himself as he proccessed all of this information but the boy was still pretty nervous.
"Wait here!" Tonric said, gesturing for Aster to stay seated before he scrambled off and climbed back up to the second floor, the sound of wooden crates being moved around hastily could be heard.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wait At Tonrics Request.->A New Sword]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sat there for a moment, mulling over things in his head. This really was the chance of a life time, but there was something in the back of his head... Doubt, was he really ready for this?
The sound of Tonric hurrying back down the ladder brought the boy out of his thoughts, watching his friend rush over with something wrapped in leather and cloth held in both of his arms.
"Alright, I was going to give you this after our next lesson. But I think now is a way better time, here!" The young human unwrapped the object and held it out to Aster with a big smile on his face.
Aster stood there, stunned as he looked over the sword his friend was trying to give him. A very knew looking pristine scabard housing a short blade, it was by no means fancy but it still looked... Way too new to be cheap!
"How did you get this...!?" Aster asked, his eyes darting up to meet Tonrics gaze.
Tonric scoffed, pushing the sheathed blade into his friends arms with chuckle. "No questions, only gifts."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take The Sword.->A Gift Given]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox took the sword in both of his arms, his expression twisting to one of flustered confusion. "Tonric, this had to be really expensive...!"
The boy just shrugged and crossed his arms. "A bit, but I had been saving up for a while. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday a few months ago but I couldn't get enough by then soo I was goin to suprise you in a few weeks heh." the boy said, a big smile on his face.
"Yeah but- Something like this still had to cost more then you could make working at the farm, I feel bad you spent this much on me." The young fox said as he stood up with the sword in hand.
Tonric scoffed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it seriously, we aren't gonna argue over what has already been bought. Plus, you would have needed something like this anyway wouldn't you?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[He Has A Point.->A Gift Accepted]]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["...Okay, you have a good point. Fine, seriously though... Thank you." The young fox said with a little huff as he looked down to the sword, carefully taking hold of the handle and unsheathing it.
The blade reflected light with a pristine clarity, obviously never having seen battle before. While Aster was no blacksmith he could tell this wasn't one of poor quality...
Tonric snickered as his friend admired the gift. "How's the weight? It's a bit lighter then a normal sword I believe, but neither of us are all that strong so I didn't want to get something too heavy."
Aster nodded, turning to give it a careful swipe through the air. "Yeah, it actually feels pretty good. Still heavier then the training blades though." The fox said with a nod before sheathing the sword carefully.
"Good! Cause now it's time to go get you registered at the adventueres guild, hehe. I gotta head down to the farm for a bit anyway soo it's on our way!" The human said with a grin.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wait, What?->The Envelope]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Wait, get registered?" The boy asked with a confused expression as he hugged the sheathed blade close to his chest.
"Well yeah, don't you need one from the association to carry a weapon around with you openly in the city if you aren't a guard? Plus that means you can also take on guild work while you are traveling around!" Tonric said with a confident nod.
"That's a good point... I don't think I have enough to get registered though, plus don't you need to pass some sort of test?" Aster asked as he walked towards one of the bails of hay, relucantly stashing his new sword inside of it for now.
"Or, you get a recomendation, whiiich..." The boy paused, taking an envelop out of his pocket and holding it up. "I got from our teacher, he said you were ready to take on light work after our last lesson, so I begged him to write it up." Tonric said, his chest puffed out.
"...Seriously how long have you been preparing this?" Aster asked, not exactly annoyed with Tonric but he was trying to look the part.
Tonric just laughed and tossed the envelop to Aster. "Inside is the registration fee as well, he offered to front that part luckily... And oh, for a while now. It is our dream to become adventurers, isn't it?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Our Dream...->Shared Dream]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Luckily Tonric seemed a bit winded after a few minutes. Aster was barely able to keep up at that point. Wheezing a little as he grabbed onto Tonrics shoulder to make him slow down. "C'mon I'm gonna die at this rate, and you said you had farm stuff right...?"
Tonric laughed a bit, finally slowing down. "Oh, yeah just a little bit nothing crazy." He said before taking a moment to catch his breath as the two continued down the main road of the eastern district.
Aster nodded. "Hmm... Maybe I should come help today, you had to do all the work around the stables today after all." The boy said with a little sigh.
Tonric shrugged. "If you want, but you still need to do everything tonight don't you? Plus, have you even spoken to Rhut about what you were told at the cathedrel yet?"
"...Right, I should do that. I mean I don't plan on leaving today or anything... Actually, I have no idea when I'm going to leave." The boy said, feeling the gemstone through his pocket again as the familiar building of the Adventureres Assosciation came into view.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[To The Guild.->In The Guild]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Our dream..." The young fox said quietly to himself as he caught the envelope with both hands, they had been taking lessons for the past few years now to try and hopefully become adventuerers, but now it was all happening so suddenly.
"Yep! Now come on, we gotta go get you signed up so I can get to work." The human said as he grabbed Asters wrist and excitedly pulled him out of the Stables.
"H-hey slow down!" Aster said, laughing a bit as he stumbled but managed to catch himself. The young fox pulled his wrist free but did his best to keep up with his friend as the boy dashed around the inn and onto the main road.
Tonric didn't comply, he just laughed as he quickly made his way down the streets of Lindwood. There was only one goal on that boys mind now and Aster knew that he wouldn't be able to disuade him even if he wanted.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Try To Keep Up->Through Lindwood]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[As the two approached the guild hall Aster felt the same feeling of doubt bubble up in his stomach. But, before he could step back he felt Tonric slap his back hard and push him forward. "H-hey...!" Aster yelped from the hit.
Tonric grabbed the door, opening up quickly and dragging the reluctant fox inside. "C'mon hurry up we can't loiter around all day!" The boy said with a snicker.
Aster gave in, allowing himself to get dragged inside of the guild and right up to the counter. But he stayed rather quiet though as Tonric called out for someone to come help them.
Out from the back came an older looking human woman who gave them both a bit of a skeptical look. "Ahh... Got a job to submit?" She said, leaning over the counter on her elbows.
Tonric shook his head, gesturing to Aster with his hand. "Nope, he's coming to apply for a guild liscence... And, he has a reccomendation to boot!... Psst, that's your queue give her the thing." The boy said, nudging Aster with his elbow.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take Out The Envelope.->The Guild Manager]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster was nervous but excited, his friends upbeat attitude was helping him beat down his doubts. So with a quiet gulp the boy took out the envelope and held it out to the woman. "Here you go." The boy said.
The woman stared down Aster for a moment before she took the envelope, opening it up and dumping the coin out into her free hand with a little 'hmmn' before finally taking out the letter and reading it.
"...Right, kinda young though... Ah, I guess we do have a few younger guild members. Letter from Matov though, not the worst reccomendation. He retired before I started but, still a respectable guy." She said before setting the letter down with a sigh.
"Alright, fee is here by the looks so I can sign you up at novice rank. But that means you can't take any jobs beyond that until you have proven yourself, if you aren't able to prove yourself capable within two years then you are out of the guild, that's how we handle reccomendations... Sound fair?" The woman said, crossing her arms while watching Aster closely.
She was, intimidating... Stern face, star along her cheek. She by no means looked manly but her frame was hardened with muscles that showed her experience, her long red hair had an almost fiery fade to it and her skin was a darker tone then most of the humans from Legalia.
Wait, she asked something didn't she?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Reply!->She's An Alheet]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy straightened his back and nodded quickly. "Y-yes ma'am, understood!" He said with a meek smile, he couldn't help but feel nervous and embarassed and the womans disatisfied expression was making it work.
Luckily, she seemed to chuckle once the boy spoke up. "Good, hopefully you suprise me... Alright, the names Reyka. I manage the books here at the association currently, from your staring I assume you haven't ever met an Alheet before?" She said, placing the registration fee into a small pouch on her hip.
Tonric chimed in before Aster could speak up. "Ohh, I have heard of the Alheet. I heard they are a tribe of warriors all the way from Dominus right?" He said, gesturing to the womans hair. "Known for the fiery tone to their hair!"
Reyka chuckled a bit and nodded towards Tonric. "Seems you're a well red kid, but yeah that's the jist of it. But, we aren't here to talk about me kids... Wait, are you signing up as well?" She said, turning her attention to Tonric.
The boy shook his head. "No, I'm not done my training yet so I don't have a reccomendation myself, but I plan to in the future." He said with a little sigh.
Aster frowned as he looked to Tonric, but the other boy just smiled to him and gestured with his head back towards the woman. "It's alright, I'm going to head out to work you do whatever boring paperwork you gotta do here."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time To Do Paperwork...->Adventurer Liscence Get!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster wanted to do this with Tonric, but with a sad nod he agreed. "Alright, I guess paperwork would be super boring and you do have to get going. See you later then?"
Tonric rolled his eyes and slapped Aster on the shoulder. "Cheer up! You're going to be an adventurer, I'm just a bit behind is all so don't get all glum on me this is an exciting day." He said with a little huff and a nod.
The young fox flinched at the hit but in the end his friend was right, giving him another nod. "Alright alright! Go do your exciting farm work then alrighty." The young fox said with a little laugh.
Without another word Tonric left with a big grin on his face, despite not being a guild member himself the boy seemed more then thrilled that Aster was getting the opportunity was done.
Once his friend was gone though, Aster turned his attention back to Reyka who guided the boy over to a table off to the side. Starting with simple questions, clarifying his name and age...
It took about an hour to get everything done, he had to tell Reyka about his training and what he could do and then spent a good while learning how the guild functioned and what he couldn't do. Once their chat was done, Reyka left to go back to her work after giving the boy an encouraging pat on the back.
The rules were simple, common sense really. Not to mess with the other members, not to take jobs beyond his capabilities and to not dishonor the association in anyway. Aside from that, now with his badge in hand he had a lot of perks... And it was all thanks to Tonric.
Aster was now an adventurer, on paper at least.]
(set: $Tonric to 2)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Adventurers Guild")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Tonrics Tale", "Farmland")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster hurried along the dirt path, Tonric had a pretty good head start on him and it was still a bit of a walk. But finally he made it to the path that lead up to the small farm his friend had been helping around and luckily, Tonric was just coming out of the owners house as Aster ran up the path.
"Hey!" The young fox called out as he dashed up to the porch, waving to his friend. "Sorry it took a while, but I'm here to help out if you need it still."
Tonric waved back and made his way down to the steps. "Oh hey, I thought you would be going back to the inn and working there? Well, I could use some help tidying up around here... Oh, wait how did it go anyway?"
Aster chuckled and pulled out his badge, showing it off to Tonric. "You didn't miss much, but I did get this sooo It's official I guess. Only a novice member though, so I can't really do a whole lot yet."
Tonric smirked and gestured for the other boy to follow him. "Guess you have officially surpassed me then, c'mon you can help me tidy up the chicken pens then as an apology."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Follow Tonric.->Best Friends Banter]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quietly approached the short reptile and tried his best to follow the other boy's gaze, he seemed to be eyeing a shelf a good three or four feet above him, or at least the books on it. "You need some help?" The young fox asked as he stepped up next to the other boy.
The kobold just shook his head. "No, I was just having trouble deciding what one I wanted to take out... I'm nearly at my limit for today, but I think I know what one I want." The boy said before snapping his fingers, much to Aster's amazement one of the books high above the kobold quickly lifted off the shelf and gently lowered down to him, a small spectral hand gripping it by the spine.
"Woah... Never seen a spell like that before!" The young fox said, his mouth hanging agape slightly. It seemed like a rather basic trick, but it was still far beyond anything Aster could dream of doing.
The other boy turned to Aster and cocked his head. "Really? It's actually a pretty simple incantation, most spell casters learn it early in their studies." The young looking reptile said, looking up to Aster with a hint of curiosity.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[That Makes Him... A Wizard!->He's A Wizard!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Finding himself once more inside of the cathedral, the young fox paused for a moment... He should probably find that young rabbit boy, the priestess did say he could take an acolyte with him on his journey after all.
Shaking his head, the young fox started to look around the room. Eventually he releted and walked up to one of the clergy members in hopes of finding the boy. "Uhm, sorry to interupt but do you know if Koen is currently around."
"Oh, you're looking for Koen? I do believe he is actually here in the cathedral right now. He had been called in to speak with Sister Adela not long ago, one moment let me go see if they are finished." The woman said before giving Aster a polite bow and walking towards the same door Aster had been guided through when he visited last.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[No Choice But To Wait.->Wait For Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster rolled his eyes and followed closely beside the other boy. "I mean, if I remember correctly you only have beaten me maybe once in a sword fight..." The fox said with a grin.
Tonric scoffed, leading his friend towards the chicken coop. "Look just because you are better with a sword then I am doesn't mean you will make a better adventurer, I have a lot going for me."
The fox chuckled. "Yeah, what happened to your reccomendation then?" The boy chimed in, giving Tonric a little nudge with his elbow.
The boy grumbled and shoved Aster back. "I will get one eventually, and when I do I will rank up in the guild faster then you! Just you watch, we are both gonna beocme legends. I will just be a tiiiny bit better then you~"
Aster couldn't help but laugh, having to hold his stomach a little. "Ohh, I'm gonna hold you to that then... But if you aren't, you can at least be my assistant."
Tonric grumbled again as he grabbed the coops handle. "We will see who the assistant is going to be, but for now... Partners!" The boy said, pulling open the door and quickly stepping inside.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Enter The Chicken Coop.->Chicken Coop]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Following the boy inside, Aster looked around the small coop. Their heads nearly hit the ceiling but at least most of the chickens were outside in their little fenced off area.
Minus one that was sitting in the corner, staring at them intently. Tonric gestured to it and looked to Aster. "Oh, thats Pi... She's weird, don't get too close otherwise you will get pecked to death for sure. Anyway, lets tidy up in here then we can go clean up the barn."
Aster watched the chicken for a moment, before giving Tonric a nod. "O... Kay... Oh the barn? Nice, I wanna see the cows again they are friendly." He said with a little snicker. ]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Enter The Chicken Coop.->Tidy Coop]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Doing their best to avoid the strange chicken in the corner of the pen, both boys worked hard to tidy the area up. While Aster swept the pen Tonric took the time to check on the door and tighten the screws with a little sigh. "Something keeps trying to get inside, nearly pulled the door off by the looks of it..."
Aster paused for a moment and thought. "Hmmn... I'd make a joke about foxes but I don't think they are strong enough to do that." The boy said with a giggle.
Tonric shrugged, messing with the latch on the door before a chicken came up the ramp and barged right in past the boy. "Dunno, they can be super tenacious if not a little bit annoying." Tonric replied with a smirk. "But I think it's fixed, bit scratched up but holding together just fine."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue.->The Weird Chicken]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster looked to the chicken in the corner again, it hadn't even moved. Just sat there, unblinking as it looked between the two boys. "...Seriously, is that thing okay?"
Tonric looked at it then shrugged. "Dunno, animals all have different personalities so I think she's just a little weird. Anyway, ready to help with the barn?" The boy asked, looking back to Aster.
The young fox nodded, brushing the last of the mess out of the door. "Yup, we are gonna have to clean up poop aren't we...?"
Tonric laughed and got up, marching out of the coop with a nod. "Probably a little bit! C'mon lets get the gear to do it, gotta suit up properly!" The boy said, he was way too energetic about this.
Aster sighed and stepped out of the coop, closing the door behind him after gently pushing an attempted escapee chicken back inside. "Alright alright, wait for me." The boy said, making sure the door was shut tight before following his friend towards the barn.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[To The Barn!->The Barn]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Getting a few more heavy duty cleaning supplies and a pair of boots dedicated to working around the barn in, both the boys were relieved to find not much actual work to be done.
Tidying up the floor and refilling the feed was all pretty easy, once the worst of it was done Aster happily took a moment to make his way over to one of the cows. Just like always, they were friendly and seemed to enjoy a little bit of attention.
Tonric watched his friend pet the cows and just snickered. "So, any ideas what you are gonna do for this mystical pilgrimage of yours?" The boy asked as he dumped the first of many buckets into one of the water troughs
Aster paused for a moment, before simply shrugging. "I don't know... I think, I will at least head to the capital first? I have always wanted to see Alderdeen, but after that I have no clue."
Tonric seemed to perk up. "Ohh, yeah from there you can probably check out any place in Legalia with ease. Although I guess we are a little closer to Nuxvar right now... You gonna go all the way to Wheldrake or something?"
The boy thought for a moment then shook his head. "Naw, I don't think I wanna go to Wheldrake I hear it's kind of chilly even in the warmer months there! Maybe... Huh, I really don't know what I want to do after that."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Contemplate A Bit.->No Need For A Plan]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster grumbled, following the other boy as he called out. "You better not have spent anymore damn money or I swear I will try that new sword on you...! I could probably still kick your ass with it sheathed." The young fox said, shaking his fist as he ran.
Tonric laughed and climbed up the steps. "Probably, but don't worry this isn't anything I spent money on, just give me a sec!" The boy said before he dissappeared into the old wooden house.
Aster sighed, stopping at the bottom of the steps with his arms crossed... Really, why did Tonric have to go out of his way with everything he did. Aster appreicated all of this support, but he could tell the other boy was still a bit sad about everything that was happening.
He wanted to ask if Tonric would go with him, but it may end up being really dangerous. The sound of the door opening back up brought Aster out of his thoughts, the grinning face of his friend with a large box in hand just made him snort out a little laugh.
Tonric brought the box down and set it down on the steps. "Here, Mr.Dalo apparently tried to become an adventurer when he was our age and saved some of his old stuff, said we could have it!"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Look Inside!->Inside The Box]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster perked up, sitting down next to the box before opening it up. "Really? I wonder what kind of stuff he has- Is this a knife?" Aster said, pulling a sheathless dagger right out of the box.
Tonric snickered and dug through the box, luckily pulling out a small sheath that matched the dagger. "Must have slipped out, doesn't seem to like staying in there so you should be careful."
Setting the dagger aside once it had been resheathed, both of the boys dug through the box item by item. A few old cloaks and a rather nice looking backpack caught Asters eye, even a pair of goggles!
"Huh... Wow there is a lot of stuff here, not many tools but this stuff must have been expensive back when he was a kid." The fox mused, looking over the goggles closely. They seemed pretty old, but weren't in that bad of a condition aside from a crack along one of the lenses.
Tonric smirked and tossed one of the cloaks at Aster. "Try some of it on! It's old, but it's better then nothing so perfect starter stuff." The boy said, staring at Aster expectantly.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Well, Try It On!->Try It On]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[With everything tucked back in the box Aster knelt down to pick it up carefully. "Alright, guess I should take this back then? Add it to the stash of stuff you wont stop giving me." The boy said with a grin.
Tonric nodded. "Yeah, there is way less to do around here then I thought so how about we meet in the market in the market later today? I'm gonna sit and help Mr and Mrs.Dalo for a little bit around the house, but when I got here they said I could leave once things were tidied."
Making sure he had a good grip on the box Aster nodded to Tonric and turned. "Alright, can't say I wanna sit around with old people all that much eheh, no offense. Mrs.Dalo can chat for hours if you let her..."
Tonric laughed and nodded. "Yeah, but she appreciates the company. Don't worry though I get it, you head back and we can meet up later." The boy said, waving as Aster started down the path.
Leaving the farm behind, Aster happily made his way back to Lindwood. With his new goodies in hand the young fox returned to the Sleeping Serpent and slinked off to the stables so he could put the box up next to his bed.
Aster took a little bit to look through the box again, before retrieving his new sword and setting it down on top of the box... Today, had been a pretty good day.]
(set: $Tonric to 3)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "The Stables")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Tonrics Tale", "Adventurer Supplies")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster chuckled and looked over the bandages. "Dunno, they might make it harder for me to get a good grip on them if they are too tight... But I guess they look a bit too old to actually use to properly bandage anything."
Tonric shrugged as he continued digging through the box, pulling out a pouch. "Yeah yeah... Oh, here it is! He actually had a little gold he had left in this box for who knows how long, but he said we could keep it and use it on some supplies... Not much really, but we could check out that adventurer supply shop in the markets later!"
The young fox eyed the bag, reaching out for it. Tonric complied and tossed it to Aster, checking inside... Three coins, but it was still enough to buy some basic supplied. "Oh nice, I really need to thank him for all of this."
Tonric nodded. "Yeah, he's laying down right now sadly but maybe you could come by tomorrow morning once he is up? He's been a bit sick recently after all that work we did around the farm the past few weeks."
Aster frowned a bit, but nodded. "Yeah, I will try to help out here until he is back on his feet as thanks for all this stuff..." The boy said, chuckling as he started to pull off the cloak. It felt silly to walk around town like this already, so the boy was content packing it back up in the box for now.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Pack Everything Up.->Packed Up]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster hopped up and pulled the cloak over his shoulders, clicking he button shut with a little grin on his face. He couldn't help but get a little excited, dressing the part was fun. Next came the goggles, putting those on top of his head felt a little bit silly but being able to easily pull them down over his eyes felt good.
Tonric laughed as he watched the other boy continue to get dressed, even helping Aster wrap some old cloth bandages around his hands. "There! Now you look ready to get into a fight."
"...Do I need the bandages? They feel kind of silly, I'm not really injured or anything." The boy said with a little snicker as he looked over his hands, flexing his fingers a bit.
The other boy scoffed a bit. "Says the one who put those goggles on so quickly, the bandages will help you keep a good grip on your sword for sure!" Tonric argued, nodding with a confident smirk on his face.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Debate!->Bandage Debate]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster continued to pet the cow idly in front of him, drifting off into thought about what he really wanted to do. Sure he had things he wanted to do and places he wanted to see but they were always thoughts and fantasies, having to put some sort of plan together was... Crazy.
"I mean, you don't really need to know right now I guess, just thought I'd ask." Tonric spoke up, breaking the silence. "I guess it's supposed to be about finding a path right? Alderdeen is probably the best place to do that, so good start!" He said with a little snicker.
Aster nodded slowly before turning to face Tonric. "Yeah, plus they said whoever I travel with could shape the journey or something like that... So I really gotta think about it."
Tonric fell silent for a moment, before chuckling and walking up to Aster. "Hey, don't he mad but I have another suprise for you. Here, come with me to the house."
The young fox furrowed his brow, but before he could speak up Tonric was already running out of the barn laughing.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Damnit... Follow Him!->Another Gift]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quietly waited outside of the shop, watching as customers came and went. Each one was geared up in a unique way, some with leathers and others even with a bit of metal plating. They usually showed up in small groups and always left with their packs stocked, large grins on their faces as they discussed what came next in their own personal journeys.
The association had normalized the trade many years ago, at this point an adventurer was more or less a mercenary and Aster was fully aware of that. But still, the lifestyle was very alluring... Seeing new places, helping people and making discoveries. Sure, it wasn't all glamorous; most had to take up mundane work or simple jobs to keep their coin pouches full but to Aster that was just part of what made the exceptional moments that much more important.
Lost in his own thoughts, the young fox didn't hear his friend call to him from down the road or even notice as Tonric grew closer and closer. But once the other boy grabbed his shoulders from behind and yelled his name. "ASTER!" did the boy finally snap back to reality!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Spin Around!->Spin Around]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster yelped loudly and spun to face the human, startled expression quickly shifting to one of annoyance as the boy watched Tonric burst out into laughter.
"Hahaha! Really, lost in your own daydreams again? In the middle of the market though, c'mon that's a little dangerous don't you think?" Tonric prodded, gently poking the fox in his stomach a few times.
Aster swat the other boys hand away and huffed. "N-not cool! You nearly gave me a heart attack, why didn't you just call out to me or something?"
The boy stopped laughing, huffing in return as he crossed his arms. "I did, you were just so far gone you didn't even hear me."
The young fox flushed a bit, grumbling as he tried to come up with some sort of retort. Failing to do so Aster just sighed and gestured with his head to the shop. "Alright alright, should we go inside then?"
Tonric grinned, giving the other boy a nod. "That's what we came here for!" He said, before grabbing Aster’s wrist and quickly pulling the boy towards the door.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Get Pulled Along->Pulled Along]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Letting Tonric pull him along, both boys made their way inside of the shop. Quickly getting distracted by a few of the things on display, the owner seemed to be a bit busy with a few customers so neither of them were paid much mind.
"Seriously, who would need this much rope?" Tonric asked as he hoisted up a massive bundle of coiled ropes together. Woah, four hundred feet? No wonder it's so heavy." The boy said as he dropped it back into the bin.
Aster snickered, gesturing to one of the shelves. "You think that's odd, you ever see these bags of little metal ball thingies? Gotta be a couple hundred in these bags, what would you even use them for?" The boy said with a little snicker.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[How Dare He!->How Dare He!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Tonric leaned in a bit closer and snorted. "Aster, it says one thousand on the sign here. Did you even read it?" The boy said with a smirk.
The young fox flushed a bit and swatted at Tonrics shoulder. "Don't make me get one just so I can spill it across the ground of the barn, make you clean it all up... They'd get stuck in the dirt and everything!"
As the two bickered, the shop owner stepped out from the counter and walked towards them. "Excuse me, can I help you? This isn't a place for kids to goof around."
Tonric spoke up before Aster could. "Hey! He got admitted to the guild today, we are here to get him some first time supplies." Tonric said, nudging Aster with his shoulder. "Go on, show him your badge."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Show The Badge->Show Badge]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster grumbled, he was a little embarrassed that the two had gotten a bit rowdy and had gotten into trouble. But Tonric was right, they were customers this time! Digging through his pockets, the young fox took out his badge and held it out to the shop owner.
The man stared down at the badge for a moment, raising an eyebrow before giving Aster a bit of a once over. "I see... Alright, my apologies. But try not to cause any trouble, if you want to get some beginner supplies I have a few pre-packed bags over on that shelf." He said, gesturing over his shoulder to a large shelf close to the counter.
Tonric smiled and grabbed Aster's wrist. "Awesome, let's go check them out!" The boy said already pulling Aster towards their next destination without a care in the world.
"Don't knock anything over." The shop keep said, watching them for a moment longer before returning back to the counter, apologizing to the customers.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[To The Shelf!->Starter Pack]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The duo made their way over to the shelf, it only had three packs set on the middle shelf but even at a first glance they seemed stocked full of things. They even had bedrolls tied to the tops and a little bit of rope hanging from the side!
Aster scratched his chin and gently pulled one of the bags off the shelf so he could look through it. "Oh, wow this is kind of heavy... What's even in here?" The boy said, opening up to the top.
Tonric shrugged, helping look through the bag. "Let's see... Looks like some stuff to eat food with, water skin and some stuff to light fires. Yeah looks like some real basic stuff, not sure why it has string or a few other things in here... Kinda seems like junk."
The young fox snickered and closed the bag. "I mean, Adventurers can make use of anything right? Then I guess you just aren't creative enough to think of a use."
Tonric scoffed and crossed his arms. "Oh I can think of uses, but this would be a good start. It costs most of what we have right now though, see?" The boy said, pointing to the shelf the bag had been sitting on.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[To The Shelf!->Starter Discussion]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster looked back to the shelf, spotting the little sign that had the price on it. It was a good portion of what they had, but it seemed like the best bet if the owner recommended it. "Yeah... Maybe we can ask the shopkeep for a few more recommendations with our budget."
Tonric paused for a moment and tapped his chin. "Hmmm... Well, you need to get some food supplies for sure. Maybe a knife of some kind, those always come in handy." The boy mused.
The young fox puffed up his cheeks and nudged the other boy. "Lets not get ahead of ourselves, gotta wait our turn and get the owners help."
Tonric just chuckled and gave Aster a shrug before gesturing to the small group in front of them. "Be my guest and get in line then."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Get In Line.->Get In Line]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded, quickly shuffling into place behind the other group so he could wait until they concluded their business. The young fox felt his heart racing, buying this stuff was another step towards setting out on his own journey.
Looking back over his shoulder, Tonric was distracted looking at one of the nearby shelves. Aster was supposed to pick someone to go with him, but all of this time Tonric had only been going out of his way to get Aster things and not stuff for the both of them.
They were going to do this journey together, weren't they? The young fox was about to speak up but the owner called to him. Quickly turning his attention to the counter, the other group had already started to leave and now the owner was watching Aster intently.
"So, did you find what you needed?" The man asked.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Step Up To The Counter.->At The Counter]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The boy stepped up to the counter, lifting the bag up on top of it with a nod. "Yeah for the most part, I think this will do? Might need some recommendations though in all honesty..." The young fox said with a nervous giggle.
Tonric quickly came up next to Aster and smacked a sizable sheathed dagger onto the table. "This as well! Always good to have one in your pack." The boy said with a few quick nods, grinning as he looked at Aster.
Aster sighed and gave the owner a nod, taking out the coins he had left on him and placing them on the counter. "This is all I have, if there is anything else you think I'd need that I can afford let me know. This will sort of be my first time going out, uhm. Not for a while still though, so if there are any things I should really have but can't afford I think I have time to try and earn that coin..." The young fox explained.
"I see..." The man said, pulling the coin across the table before counting it out piece by piece. "You won't really have much left, but I'd recommend getting a few extras. If you're a new guild member I can probably give you a little deal I suppose." He said, scratching his chin.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[A Deal!?->A Great Deal]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster's eyes lit up at the mention of a deal, nodding quickly the young fox leaned against the counter. "Really? That would be awesome, thank you."
The man chuckled, shaking his head. "Ahh.. No need to thank me, I'd rather someone as young as you be properly equipped. I can't give you anything expensive but, here let me fill out this bag a bit more." He said with a sigh, taking the bag and moving out from behind the counter.
Aster followed along, watching as the shopkeep took a few more items and added them to the pack. It wasn't much, but each item was described as something a bit essential to a new adventurer.
Tonric nudged the fox as they walked, speaking quietly under his voice. "Look at you, getting the special treatment."
The fox huffed, shoving Tonric in response. "Sh-shh... Don't be rude, we are getting extra here, that's really good." He said, sticking his tongue out at Tonric.
The boy chuckled in response. "Whatever you said, oh hey how about we head back to the Inn after this and get something to eat. Kinda starving after all the walking and work today..." Tonric said, putting a hand to his stomach.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Food Does Sound Good.->Heavy Bag]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster cocked his head at the subject change, but the slight rumble in his stomach at the mention of food made him chuckle. "Right... I haven't eaten anything today, yeah let's head back."
It seemed the shopkeep was done adding to the bag and returning to the counter, he seemed to be going over a few things inside as the boys approached once more. "Alright, I got a few things here to help set up a proper camp. No tent or anything mind you, but you should have no problems preparing food." He said with a nod.
Aster smiled, trying to take the bag off the counter but was quickly caught off guard by the weight and stumbled for a moment. Luckily, he was able to get a good grip on it and hoisted it up. "Oh... Wow this is going to take some getting used to, might have to do some training walking around with this on for a few weeks before I leave to go anywhere." The boy said with a snicker.
Tonric chuckled, prodding at the bag and attempting to lift it out of Aster's arms. He seemed a bit surprised at the weight as well, though a grin spread across his face. "I bet I'd have no problem carrying that around."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Thank The Shopkeeper.->Thank The Shopkeeper]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster looked at the shopkeeper and smiled. "Thanks again, if I get any more coin before I leave for the city I will come by and get a few more things that you recommend for sure."
The man nodded, arms crossed as he stared down at the two boys. "Good, you always need to leave prepared. Even if some of the things here seem silly, anything can end up saving your life... Alright, now get going I have other customers to deal with."
Aster looked back, someone else had entered the shop just after them so with a little yelp he shoved Tonric off to the side. Laughing a bit as he looked at the other boy. "So, back to the inn then for some food?"
Tonric nodded with a big grin on his face. "Seems like it, I think we are both out of coin now... So, only thing left to do is have some of Yeudas cooking!" The boy said with a chuckle.]
(set: $Tonric to 4)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Head There With Tonric", "Tonric P4")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Meet Up With Tonric Later", "Market District")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster made his way up to the counter, calling over to Rhut in hopes of catching the man's attention. It had been a pretty busy day in the end and his stomach rumbled a bit louder than the boy had hoped, maybe he should have eaten before going out.
Luckily the orcish innkeep was only tidying up behind the bar so with a little grunt he hopped up and looked to the young fox. "Oh, you're back. How did your little trip up to the cathedral go?" The man asked, smirking down at the young fox.
The boy simply shrugged in response. "Got told a lot of crazy stuff out of a story, but guess I'm not the chosen one or anything at least." The boy said with a little snicker. "I can tell you more about it though, say over a bowl of stew?" Aster said with a little grin.
Rhut snorted out a laugh and patted the counter. "I see how it is, fine fine I will go get something from the kitchen you go sit down with Tonric." The man said, gesturing towards a table the human had already secured for the two of them.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Join Tonric At The Table->Join Tonric]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster snickered. "Thank you, Rhut." The boy said, turning his attention towards Tonric who was trying to wave him over. "No need to rush if a customer ends up needing something, I will be sitting over with Tonric for now."
With that the boy turned and made his way across the room, grinning at Tonric once he reached the table. "Stew has been achieved, well in a couple minutes at least." Aster said with a giggle as he sat down across from Tonric.
Tonric nodded, leaning back in his chair with a big smile on his face. "Awesome, well I guess now we just wait..." The boy said as the two briefly fell silent, but it didn't take long for Tonric to speak up. "So... How does it feel, Mr. Adventurer to be." The boy asked with a wink.
Aster laughed nervously in response, taking a moment before actually replying. "Honestly... I have no idea, yesterday stuff was normal and now today everything has just kind of happened. Still processing it all, I'm excited but... Terrified at the same time."
Tonric nodded, listening as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. "Yeah that makes sense, but it's not like you are leaving tomorrow. Still got plenty of time to get prepared before you gotta start this journey of self discovery and future wrangling."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Conversation->Continue Convo T]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster frowned at how Tonric worded that. "You make it sound like I am going all on my own, remember I am supposed to find a traveling companion." The boy said with a nod.
The young human paused for a moment, then just chuckled before his expression faded to a much more neutral one. "Have you put any thought into who you are going to have join you yet?" The boy asked bluntly.
The young fox was a bit taken aback by the question, he hadn't really thought much about it. From the start he was going about this like both he and Tonric would undertake this journey together. "Uhm..."
Tonric sighed and nodded. "Thought so, Aster... C'mon, we both know I'm not really that good of a fighter. If I went with you, I wouldn't be of much help if things got dangerous... Plus, you know what else you'd have to deal with."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Think Of A Good Counter Argument...->Counter Argument]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster paused for a moment then shook his head. "We could figure it out, I thought you'd want to do this with me. I mean we both wanted to become adventurers." The boy said, frowning at Tonric.
The other boy sighed in response. "Yeah, and I don't have my letter of recommendation yet because our mentor is aware I'm not ready and I don't want to hold you back. I do want to go, but I don't want to make this harder for you." The young human said with a nod before flashing Aster a grin. "It just means I will be a little bit behind, and once you come back you will have a lot to show me when we both leave."
Aster shook his head. "Tonric, really it will be fine if we both go you wouldn't be holding me back at all. This is supposed to help direct my future to what I want..."
Tonric rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "And the person you take with you shapes that journey, I don't want to be the person that shapes it in a bad way by becoming a burden."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Reassure Him!->Reassure Him]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster puffed up his cheeks and smacked the table with both hands. "You aren't that bad with a sword and you wouldn't be the burden, we could figure out any of that together so stop talking like that." The young fox snapped, even catching Tonric off guard.
The other boy fell silent for a moment, before just breaking out into a quiet laugh. "Alright... Alright, fine, how about this. You have a few weeks till you planned on leaving, how about you take that time to think and see who else you could take? Get to know the adventurers guild."
Aster huffed. "Tonric-" But he was quickly cut off by the other boy.
"If you still want me to go with you I will. But if you end up finding someone else you want to take this first step with I wont be upset. I want this to go off without a hitch, it's your chance and I can still piggy back off you later." The human said with another nod, his tone wasn't angry or even sad but Aster still wasn't sure... "Plus, you could even try to use this as an opportunity to learn about your parents." Tonric added.
Aster fell silent for a moment, he hadn't even considered that...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[His Parents?->Asters Parents]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sat there, the idea of uncovering anything about his parents racing around in his mind. "I didn't even consider that... My parents? I guess I could try to figure that out while I am traveling." The young fox said, now staring down at the table. "What about yours?" He asked.
Tonric shrugged. "I don't really care to find out, I'm fine making something of my own life. I'm just a human, but you don't even know where your kind comes from, just vague ideas adventurers have mentioned... I mean, you don't have to if you really don't want to find out either."
"No, learning about my heritage would be nice... Whenever I ask folks they always mistake me for a Vullec at first which I think I am getting a bit big for at this point." Aster said with a quiet snicker.
But before Tonric could reply, the innkeeper startled both boys by setting their plates down after having appeared from nowhere. "You two alright, got a bit heated over here?" Rhut asked.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Whoops, They Did Get A Bit Loud.->They Got Loud]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox reached out and gently took one of the bowls, pulling it a bit closer to him. "Oh! Uhm, no things are fine we just... Ahh." Aster paused, trying to think up an excuse.
"We couldn't agree on what some of the stuff Aster got from the adventurers supply shop was for, ended up talking about how piton was supposed to be pronounced." Tonric said, snickering in response.
Rhut raised an eyebrow, looking between the two for a moment before simply shrugging and pulling a chair up at the edge of the table so he could sit down. "Supplies, huh? I assume that is related to the stone..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Explain The Situation To Rhut.->Rhut Rundown]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster took a few minutes to explain everything about the stone to Rhut, what it was supposed to be and what the priestess told him to do. The journey to shape his future and how he was supposed to take someone with him, of course he added on that the cathedral offered one of their acolytes as an aid to the journey but after that he felt silent for a moment.
Tonric chimed in with a grin. "He hasn't decided who to take yet, but it's not like you're leaving tonight or anything. You need to do a bit of training over the next few weeks!" The boy said with a playful chuckle, seems he had already finished his stew during Asters explanation.
Rhut nodded, giving Aster a pat on the shoulder. "I see, well if you intend on doing this journey you will have my blessings. I doubt I could stop you anyway, but let us know before you go... Yeuda would want to make sure you are properly stocked up for something like this." The man said with a calm smile.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Thank Rhut.->Thank The Innkeep]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster felt a bit of a weight lift off of his shoulder, smiling up at the innkeeper as he spoke. "Thank you, I will make sure I don't just vanish in the night or something."
The man laughed, patting Aster on the shoulder again but with a bit more force this time. "Good good, now you two enjoy your food. I need to get back to work." Rhut said as he stood up, pushing the chair in before giving both boys a nod and leaving them be.
Tonric chuckled and looked at Aster. "Did you plan on trying to sneak off or something?"
Aster shrugged. ""Dunno. Guess that that depended on how he reacted to the whole idea... But, well if he's okay with it." The boy said before taking a big spoonful of stew and cramming it into his mouth.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Finally, Enjoy Some Stew.->Enjoy Stew]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The two fell silent for a moment after that, the awkward tension from the earlier conversation still hanging in the air. After a moment, Tonric broke the silence. "Okay, I'm gonna go for a bit. I have some stuff around town I want to do... So, you think about what we said, okay?"
Aster grumbled, pushing his empty bowl aside. "Fine, but still it feels weird to think..." The young fox said, keeping his gaze down.
Tonric shook his head, gathering up their bowls quickly and standing one on the other. "I really won't be upset, you're my friend Aster. No, you're family to me. This is your journey, if you want me to go I will but if you end up finding someone who can help you discover what you want... Then please, go with them. You will just owe me later~" The boy said with a little chuckle.
Aster shot a glance at Tonric, but he was already starting to walk away... They were best friends, but Aster really never considered traveling with someone else. In the end, he had time... So, he would use this time wisely to reach a decision.]
(set: $Tonric to 5)(set: $Companion to 2)
''Tonrics Tale Has Been Concluded,
He Can Now Be Invited On A Journey.''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Resume Prologue", "The Sleeping Serpent Inn")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Hey! It's hard not to love food..." Aster said with a little pout as he gestured to his mostly empty bowl. "Plus getting to live here and learn from such a good cook, easy to pick up a lot of neat tricks." The boy said, puffing out his chest with a confident smile.
The human chuckled to himself, patting his stomach. "She always makes really filling stuff, feel like I'm gonna pass out... You better become as good as her, with that stone of yours I expect you to become a culinary expert!"
The young fox paused for a moment, he really could do that if he tried hard enough... At least, Aster thought he could. The stone wasn't all powerful but he already did love cooking. "...Maybe, huh wonder if I should give up traveling and dedicate myself to the kitchen."
Tonric sat up and waved his hands. "I didn't mean it like that! You can't just throw away a chance to set out on a journey like this..." The boy said, the panic obvious in his voice.
Aster laughed at the other boy's response. "I was joking! I'm not gonna pass up this chance... No matter what happens." The boy said, finishing off what remained in his bowl.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Food's All Gone...->Tonric Fin]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Finally getting a chance to enjoy his dinner, Aster took the time to eagerly eat the food Yeuda had prepared. As always she changed up a mundane recipe like stew and added an exotic flare to it. It smelled spicey, but a mouthful of it revealed the sweet and hot mixture of flavors.
Tonric chuckled, watching Aster eagerly devour his food. "You're gonna miss Yeuda’s food aren't you? Weren't you learning some of her recipes now that I think about it? Maybe you can get her to write up a few for you to take on your journey... I mean, you can probably get some of the stuff she gets depending on what sort of places you visit!" And there he goes again, phrasing it like that.
Aster sighed, but he couldn't help but smile at his friend's enthusiasm. "Maybe, I doubt I could get everything she uses but maybe she knows some easy to prepare recipes for when you're on the road... Actually, Stew kind of seems like one of the easiest... Well, you want to cook it for a while to get the meat really tender and to thicken everything up."
The human chuckled, shaking his head. "You really love food, don't you?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[It's Hard Not To Love Food!->Foodlover]]
(set: $CTF to 1)
''Cock Transformation Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Vore to 2)
''Vore Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Any choices leading to Vore will be removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $CTF to 2)
''Cock Transformation Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Ryota is no longer available as a companion.
Any choices leading to CTF will be removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Vore to 1)
''Vore Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Cboy to 1)
''Cboy Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Cboy to 2)
''Cboy Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Echo & Matyas are no longer available as companions.
Aster can no longer become a Cboy.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Pregnancy to 2)
''Pregnancy Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Content within Matyas & Echo has been removed.
Aster can no longer be impregnated as a Cboy.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Pregnancy to 1)
''Pregnancy Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
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''Hypnosis / Mind Control Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
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(set: $Hypno to 2)
''Hypnosis / Mind Control Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Eliniel is no longer available as a companion.
All choices that lead to mind altering situations have been removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $TF to 1)
''Transformation Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
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(set: $TF to 2)
''Transformation Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Content involving Rabel has been removed.
Any choices that lead to Transformation has been removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Bestiality to 1)
''Bestiality Content Is Now: (text-colour:lime)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Bestiality to 2)
''Bestiality Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Echo is no longer available as companion.
Any choices that lead to Bestiality have been removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Chastity to 1)
''Chastity Content Is Now: (text-colour:green)[On]''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
(set: $Chastity to 2)
''Chastity Content Is Now: (text-colour:red)[Off]''
Koen is no longer available as a companion.
Any choices that lead to Chastity play have been removed.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Toggles", "Kink Toggles")]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster awkwardly stood around for a few minutes, eventually his gaze was drawn to the large draconic statue looming over the podium. He hadn't ever been this close before but, now he could really make out the expression on the statues face. It seemed calm, lost deep in thought and almost... Mournful, they seemed sad but still stood vigilant and dignified.
The young fox didn't really know anything about the old draconic gods, but he did know that the local patron reprisented nature before the old Draconian regime fell long before he was born.
Luckily, the click of the door drew his attention back from his own thoughts. A smile spreading across his face as Koen stepped out of the door, the priestess who had gone to find him ushering him through from behind.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Approach Koen.->Approach Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quickly made his way over towards Koen, waving as he walked. "Sorry to come unnanounced, I just figured maybe we should actually sit down and talk... Uh, if you have the time I mean!" The young fox said with a nervous laugh.
Koen waved back, looking to the priestess and giving her a nod before turning his attention back to the other boy. "It's okay, I was actually just speaking to Sister Adela. She was going to send me to find you, she told me a lot about what was uhm... Going on, eheh..." The boy said, fidgeting with his shawl idly.
The young fox nodded and looked to the pews. "Oh, I guess she told you about it- Ah, don't worry I havent made up my mind or anything and I'm not gonna force you to go anywhere you don't want to... Here, lets sit down." The boy said, gesturing with his head.
Koen nodded quietly, moving to sit next to Aster once the other boy sat down himself. Still fidgeting with his robe, still quietly fidgeting.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Try To Break The Ice.->Break The Ice]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Sitria? Can't say I have heard that name before, whose that?" The fox asked, cocking his head to the side.
Koen seemed a little bit taken aback by the question. "You don't know? She's one of the tree sisters, the patron demigods to the Draconian belief? She used to rule over Nahtgawr in the old capital before it got destroyed, her sisters controlled Nuxvar and Wheldrake up until they went into sluber... Uhm, a long time ago now I guess." The boy said with a little giggle.
Aster sat there, feeling a bit embarassed he didn't know anything about the religions of Legalia. "Oh... Wow, honestly I only ever hear of Aurbella now so I never even knew about Sitria." The boy said, rubbing the back of his head.
The young rabbit shrugged and gestured to the statue looming over them. "That's Sitria, Aurbella was one of her closest followers. After the fall of the old capital, she continued to help the people and ran out of this cathedral. Most people consider her a saint now, so around these parts a lot of people end up paying more respect to Saint Aurbella over Sitria now... I hear it's different in the capital though."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[So Much To Learn...->Much To Learn]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox shook his head. "I can't say I have any real plans yet, I know I want to visit the capital at least. Then try and see what happens from there, I don't think I'd be leaving Legalia any time soon... Maybe take up some guild work to earn money!"
The other boy silently listened along as Aster explained, eventually speaking up himself. "The capital is supposed to be really big, really busy too..." Was all the boy said in the end.
Aster nodded as he leaned his back against the wood of the bench. "Yeah, but thinking of how crazy Lindwood gets? I can only imagine how many people are in Alderdeen... The main branch of the guild is there too, so many big named adventurers even."
Koen seemed to perk up a bit. "That's true, Adela said they have a small church to Aurbella there even... Not really a blief you see outside of Lindwood though due to Sitria still having influence."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Sitria? Inquire Further.->Sitria]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sat there for a moment, trying to think of what to say... Then it hit him! "Oh! So, I ended up registering at the adventurers guild. I still need to do a bit of training before I feel comfortable leaving, but it's all really exciting..."
The young rabbit cocked his head. "Really...? You're so young, I guess I have seen a few boys around our age registered at the guild but that must mean you're pretty talented, right?"
Aster shook his head at the question. "I did get in with a reccomendation but I'm still a novice. I have a lot to learn before I can actually call myself an adventurer, but well... With this stone, I think I can get there." The fox said with a grin.
Koen nodded slowly. "Ohh, okay... So, do you have any places you plan to visit?" The boy asked, seems he was calming down a bit now.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Explain Your Plans.->Explain Plans]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox perked up at the mention of magic, he had only ever seen small tricks in the past around the inn so he couldn't help but lean in right next to Koen, eyes sparkling. "You can do magic? That's amazing! What kind of things can you do?"
Koen leaned back in response, startled by the sudden excitement. "O-oh! Uhm, just some healing magic... And, stuff to help others. It isn't anything amazing and honestly I'm not that good at it yet, I only just started learning it a few months ago." The boy said with a nervous laugh.
Aster smirked, leaning back to give Koen room again. "Still, that's pretty amazing. That just means you are dedicated enough to your beliefs to recieve gifts like that... So cool, maybe I should get initiated so I can learn magic..."
The young rabbit laughed nervously and shook his head. "I don't think that's how it works... Not sure if joining just to learn magic would be enough in terms of dedicating yourself to the poeple." The boy said with a meek smile.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Drat, Of Course It Isn't That Easy...->No Shortcuts]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//koe09//^^]](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster knew so little about this, still it was fascinating to hear about it and it did seem like Koen had really relaxed. The boy wasn't fidgeting with his shawl anymore and was talking calmly, so big success!
"Okay... Well, what sort of stuff do you do around here anyway? You're an acolyte of Aurbella... Or, Sitira I guess? What kind of stuff does a mystical acolyte get up to." The young fox said, leaning in a bit closer to Koen as he asked.
Koen shuffled a bit at the question. "Ahh... It's not really that mystical, I mostly do chores around the cathedral. Help clean and cook alongside my fellow acolytes... Study in class, and well help out around the city when charity work needs to be done."
Aster frowned a little. "No special magic training or anything? I thought the followers of the cathedral had access to some miracolous magic or... Something like that."
The young rabbit snickered and nodded. "After a while, followers do develop magic granted to us through our belief in Sitria and Aurbella. But only members who have been initiated and work towards it manifest Aurbellas miracles."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Koen Can Do Magic!?->Magic Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded along, he wasn't really a religious boy but by no means wanted to step on anyones toes being in the local cathedral and all. "Huh... You really know a lot about this stuff, makes sense though I bet it's taught here." The boy said with a snicker.
Koen giggled quietly himself. "Yeah... I have been learning the teachings of Aurbella since I was little, she believed helping people was what would make the world better. I think it's a simple, but meaningful way of thinking."
Aster looked up to the large draconic statue, studying the expression a bit. "I wonder how Sitria would feel about what her follower achieved... Actually, what ever happened to Sitria? You mentioned her sisters went into slumber or something..." The boy questions.
The young rabbit looked up to the statue and let out a quiet sigh. "No one really knows, when the capital fell it's said she summoned all of her magic to hide it's ruins within what people now call the endless bog... Since then, no one has seen or heard from Sitria. It's said up until her dieing day, Aurbella never heard the words of her goddess again... But still she kept to her beliefs all those years, I guess that's why everyone considers Aurbella saint now." The boy said, smiling at Aster.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Knew So Little.->Knew So Little]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Hey! I could be a hero if I really wanted, I just need to apply myself... And seek out world ending danger... Yeah, okay maybe not." The young fox said, unable to stop himself from laughing at the idea.
Koen laughed as well, but he still sounded a bit nervous at the subject. "Well... In the end it's up to you, but I wouldn't seek out danger for dangers sake." The boy said with a quick nod. "Uhm... I do need to get to some chores though, it was nice chatting... But I need to help tidy up the gardens today."
Aster frowned but stood up with a nod. "That's fine I don't want to keep you, is it okay if I pester you again in the future?" The young fox asked, shuffling in place a bit.
The young rabbit stood up and smiled. "Uhm... Yeah, that's fine. It was kind of fun to talk for a little, honestly I'm still not really sure about that whole... Journey thing, but Sister Adela was going to reccomend me for it." He said with a little sigh, before giving Aster a small smile. "Anyway, you have a nice day I need to work." The boy said with a bow before heading back through the side door.
Aster sat there a moment, looking back up to the large draconic figure... Keon was pretty nice, his magic could be helpful on the road especially if he knew healing magic. With a little sigh the boy hopped up off the wooden bench, it was time to go.]
(set: $Koen to 2)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Aurbellas Cathedral")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Koens Tale", "Cathedral Gardens")
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//koe12//^^]](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Koen sat there and watched the stone for a moment, but after a bit he shook his head and leaned back. "Kind of weird to think of what it actually is, erm... Well I still don't even understand what it actually is."
Aster snickered, stashing the stone away in the safety of his pocket once more. "Yeah, it'a a... Fragment of, the future or something? Or a lot of futures? It's confusing, I didn't think that sort of stuff could even be, erm... Physical." He said gesturing to his pocket.
The young rabbit nodded. "Only the gods know for certain, I suppose. Maybe you are destined for something in the end... Uhm, well that could just to be a big name adventurer, not saying you will have to save the world or anything... Oh jeez, I hope not that sounds super dangerous." The boy said with a gulp.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Could Be A Hero If He Wanted!->Could Be A Hero!]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//koe11//^^]](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster pouted. "Drat, guess nothing is that simple... Nor is that gemstone an easy shortcut to anything I want, eheh..." Aster said with a little sigh as he gripped the stone through his pocket.
Koens gaze drifted down towards the other boys hand. "Oh... Adela mentioned the stone, can I see it?" The boy asked as he looked back up to Asters face.
The young fox didn't exactly feel safe bringing it out just anywhere, but this was the cathedral... So with a little nod the boy reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone, dangling it from the twine Sister Adela had tied around it.
The young boy leaned in closer, studying the stone for a moment. "Wow... It's pretty..." The boy mumbled, the stone was catching the light shining down onto them through the stained glass window, refracting it across both of them in a Kaleidoscope of color.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Let Koen Look For A Bit.->Let Him Look]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//koe10//^^]](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Hoping to find the young rabbit once more, Aster continued to wander through the gardens. If he remembered correctly the young acolyte mentioned having to do chores and something about helping tidy up the garden itself.
As he walked, it was easy to see the gardens had been maintained by dedicated hands. No sign of weeds, all of the blooms and greenery seemed very healthy. Aster could only imagine how much effort actually went into this, maybe the young rabbits magic helped out in some way?
Finally, reaching a large secluded fountain just off the main garden paths Aster was able to spot the familiar figure of Koen... Apparently sweeping the stone path?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Approach Koen.->Approach Koen 2]]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[^^//koe13//^^]](if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster had to go out of his way to ask around in order to find the professor's office, Wicke had forgotten to give him directions... But, well at this point Aster should have asked before they parted ways so it was equally his fault in the matter.
After a little bit he found the door in question, luckily it had the professor's name engraved on a plaque next to it so with new found confidence he stepped forward and reached for the door knob.
But the young fox paused, hearing voices inside talking about something. A quick glance revealed that the door was open a crack. Aster didn't exactly want to interrupt what was going on but he could perhaps take a peek. He was curious as to what sort of wizardly meeting could be going on.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[It Couldn't Hurt To Peek.->Take A Peek]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox approached Koen, watching the boy quietly for a moment before he spoke up. "Why are you sweeping out here? I mean, the dirt would get back on teh stone path super easy..."
The young rabbit yelped, quickly turning his attention to the other boy. "A-Aster!... Don't scare me like that, uhm... Why? Well it helps keep the garden look tidy, I only go over it really quick... Gets the leaves and seeds off plus some times the bird poop, there are a lot of nasty things nesting in the trees around here." The boy said with a little huff.
Aster up to the trees for a moment, before just snickering and looking back down to Koen. "I guess that makes sense, the garden does always look super nice. What do I know about maintaining a place like this anyway."
Koen smiled, but stared at the other boy tilting his head to the side as he spoke. "So... What are you doing out here anyway, just out for walk?" The young rabbit asked.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Explain You Were Looking For Him.->Looking For Him]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster snickered and shook his head. "Not entirely, I actually came out here to see if I could find you lurking about. You mentioned something about tidying up the garden and I was curious what sort of stuff you had to do... Or y'know, if you used magic to do something with the plants."
Koen blinked and puffed up his cheeks. "I don't lurk, I work very hard... But, uhm no I don't have any kind of naturey magic. I just tidy up any trash or dirt and clean out the fountains, which I was actually about to do..." The boy said, looking to the large fountain only a few feet away from them.
The young fox stared for a moment and scratched the side of his head. "That's a pretty big fountain... How, do you even clean it all on your own do you climb in or something?" The boy said, looking back to Koen with a grin.
Koen shook his head and lifted up the broom. "This is actually pretty good at pulling leaves to the edge, but yeah it does take a pretty long time to get everything on my own... Uhm, if you wouldn't mind though..." The boy said, fidgeting a bit with the broom.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Offer To Help!->Offer To Help]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox nodded. "Oh yeah, I always clean the stables and on busy nights help clean up around the bar or the tables. Sometimes I even help Yeuda cook, she's been teaching me a bit here and there so it's not bad work plus I always get to eat really nice food." The boy said with a big smile on his face.
Koen nodded along as the other boy spoke, doing his best to keep up with the pace Aster was managing to clean the fountain. "W... Wow, that's actually really nice sounding. We have nice food at the cathedral but it's always pretty simple. What's inn food like?" The boy asked.
Aster thought for a moment, it was hard to put it into words. "Well... Yeuda really likes using spices and flavours from around the world. So it's always a little different, new experiments and mixtures. Sometimes it spicey, sometimes it's kind of greasy or sweet... Or a mix! Occasionally she has uh... Has a bad idea or something doesn't turn out all that tasty, but that's pretty rare." The boy said with a snicker.
The young acolyte stood there quietly, listening to Aster speak. A little bit of drool could be seen at the corner of the boys mouth. "Oh... Wow, sounds really uhm. Full of flavour? Makes it sound like the food here is bland in comparison..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Conversation.->Continue Convo]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[It was actually rather simple work once Aster was in the fountain, scooping up leaves while Koen gathered them from the edge. Sure it was a little tedious and he always missed one or two that loved to consistantly escape his grasp, but it was also a little bit refresting.
Koen did his best without having to climb in, pulling leaves closer to him when needed with the broom. "Uhm... Thanks, sorry you had to get wet to help me though." The young rabbit said quietly.
Aster chuckled and tossed a clump of leaves over the edge. "I chose to get wet, it's actually kind of nice so I don't mind helping. I have been getting a lot of free time from my own work so... I need something to do!"
The young rabbit cocked his head to the side. "You have your own chores to do? I guess that makes sense, Adela did say you were living at an inn or something in the city... So you help out around there?" The boy asked.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Tell Him About The Inn.->Speak About Inn]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster chuckled and gave the boy a nod. "Yeah, I can help... Actually here let me just do this." The young fox said, quickly pulling off his boots with a grin before marching towards the fountain. But he paused right before climbing in. "Wait- It's not, sacriligious to do this right...?"
Koen was a bit taken aback, but shook his head. "Oh uh... No I don't think Sitria cares about something so minor, she's a really peacefu- Wait what?" The young rabbit said as Aster climbed right into the fountain.
The young fox laughed as he stepped into the water, it didn't even go up to his knees so it was nothing for him to walk through. "Okay lets get this done, all leaves shall be purged from the sacred fountain~"
The other boy huffed and quickly rushed to the fountains edge. "Uhm... It's not sacred or anything!" He tried to say, but Aster was already starting to scoop up the few leaves he could.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Purge The Leaves!->Purge The Leaves!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster shrugged and turned to face Koen. "I bet it's still tasty! I mean, even simple food can be really nice... Ahh, I'm probably gonna have to get used to making super simple stuff on the road in all honesty." The boy said with a somewhat dramatic sigh.
The young rabbit giggled at the sudden shift in tone. "Yeah, it's gonna be hard to make a lot of things by camp fire. I'm sure you will figure it out though, oh looks like we missed one." The young rabbit said, pointing to a stray leaf as he turned to reach for it.
It happened rather quickly, Aster didn't see just how Koen tripped on the broom he was holding onto but within moments the young rabbit tumbled over the edge of the fountain with a yelp.
Aster blinked, then just started to laugh as he rushed over to help the younger boy up. "You gotta be more careful! How did you even manage that?" The fox asked, unable to hold back his laughter.
Koen whined, tossing the broom out of the fountain so he could try to wring out his shawl. "Ahhh.. I don't even know! Why do I always manage to stumble into this fountain, I swear the ground around here has to be uneven..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Help Koen Out Of The Fountain.->Help Him Out]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox quickly helped Koen climb out of the fountain, doing his best to make sure neither of them slipped and fell again. Still, Aster was struggling to keep a straight face as he let go of Koens hand. "Well, fountains clean!"
Koen huffed and waddled over to pick up the broom he had tossed aside. "Ahhh... I'm soaked, well I guess now is a good time to head back and change." The boy said with a little sigh, but turning to face Aster and seeing the boy barely able to contain himself.
The boy couldn't help but start to laugh himself, which caused Aster to break back out into a chuckle fit once again. It took both of them a moment to calm down, Aster then gesturing back towards the cathedral with his hand. "Need me to walk you back, so you don't fall again?"
The young rabbit pouted, but after gazing back down at his soaked clothing just nodded. "Uhm... Yeah, knowing me I will find a way to slip and fall into a rose bush or something." The boy said, smiling meekly at Aster.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Walk With Koen Back To The Cathedral->Walk With Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Not wanting to ditch Koen after watching him stumble into the fountain, the young fox happily walked with back to the cathedral with the other boy. Aster was lead to a small side door that lead out to the gardens, the young rabbit quietly opening it up and stepping inside.
"Uhm..." Koen paused for a moment and looked back to Aster. "You can come in if you like, these are just the rooms for me and the other acolytes. We aren't really banned from inviting people inside but try to keep your voice down I think a lesson is going on." The boy said with a nod.
Stepping into the torch lit hallway, Aster was guided along. He could hear the voices of an older woman saying something behind a closed door, but he couldn't really make out what was being spoken about...
But next to that door was a little side hallway lined with doors, the young rabbit making his way to the closest one and opening it up a crack, before peaking inside. "Oh... Okay no one is here come on in." The boy said as he opened the door fully and stepped aside.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Step Inside!->Step Inside Cathedral]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Mostly dressed again, the young rabbit seemed to calm down a little bit. He still seemed a smidge embarassed but at least he was able to turn and face Aster once more. "O... Okay, thanks a lot for the help today but uhm. I really should be getting to that class, y'know... Lots of acolyte learning to be done." The boy said with a nod.
Aster held his tongue, wanting to make a joke about the cage oh so badly but not wanting to upset the other boy he nodded with a little sigh. "Okaay... That's fine, I can't say I'd wanna sit in anyway hahah. The cost of initiation seems a little steep now." ... Whoops.
Koen blushed a bit and marched forward, now gently pushing Aster towards the door. "O-okay that's enough of that, lets go..." The boy said, guiding the snickering Aster out of his bedroom and back down the hall.
The young fox couldn't help himself, but he did his best to be quiet until he stepped back outside into the gardens. "Okay okay... You can stop pushing me~" The boy said with a snicker.
The boy stopped at the door, sighing quietly to himself as he stood there for a moment... Before shaking his head and smiling at Aster. "Thank you for the help today, even if you are kind of a weirdo... Uhm, I do need to go now sooo... See you later?" The boy said with a little smile.
Aster nodded. "No need to thank me, and yeah... See you later!" The boy said, waving as Koen quietly closed the door and dissappeared from sigh... Leaving Aster alone once more in the cathedral gardens.]
(set: $Koen to 3)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Cathedral Gardens")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Koens Tale", "The Slums")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Koen quickly pulled a dry shirt out of the wardrobe, it looked almost identical to the one he had on prior. With a nod the boy pulled it over his head and turned to face Aster, gently pulling his large ears out through the neck. "Uhm... Something wrong?" The boy said, tilting his head to the side.
Aster couldn't help but let his eyes dart down, he didn't expect Koen to be so... Casual, but considering he shared this space with other kids that somewhat made sense. "Uhm..." But, his attention briefly locked onto something else that left him curious. "...What's that?" The fox said, cautiously gesturing towards the metal device... Securely fit around the young rabbits boybits.
The young rabbit stood there for a moment, a bit confused as he gaze slowly followed the other boys finger. Eventually lowering down to his own crotch, the boy seemed to flush a bit red and shuffle a bit. "O... Oh that's uh... My, chastity device... It's uh, given to all initiate boys... W-why are you staring!" The boy said with a huff, quickly turning to find something to cover himself with.
The other boy chuckled a bit, trying to move so he could get another glimpse of it. "Huh... That's kind of neat, so you have to wear that? Does it get uncomfortable?" The young fox asked curiously.
Koen whined a little bit, finally pulling out a pair of shorts that he was able to quickly pull on. "I... I don't know. I'm used to it, so I never really think of it... I-It is a little uncomfortable with you asking about it though..." The young rabbit said with a little whimper.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Relent On The Subject, Koen Seems To Be Getting Uncomfortable...->Till Next Time]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stepped inside of the room, looking around curiously- There, wasn't actually much to see in the end though... It was nice, three small beds lining the wall with a few wardrobes and desks. It looks like Koen had to share his sleeping quarters with a few others boys, the young fox snickered as he studied the beds closely.
They all looked the same, were made neat and tidy... The night stands didn't really have anything unique on them either so he wasn't able to tell what one belonged to Koen.
But as he turned back to face the young rabbit, obviously the boy walked to his own bed to fetch clothes out of a small wardrobe off to the side. Much to Asters suprise, the young rabbit had stripped right down to nothing and had tossed his wet clothes off to the side as he dug around inside!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Can't Help But Stare...->Caged Bunny]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster couldn't help but rush over to the boy, calling out to Koen as he did. "Hey! Didn't think I'd see you all the way out here... Handing out supplies?" The young fox asked, now able to see the boxes they were pulling things from much closer he could much easier see the large glass bottles of water and what he assumed was some sort of food wrapped up in paper.
The other acolytes mumbled amongst each other once Aster approached, Koen himself perked up a bit and waved to the fox with a smile. "Oh, Hello Aster. Yeah we are just doing a little charity work for the cathedral, the priestest commissioned a place in the city to prepare food and water for us to hand out around the slums." The boy said with a big smile.
The young fox snickered and peered into the box, the boys hadn't even made a dent in one of them yet, in fact they seemed pretty heavy especially the ones filled with water. "Seems pretty full, did you only just start? Guess you must have had help getting these here... Can't imagine you carrying one of these."
Koen laughed nervously at the statement. "Uhh... Yeah I'd probably get hurt if I tried, they were brought over by cart. We actually have a few groups around the slums doing hand outs... Uhm, would you like to help?" The boy asked, holding out a bottle of water to Aster.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Help Them Out.->Help Them Out]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox noded and accepted the bottle. "Yeah I can help out for a bit, not really doing anything right now." He said, stepping out of the way so the poor folk of the slums could easily approach the group of boys again.
No one approached them for a moment, but it seemed word had quickly spread throughout the area and within a few minutes more and more people started to approach the boys. At first it started with a few younger folks, then some older people and their children...
Aster was actually rather suprised just how fast everything started to go once people started to arrive, he wasn't sure who to give what so just let Koen take charge of the situation. Despite being a rather meek boy, the young rabbit seemed to take his work rather seriously.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Keep Helping.->Keep Helping Out]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster couldn't help but feel somewhat sad as he handed things out, seeing so many people down on their luck living just outside of the city... He really got lucky, so once things finally started to slow down he couldn't help but lean against the table with a little sigh.
Koen turned to look at the other boy. "You okay? If you don't want to stick around, you don't have to keep going..." The boy said with a bit of a frown, he sounded a bit dissapointed now.
The fox shook his head and straightened his back. "Oh- No no... It's not that, sorry. I just feel weird whenever I come to the slums, not really sure why I even wandered out here today..." The boy said, picking up another bottle.
The young rabbit turned to look out over the winding paths between the various tents before them. "Yeah... It's really sad, I wish Lindwood was an easier place to find success... So many people seem to be suffering out here." The boy said with a resigned sigh.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Conversation.->Continue Convo 2]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded slowly. "I got lucky, you don't really get adopted in this city... So, me and my friend decided to just leave and try to find work. We ended up at the inn a few years back and they let us stay in the stables and fed us in exchange for work. It seemed really rough at first, but honestly if they didn't both me and him would have ended up out here one way or another..."
Koen turned his attention back to Aster. "Oh, you were from the orphanage as well?" The other acolytes had mostly started to ignore aster once he began to help, but now they were looking at him again...
The young fox was a bit taken aback by what the other boy said. "...As well? I don't... Really remember ever seeing you there, but I left maybe a year or two ago now."
Koen paused for a moment to scratch his chin. "Uuhm... The church took me and a few other acolytes in a few years ago actually, I think maybe... Six or a little more? We were all adopted around the same age and given a place to stay, most of us ended up getting initiated after a bit..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Church Took Them In?->The Church Adopted]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox took a moment to think, that many years ago... It was kind of a blur, but the cathedral showing up at the orphanage did ring a bell. "Oh... Yeah, I think I remember something like that happening they came and took twelve of the younger kids in, so they adopted you into the church essentially...?" The boy asked, not entirely sure if he would have wanted that sort of adoption himself.
Koen giggled, nodding as he gestured to the other two acolytes... Who, Aster got the feeling didn't like him at all. "Yeah, the three of us did along with some others. Guess that's why we don't remember each other, honestly I barely remember the orphanage itself."
Aster laughed as well. "oh, yeah my memories back then are pretty muddled. I hurt myself pretty often around that age so maybe I was all bandaged up with a big bump on my head or something!"
The two continued to laugh, until one of the acolytes tugged on Koens shirt and pulled him off to the side for a moment to chat. Sadly, they were a bit too far for Aster to eavesdrop... Not like it mattered, someone approached soon after and the young fox ended up having to hand out a few things to them.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Back To Work?->Annoyed Acolyte]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster continued to help out for a few minutes, occasionally peeking over to Koen who seemed to still be discussing something with the other boy. The third acolyte was at least still helping him hand things out at least, once the last person stepped away the young fox leaned against the table with a little sigh. "...Phew, making good progress at least." He said, looking to the other boy with a smile.
The other boy just rolled his eyes and kept his gaze away from Aster. "Ahuh... Why are you here anyway? You aren't an initiate, shouldn't you be off doing some... Degenerate stuff or something?" He said with a little huff.
Aster was a bit caught off guard by the sudden attitude, he had been working hard to help them out for a while now after all. "Huh? What do you mean, degenerate stuff...? Do I need to be an Initiate to help out a friend? Or do some good for the people of the slums...?"
The acolyte shrugged, doing his best to look busy shuffling through one of the boxes. "Sister Mena told us that boys who aren't initiated are budding degenerates who we shouldn't associate with, if the cathedral didn't pick you to become an acolyte there has to be a good reason for that..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wow, How Rude...!->Rude Acolyte]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox frowned, crossing his arms as he turned to face the other boy. "Yeah probably because I broke my arm or something when I was little. Wouldn't have been much help, probably wouldn't have gotten initiated anyway... Least I can jerk off." He said with a grumble.
The other boy froze, his mouth hanging agape as he now stared at Aster in shock. "How... You are a degenerate...! Just like Sister Mela said, we shouldn't even be associating with you... I can't believe Koen let you help us out!"
Aster huffed, turning to look to Koen who was now seemingly getting snarked at by the other acolyte. The poor rabbit seemed to be shrinking back... Was, the other boy scolding the poor kid for letting him help.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[That's Not Fair At All...->Angry Acolytes]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster frowned, turning his attention back to the other acolyte. "You... Guys are really rude, this Sister Mela sounds like a real piece of work if she is saying such close minded stuff." The boy said, turning away from the other boy and marching off towards Koen.
Aster stepped in, stopping the second acoylte mid sentance as he forced himself between the two. "So, you also have a problem with me? I came here to help out a friend, why are you being mean to Koen...?" The boy said, looking back to the young rabbit who was struggling to speak.
Turning his attention back to the acolyte, Aster now found both of the annoyed boys standing in front of him. One of them looked ready to burst from anger while the other just started to go off on Aster.
Most of what the kid didn't even make sense... Going on about how he was a degenerate, corrupt and a bunch of other things until both of them just stormed off...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[What... Was That?->Sister Mela]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox turned his attention back to Koen now, gesturing towards the other two boys as they continued to walk off. "What... Was that about? Seriously, your friends seem like they have a lot of problems... And that Sister Mela lady, what is she teaching you guys?"
Koen sighed and just looked to the ground, the poor boy seemed defeated and had been on the verge of tears. "... I'm sorry, some of the other acolytes don't like associating with boys who aren't initiated... Uhm, acolytes are supposed to remain pure and avoid degenerate actions... So, Sister Mela often talks about how those who have not been purified are untrustworthy degenerates."
Aster scoffed, but seeing the young rabbit in such a state he put a hand on Koens shoulder in hopes of reassuring him a bit. "I'm sorry I caused trouble for you, I really didn't know... Is that why you were trying to hide me when you invited me in last time?"
Koen slowly nodded, bringing his gaze up to meet Asters. "Yeah... I figured they would be rude to you, honestly I don't like Sister Mela... She says some really mean things about other people but none of the other Sisters say anything to her about it." The boy said, looking towards the rations they had been handing out.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Reassure The Boy.->Reassure Koen]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded, looking to the empty boxes... It, actually felt pretty good to help Koen do this. Still, it was also pretty exhausting work all things considered. "Okay... I guess I should head out myself, see you next time?" The boy said, looking to Koen with a smile.
The young rabbit nodded as he picked up a few things from the area, smiling back at Aster. "Yeah, next time maybe you can help me do something that doesn't involve the other acolytes... Just to avoid trouble." The boy said with a little snicker. "Oh and uhm... Thanks for earlier, you kind of took the brunt of their anger for me..."
Aster chuckled and stood proudly, puffing up his chest. "As a future adventurer, I take pride in the fact I could have kicked both of their asses if I wanted but took the high road and did not, next time though I might give em a good smack if they yell at you again though..."
Koen paused for a moment, before quickly shaking his head. "M... Maybe don't hurt anyone, they are mean but don't deserve that!" The poor rabbit said, clutching his shawl tightly with both hands.
The fox snickered, giving the other boy a wave as he started to march off. "No promises!" The boy said, laughing as he left to confused and concerned acolyte to his busines... Not, that Aster actually planned on hurting anyone in the end.]
(set: $Koen to 4)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "The Slums")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Koens Tale", "Graveyard")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Not knowing what to say to that, Aster flushed with embarasment and turned his attention to someone who approached them. It was going to be a bit tough with just the two of them, but now Aster was fueled by both the desire to help Koen to do good for the city and to spite the other boys.
It was a powerful mixture of motivations, keeping the young fox driven through the next two hours of work. The slow times got a bit awkward, neither of them knowing what exactly to talk about... But, eventually the last of the supplies had been handed out.
"Phew..." Koin sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Okay... That's everything, I just need to go let Sister Tonia know, uhm... I can do this part on my own though so if you'd like to leave... Someone else will come pick up the boxes in a little."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Seems It's Time To Part Ways.->Charity Finished]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster looked to the supplies, patting Koen on the shoulder with a nod. "Don't worry, I will stick around and help you hand everything out... C'mon lets get back to work, we can get those two jerks in trouble for leaving early together." The boy said with a grin.
Koen slowly nodded, following Aster back to the boxes with a little sigh. "No... It's not worth getting them in trouble, let them do whatever they want if they get caught it's on them not us." The boy said, crouching down to go over what was left of the rations.
The young fox grumbled, really wanting to get back at the other two jerks... But he relented. "...Fine, but only because you said so."
Koen looked up to Aster with a smile. "...Thank you, and if it means anything Aster. I think you're a good person, even if you aren't 'purified'... Honestly, I don't even know what that means."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Help Koen Hand Things Out.->Spite Fueled Help]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster made his way to Koen rather slowly, not wanting to startle the boy he tried to call out well in advance. But the skittish rabbit still jumped with a startled yelp, quickly spinning around to face the fox, choking on his words for a moment.
"W-woah there Koen, sorry didn't mean to scare you... What are you doing out here in the graveyard?" The boy asked the young acolyte, looking around there wasn't any sign of another member of the cathedral out here with him.
The young rabbit clutched something tightly in his hands, but seemed to quickly calm down as he inched closer to Aster. "O-oh thank goodness... I really, really don't want to go down there alone. Aster, pleaaase will you come with me? I need to place a warding charm down in the catacombs, but it's really scary and... Dark and, ugh... I don't want to go alone but no one else will go with me this time." The boy said, whimpering as he looked towards the gate.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Poor Rabbit, Offer To Help.->Brave Help]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox put both hands on his hips and tried to look as confident as he could, chest puffed out with a grin on his face. "I'd be happy to escort the young acolyte into the accursed tomb so he may seal it's evil."
Koen did not take that very well though, his eyes widening as he stepped back. "Acursed!? It... It's not cursed, nor is it evil...! It's just to help the spirits rest... Yeah, just rest. Stop tryna scare me!" The boy said with a whimper.
Aster wasn't trying to scare the boy, he was actually aiming for the opposite effect but with a grumble he just walked towards the gate and pulled it open. He expected it to be locked so just paused and looked to Koen with a confused expression on his face.
"I... Uh, got as far as unlocking the gate..." The young rabbit said, shuffling around in place as he stared down into the dark below. After an awkward moment of silence he glanced towards Aster expectantly.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Alright, Head Down First.->Head Down First]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[With a shrug, still wanting to seem brave the young fox turned and marched inside. Making his way down the old stone staircase, deeper and deeper below the graveyard. He could hear the soft steps of Koen following him closely behind, but it soon was getting a bit too dark for the boy to see.
A burst of light soon flooded the staircase from behind Aster, catching him off guard and causing the boy to quickly turn and see Koen who was holding a small ball of light between his hands.
"Oh... Uh, sorry I didn't mean to startle you." The rabbit said as he let go of the orb, causing it to float up into the air above the two of them slowly.
"... Woah, that's cool. Some of your acolyte magic I assume?" The boy said, staring at the orb for a moment before quickly turning and starting back down the stairs again.
"Yeah, it's a really simple spell that just... Uh, produces light. More of a comfort thing really but it can still be useful depending on the situation, like going into the spooky catacombs below a graveyard..." The boy said with a quiet grumble.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Deeper And Deeper Down.->Deeper Down Deeper]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster chuckled, finally reaching the end of the staircase as he stepped out into an old stone hall. "Still cool... Wait, I don't really know my way around here so... Uh, lead the way?" The boy said, stepping aside so Koen could take the lead.
The young rabbit stood there for a moment, not budging from the staircase for a good ten seconds. But with a resigned sigh the reluctant acolyte stepped into the hall and gestured for Aster to follow him.
Silently the two walked, taking a few turns here and there... It was quiet, calm but not entirely earie. Despite being the catacombs so far there weren't an spaces for bodies within the first few halls. Aster did see some side hallways that seemed lined with graves or smaller gated rooms with monuments in them... It, actually wasn't as freaky as the boy thought it would be!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Follow Koen Further In.->Follow Koen Further]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The duo continued to travel deeper into the catacombs, Koen seemed to knew the route so the young fox was completely relying on the other boy to not get them lost... Eventually, Aster decided to try and strike up some sort of conversation. "So... How do you get your magic anyway, like is it just from beliefs?"
Koen jumped a little when Aster started speaking, but eased up rather quickly. "Oh.. Uhm, after you get initiated as an acolyte. If you work hard enough the powers are eventually supposed to manifest... Sometimes it takes a bit, but for the most devout I have heard they get their blessings within hours of initiation."
Aster slowly nodded along, scratching his chin. "Initiated... So that means you gotta what, make some vows and then get one of those cages put on you...? Wait... So you have been wearing that thing for a few years now?" The boy asked, rather shocked from his realization.
The young rabbit kept his eyes on the path ahead of them, but with a quiet sigh he nodded. "Yes, it's put on when you are initiated until you reach adulthood... Male acolytes are to wear them, but all acolytes are to swear off deviant behavior and are to vow their dedication to the people of Linwdood."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Guess That Rules Out Cleric Magic...->Cleric Rules]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Huh... Guess that rules out getting that sort of magic then, I'm probably a deviant in the eyes of your saint if I take what those boys said into consideration..." Aster said with a little grumble, he wasn't really sold on becoming a devout cleric but the promise of magic was really tempting... Plus, Koen looked kind of cute with that cage on.
Koen giggled and shook his head. "No, you could if you really wanted. All initiates undergo a purification ceremony so anyone of any age can vow themselves to Aurbella if they desire, the ritual washes away ones deviant history and allows them to start anew." The boy said, doing his best to explain.
Aster paused for a moment, seriously considering this... Still, he wasn't entirely sure that locking away his dick and swearing off anything perverse was worth the magic... Unless that magic was super cool and powerful. "And what happens if you break those vows...?"
The young rabbit went silent for a moment, before clearing his throat. "You lose your magic, get labeled a deviant and are disavowed from the church permanently... Can't be purified twice- Uhm... But, our vow is one we choose to take... I don't believe others should be held to that standard like Sister Mela keeps insisting..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Well, Not Entirely Ruled Out.->Cleric Possible]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster drifted off into his own thoughts, fantasies of slinging powerful holy magic to smite his foes and help the less fortunate rattling around in his brain for a few minutes. He didn't even realize Koen stopped walking so ended up bumping into the poor rabbit. "A-ack... Sorry."
Koen stumbled a bit, turning to look at Aster with a confused expression. "It's fine... Uh, we are here though." The boy said, gesturing to a large stone figure of a robed woman with draconic wings outstretched to fill the hallway.
The young fox cocked his head, noticing a plaque at the foot of the satue the boy gazed down to see what it said. //'Saint Aurbella, may you watch over these souls for all eternity.'// Looking around the area, Aster didn't really see a place any body could be stored... The statue was sitting at the end of a wide hallway, lined with barred off hallways that seemed lined with similar spots for bodies to be laid to rest.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Alright, Kind Of Creepy Now...->Creepy Statue]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Turning his attention back to the young rabbit, Aster was about to speak up until he realized the other boy was already kneeling before the statue. Incense burning, hands clasped together in prayer.
Aster shuffled awkwardly, not wanting to interupt Koen so all he could do was stand there and watch in silence. He could hear the younger boy mumbling something quietly, but couldn't really make out the words.
A few minutes passed, nothing magical had really happened yet. He was expecting something... Divine, fantastical or flashy with spiralling lights or the spirits of the desceased swirling about- Wait that last bit sounded horrifying nevermind, the young fox shuddered at the idea.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wait For Koen To Finish.->Koens Prayer]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[After a few minutes Koen finally seemed to finish what he was doing, the boy placed a small charm he had been holding in his hands at the feet of the statue before moving the incense up to it and leaving to burn. "There... Ward is down here again, and a prayer for the spirits... Sorry, Aurbella has some rather long ones."
Aster shook his head. "It's no problem, I was sort of hoping to see some acolyte magic in action... But eheh, still glad I was able to help." The boy said as he stepped back to give Koen enough room to stand up without bumping into him.
Koen smiled as he stood, looking around the room slowly. "Feels nicer down here, I think the spirits appreicated a bit of prayer... But, lets get out of here still don't like being here." The boy said with a nervous giggle.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wait... Spirits?->Spirits?]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster chuckled and nodded, looking back down the dark staircase... Nope, he was shutting that gate tight with a confident nod before turning back to Koen with a smile on his face. "Well, all done then I suppose."
The young rabbit was standing there, shuffling in place awkwardly as he always did. "...Thank you Aster, I really appreciate you going down there with me... Uhm..." The boy mumbled a bit before he quickly leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Aster, hugging the other boy tightly for a moment.
The fox was a bit caught off guard. "You're welcome...!" but before he could even go to hug back Koen had already pulled away and was laughing nervously.
Koen nodded, before taking a deep breath and speaking. "I, think you're a good person... So, if you really want to take Sister Adelas offer up and have an acolyte travel with you. I'm willing to give it a go, I kind of want to see what sort of stuff you do with that... Erm, stone thingy of yours." The boy said with a nervous laugh. "Oh... Wow that felt awkward to say, yep
Aster didn't really know what to say, he had been considering traveling with someone other then Tonric for a bit now... But, he wasn't sure if he'd fine someone willing. The young fox couldn't help but smile at the prospect. "I haven't decided who I want to travel with just yet, but thank you... It's nice to know I can rely on you if I need to."
The young rabbit smiled, shifting around awkardly. "Okay... Uh, well I need to get back to work now so... Uhm, see you later? Feel free to come by anytime if you need something." The young boy said before giving Aster a little wave.
A bit sad to see his new friend have to leave already, the young fox couldn't help but frown a bit as he waved back. "Alright, see you later Koen..." The boy said, watching as the young rabbit started to walk away. After a moment, Aster looked around and realized he was just kind of standing in the graveyard now.]
(set: $Koen to 5)(set: $Catacomb to 2)
''Koens Tale Has Been Concluded,
He Can Now Be Invited On A Journey.''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Resume Prologue", "Graveyard")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[It didn't take long for the two of them to to make their way back towards the staircase they had. A sense of relief washing over the young fox as it came into view. "Phew... I could use some fresh air, lets get up there!" The boy said, hastening his pace.
Still, Koen made it to the staircase first and started to hurry up with a little giggle. Aster was doing his best to keep how uneasy he was to himself, but it was probably starting to become obvious. It felt like something was watching him, but he couldn't tell from what direction.
As the young fox reached the stair case, he heard it. Something whispering his name from far behind him, the boy quickly snapped around to look into the darknes. But, he didn't see anything, for a moment he thought he say a pair of cat-like eyes staring back at him but as his gaze quickly darted to the hallway he spotted them... He saw nothing.
Aster made it up those stairs in record time, nearly knocking Koen over on his way through the door. The boy stopped, just in time to catch the young rabbit as he tumbled over. "S-sorry!... Got, a bit excited to get some fresh air y'know?" The boy said with a nervous chuckle.
Koen was caught off guard, but didn't seem all that phase as he regained his balance and straightened out his shawl. "It's fine, that place can really get to you... I still think it's creepy, would never go there at night."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Whoops!->Koen Fin]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Asters expression twisted a bit as Koen mentioned spirits, not liking the sound of that he quickly followed alongside the young rabbit. "Wait, there are actually spirits down here, can you see them?"
Koen shook his head, now seeming much calmer then he had been before his prayer. "No, but I guess I can feel them a little bit? Just a sense of warmth, a lot of clergy members are buried down here so... It kinda felt like they joined in for the prayer." He said, scratching the side of his head with an embarassed smile.
That still sounded unnerving to Aster, but he didn't want to say anything that may upset the poor kid so he just bit his tongue, nodded and followed along.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time To Get Out Of Here.->Cain Teaser]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster tried to explain why he had come to visit, but the poor boy was tongue-tied and unbelievably embarrassed by the situation. All he could do was stutter and mumble to himself as the rabbitfolk ushered him through one of the side doors and down the hallway.
A large ornate wooden door sat at the end of the hall, growing closer and closer as the boy was gently pushed towards it. Aster didn't really get a chance to peek into any of the rooms as he was guided along, he did briefly catch a glimpse but everything seemed rather mundane even back here!
The building was clean, well kept and just looked like a normal establishment much like the inn Aster was so used to working at. Before the boy knew it he was standing before the ornate door, the rabbitfolk gingerly wrapping his fingers around the doorknob before giving it a twist.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Seems This Was Happening.->Pushed Inside]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox was gently pushed inside, the door quickly closing behind him as the rabbitfolk chuckled. "Good luck, the boss is a real mean one~" He said, followed by a clink... The poor boy's heart sank at that comment.
The room was dimly lit, an unfamiliar scent hanging heavy in the air. It made the boy's nose itch, but as he gazed across the large ornate wooden desk only a few feet away from him he spotted a small incense burner that seemed to be the source of his discomfort.
The desk itself was expertly crafted with an expensive-looking finish and golden trim, an equally expensive-looking lantern sitting at the edge whose dim glow was lighting the room. Suddenly a pair of lavender eyes opened as someone spoke. "So, a new hire? Interesting..." The voice didn't sound much older than Aster himself.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[That's Odd..->Looming Eric]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The figure slowly got up from its seat, the eyes slowly drifting through the dark as the figure circled the desk. Not taking his eyes off the poor fox, looking the boy over slowly like he was goods at a market. "I suppose we are a tad understaffed, at least when it comes to boys your age." The boy's voice rang with unusual confidence for his age.
Aster gulped, finally taking this chance to speak. "I think there has been a bit of a misunderstanding... I was just curious and wanting to see what the place was like after someone mentioned it to me." The boy said with a quick nod.
The figure chuckled as they stepped a bit closer. "Misunderstanding? It seems like you are in need of coin, by the way, you dress at least... And trust me, this establishment can provide what you need." The shadowy figure said as he gestured to the room around him, it was filled with lavish decorations from an expensive-looking rug to a painting Aster could barely make out.
Before Aster could speak though, the boy finally stepped into the light.
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Brace Yourself...->Eric Revealed]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping out of the shadows, a young-looking raccoon flashed Aster a sharp grin and a piercing gaze that contrasted his rounder figure. The strange boy's expensive-looking suit seemed expertly tailored to hug his physique and show it off, matching the confidence he spoke with. "I'm the current owner of this establishment. You may call me Eric, a pleasure to meet you."
Aster's eyes widened, his gaze quickly drifting to the pair of horns growing from the other boy's head... No, this was most likely an Alfiend. Someone with demon blood flowing through their veins, while by no means inherently dangerous but it at least explained how young he looked. Trying to seem as polite as he could, the young fox gave Eric a nod. "My name's Aster..."
Eric stepped closer once more, now standing directly in front of the young fox with that same sharp grin. "I do believe you'd succeed here if you'd considered accepting my job offer."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Job Offer?->Erics Offer]]
Art By:<a href="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu" target="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu">''Sheebu''</a>]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster paused for a moment, biting his lip as his gaze continued to drift across the expensive furnishings of this Alfiend’s office. "Job offer...? What would I have to do exactly?" He asked, there was no harm in at least seeing.
Eric chuckled quietly and crossed his arms. "Simple, you service customers. Of course, you can reject any customer you see fit and are not beholden to their desires. The comfort of our employees matters a great deal here, you would by no means be a cheap whore... No no, here we have a rather strict standard with how we expect our customers to conduct themselves."
The young fox sighed, tightly gripping the edges of his tattered shirt with both of his hands. "And it's safe...? You said I'd make a lot of money, I wouldn't really want anyone finding out about this."
Eric nodded slowly as the boy spoke. "Of course, only people who enter this establishment would learn of your role here. Or I suppose those you choose to tell outside of this place... Now, would you like to work here?" The boy asked with a toothy grin.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Reject The Offer.->Reject Eric]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Accept The Offer.->Accept Eric]]
Art By:<a href="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu" target="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu">''Sheebu''</a>]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster shook his head slowly. "N... No, I don't think I'd like to do this. I'm sorry but I will be leaving now." The boy said with a sigh, he had some mixed emotions about this but by no means did he want to stoop to prostitution to earn his money.
Eric said nothing, he just watched as the young fox quickly turned and slipped back through the large door and shut it behind him. With a little shrug, the young-looking Alfiend turned to return to his desk.
The fox himself quickly rushed down the hall and out of the building, not even giving the rabbitfolk a second glance as he left. He didn't really want to go back there now.]
(set: $Pimp to 2)(set: $Den to 4)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Leave.", "Residential District")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster slowly nodded, perhaps this wasn't the worst idea in the world. He had already done stuff like this before around the inn on the rare occasion, and it wasn't like he didn't know someone who worked here.
Erics grin widened as he clapped once. "Wonderful, please come over to my desk and we will get the needed paperwork filled out." The boy said, gesturing towards his desk.
Shockingly, the paperwork was rather simple. Just filling out the boys information, an emergency contact in case something bad happened and things of that nature... Stuff he would be okay with, once all was said and done the owner of the establishment aligned the papers neatly and tucked them away in his desk.
"Alright, I will assign you a mentor... I believe I have someone in mind, but he isn't here at the moment so for the time being. Consider yourself hired, but you will not be doing any work here until I get the time to discuss it with my other employe." Eric said with a slow nod, taking the situation pretty seriously.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Weirdly Serious.->Offer Accepted]]
Art By:<a href="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu" target="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu">''Sheebu''</a>]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sighed quietly and kept his gaze down towards the other boy's desk, getting hired at the inn wasn't even treated this seriously... The poor boy still felt awkward putting Rhuts name down on this information, but if something really did happen it was either him or Tonric he believed would be reliable enough to help him. "So... What now?" The boy asked, bringing his gaze back up to meet his new bosses.
Eric leaned back in his chair slowly, taking a moment to think. "Hmn... Go home, and come back another time. I still need to discuss with my other employee about the mentorship so... For now, I don't have anything for you to do, this isn't the kind of job you can just... Start. So consider yourself hired, but not ready to work just yet." The Alfiend said with a slow nod.
The young fox was almost relieved, he didn't believe that this was the sort of job he could jump right into... Still, a mentor? Aster didn't have the energy left in him to inquire about that. "Alright, I guess I will be off then..." The boy said as he slowly stood up from the chair.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time To Leave.->Eric Fin]]
Art By:<a href="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu" target="https://inkbunny.net/Sheebu">''Sheebu''</a>]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Eric didn't say anything as the boy got up, simply giving him a quiet nod as the young fox made his way towards the door. Only as Aster stepped through it did the boy speak up. "See you next time, Aster." The words rang through the young foxe’s head.
There really was going to be a next time, with a sigh the boy closed the door and made his way down the hall. Now back in the front room, he looked around not seeing the rabbitfolk that had dragged him back there. Well, it's not like he was going to complain or scold the guy.
Shaking his head, the young fox stepped back out onto the streets. He still had a lot to do, and a lot to think about... All things considered, he essentially was a prostitute now, at least he was on paper.]
(set: $Pimp to 2)(set: $Den to 3)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Head Back.", "Residential District")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster blinked as it finally clicked in his head. "So, that means you're a wizard from the academy right? The one up all those stairs looming over the district." The boy said, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face. He had met a few spell casters through working at the inn, but never one around his age before... At least, Aster believed they may be around the same age.
The other boy snickered. "Looming? That sounds a bit menacing, but yeah I'm in a sense from there... Hey, you still willing to help me out?" The boy said as he stepped aside, gesturing to a stack of at least five other books... Large ones at that. "It's a nifty trick, but it has its limits... Oh, my names Wicke by the way, pleasure to meet you."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Help Him Out, You Did Offer.->Help Wicke Out]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stared at the books for a moment, before giving the other boy a nod and quickly moving to lift them up. "My names Aster, nice to meet ya as well." The young fox was a little caught off guard as to how heavy they were though. "Oh... Jeez, why is this one so thick? I swear it weighs more than a bag of potatoes..."
Wicke chuckled and tapped the spine of the book. "I hope it is, it's a comprehensive history book on Legalia with everything we know all the way back until the age of rot! If it was a skinny book then the information would be lacking, or worse... Trimmed down and abridged!" The boy said with a little huff, before gesturing for Aster to follow along.
"Here, there is a table just over here we can sit at. I only wanted to give that one a quick look over anyway, I have read nearly every history book at the academy anyway." The boy said before quickly making his way further into the library.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Try To Keep Up.->Keep Up With Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke cleared his throat and quickly flipped through the pages. "So... Not much is known about Legalia before the Age of Rot, even the elves who sealed themselves away in Coronam to protect the great tree lost most of that history over the generations that passed." The boy said with a little nod as he pointed to an image of the great tree, yggdrasil that stood at the center of Legalia.
"A long time ago, some sort of disaster struck the continent. No one really knows how it started, but it threatened the great tree and ravaged the land. Anyone that died, was risen from death and started lashing out at everything around them... Ghosts, skeletons and ghouls. Even people long since dead started to cause chaos, the elves not knowing what to do sealed off Coronam and left the rest of the continent to its fate." The boy said with a little nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[That Did Sound Like An Elven Solution.->Elven Solution]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster cocked his head to the side, a little bit confused as he tried to make sense of both what was in the book and what the boy was saying. "Undeath... So, like ghosts and skeletons?" Was all he could really come up with.
The kobold snickered a bit as he shook his head. "Sorta, here... Let me explain... You uh, may want to sit down though." The boy said, briefly glancing towards the seat across from him.
Aster nodded before quickly taking a seat. "You must really know your stuff... Sorry, I never really had the chance to study history or anything. But I'm curious, so spin me a neat story oh great wizard."
Wicke paused for a moment and grumbled to himself. "Oh... C'mon that's embarrassing don't call me that. I'm just a scholar, I love stuff like this... Ah, okay okay. Here let me start from the beginning..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[History Lesson Time.->History Lesson]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Despite having such short legs, Aster was actually struggling to keep up with the kobold. But the books were a tad cumbersome, not that he wasn't used to manual labor but he felt as if he held these wrong he may damage them... And he could not afford that by any means!
Luckily the table was only just around the corner, the young fox happily set them down next to the kobold as Wicke pulled out a chair and climbed up into it, giddily pushing the other books off the large tomb and cracking it open. "Thanks, honestly this one is pretty difficult for me to carry on my own."
Aster nodded, looking over the book as it was opened up. "No problem... Hey, what's the age of rot anyway? I don't think I have heard of anything like that before..."
Wicke snickered as he continued to study the book, scanning over each page one by one as he flipped through them. "Not surprising, that's what scholars called a previous age. During that time nothing really lived on this continent, a plague of undeath kept it unreachable."]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["That does sound like something the elves would do..." Aster mumbled to himself, but it seemed the kobold still heard it from the annoyed look on his face.
"Well, if the great tree fell then everything around it would have fallen anyway... No one really knows what would happen to the world itself, the magic from the tree flows through the leylines after all... Would probably throw the elements into total chaos, or worse." The boy said, crossing his arms with a huff.
Aster laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry... I didn't really consider that, even I know how important the tree is supposed to be... So, how did the age of rot end?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Keep Listening.->Keep Listening To Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke grinned as he flipped through the pages. "Well, it's said that Alba descended to these lands and filled it with a light brighter than the sun itself. When the dust cleared, the undeath was purged along with whatever called it... So, began the Age of The Mother."
Aster paused for a moment, scratching his chin. "Alba... That's... Uh, oh! She's the big goddess to the draconians right? Heh, I knew that one at least." The young fox said with a confident grin.
The kobold chuckled and just rolled his eyes. "Ahuh... Well that age was pretty simple. Alba tended to the lands and helped restore them, while taking care of her daughters... Now, do you know their names?"
Aster paused for a moment, opening his mouth to start speaking before... Drawing a total blank and visibly deflating. "...No, how would I?"
Wicke smiled triumphantly. "They became the four patron demigods to the draconians of course. Bevurth of the Hyacintho, Zinnath of the Vermiculus, Sitria of the Virido and Sonneth of the Casia." The kobold said, gesturing to a drawing in the book of five dragons.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Draconian Demigods...->Draconian Demigods]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stared at the book, studying them for a moment. "Uhh... Four? Wait, I only know of three kinds... The blue, red and greenscales. What's the fourth?"
Wicke paused for a moment, his expression slowly growing a bit sadder. "Oh... That's a different story in its own right. But, three of the sisters went on to found the kingdoms of Wheldrake, Nuxvar and Nahgawr respectively. Eventually, a feud between Nuxvar and Wheldrake led to their demigods falling into a deep slumber... And, then uhm... After the old capital of Nahtgawr was destroyed Sitria vanished from the world and hasn't returned since."
The young fox listened quietly, frowning as he stared down at the book. "I guess that's why I don't know much about them... But what happened to the fourth one? If she didn't found a kingdom what happened?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Pry A Bit More.->Pry A Bit More]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster cocked his head to the side. "Favor..? Sure, what did you need? Uh... Wait, you don't want my help carrying all of these books back to the school do you? That's a lot of stairs..."
Wicke snickered quietly and shook his head. "No, I can handle the rest of these. I don't need the big one... It didn't have anything I was looking for inside of it." Wait, he looked through all of it already? But, before Aster could question it the boy continued to speak. "I do need some help though, I need to shop for some reagents and components in the market later today... If uh, you wouldn't mind helping me carry some I could give you another cool scholarly lesson. About, well anything you're interested in!"
The young fox paused for a moment, before a grin spread across his face. "Really? I guess I can help you do some shopping, but you better teach me something extra interesting! I will make sure I think of something super cool..."
The other boy nodded as he gathered up the other books and hopped out from his chair. "Sounds like a plan then, I need to attend a lecture first though... So, meet you in the markets later?" The kobold said with a smile.
Aster nodded and got up, walking with Wicke towards the exit of the library. "See you later then!" The fox said as he watched the other boy walk off towards the academy... Well, it seems Aster made a new friend.]
(set: $Wicke to 2)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Old Library")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Continue Wickes Tale", "Market District")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster perked up for a moment. "Oh! The Midnight Elves... So, that's how they came to exist... Huh, wow..." The boy said, staring down at the book as the kobold continued to fiddle with it. "I can't believe I didn't know so much important history..."
Wicke shook his head and closed the large tome. "Don't feel bad, academics aren't as readily available as they should be and the faith in the old demigods has been wavering in the years since they all vanished. As the Age of the Sisters came to an end, the Age of the Mortals began after all..."
The young fox sat there in his seat, contemplating what the kobold had said a little bit. "I guess... Uhm, thank you though. You didn't have to tell me so much about this stuff, I feel like I ate up your time..."
The other boy shook his head and snickered. "No, it's fine. I don't mind helping someone else learn if they are so curious, it was actually kind of fun to talk to someone around my age... Uhm, but I do need to get going here soon... Hey, Aster, mind if I ask you for another favor?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Another Favor?->Wickes Second Favor]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke shifted around in his seat and stared down at the book before him. "It's not really written about in books outside of Coronam... But, she stayed alongside the elves and aided in their studies and the rebuilding of their own kingdom. But, early on in the infancy of the other kingdoms she was betrayed and slain by an elf from her own cloister of scholars."
Aster blinked and grumbled a bit. "Really...? I didn't know you could kill a demigod... Wait, if that happened then why didn't the other sisters do something about it?"
The kobold sighed and slowly turned the pages closer to the end of the book. "Well, if the tree was destroyed then everything their mother had spent her very being doing would have been undone... And, the elf who did it along with her followers did end up cursed as a result. They suffer to this day, with purple skin and scales along with the pain that comes with them."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[That Sounds Familiar...->Familiar Story]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster scratched the back of his head as he wandered the markets... He really didn't know how to find Wicke, the kobold was pretty tiny and didn't mention a specific place to meet... Or even a time for that matter, did Aster fall for some sort of fake plans to get rid of him perhaps?
After around five minutes of wandering, the dejected fox started to make his way out of the market but he stopped in his tracks as something briefly chimed in his head before a voice started to speak!
'Don't panic! It's me Wicke, I forgot to plan properly. Meet me at the market's central plaza? Snacks on me.' The voice rang through his head, as if the kobold was speaking right into his mind.
The boy looked around confused, he didn't see the kobold anywhere... Well, he did receive some directions at least.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head To The Markets Fountain Plaza.->Market Fountain]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[It was only a short trip down the road, the young fox could see the small fountain plaza after a couple of minutes. Luckily, the brightly dressed kobold stood out standing right next to it as well. Wicke even seemed to notice Aster, quickly rushing over and out of breath.
"I am... So sorry! I got carried away thinking about the lecture and didn't even bother to set a place or time... So I just kind of panicked and cast a spell. I'm surprised you even came to the markets without any information... Oh, uhm and here!" The kobold said, reaching into his bag before pulling out something wrapped in paper.
Aster carefully took it in both hands, curiously unwrapping it. "It's fine... I kinda didn't even think about it until I got here, how did you do that anyway?" The boy said, uncovering the warm bun from its wrapping.
Wicke laughed nervously as he shifted about in place. "It was a spell, lets you send a short message long distance... Oh, you could have replied but I couldn't really explain with what I had left." The boy said with a quick nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take A Bite Out Of The Bun.->Bite The Bun]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The bun was odd, warm and fluffy but also seemed to have something in the center. It tasted like some sort of meat and a sauce but Aster couldn't put his finger on it. Quickly glancing around the plaza, he did see various stands all selling different snacks and treats. "It's okay, I think this has more than earned forgiveness." The boy said with a little chuckle as he took another bite out of his treat.
Wicke sighed with relief before smiling up to Aster. "That's good, I'd hope so they only make so many of those a day. I was lucky to get two of them." THe kobold said, patting his bag gently with one hand.
The young fox nodded slowly as he continued to look around, before turning his attention back to Wicke. "So! What sort of shopping did you need my help with? Got a crazy experiment you wanted to do and need some magical... Stuff, to make it work?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Conversation.->Continue Convo Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster happily followed along, he was rather interested in magic and how it all worked but didn't really know what questions to ask aside from ones that made him look a bit dumb. "So... I heard every wizardy person specializes in a style of magic, what sort of thing do you work with?"
The young kobold perked up a bit at the question. "Oh! Uhm, well as said I do a lot of reverse engineering of spells and testing formulae so I actually specialize in magic modification... Changing up elements of some incantations to do other things and things of that nature, I guess I don't really specialize in a school though if that's what you mean."
Aster didn't know what that meant exactly, but it sounded cool so he nodded along. "Wow... So you can change up magic? Like how, suddenly fire is now ice or like a grabby hand turns into a knife and stabs someone?" The boy asked, cocking his head to the side.
Wicke snickered in response and looked back up over his shoulder to the fox. "Actually, the first one is pretty close. Elemental conversion is something I can do, but I can't really... Turn a spell meant to grab something into stabbing- Er... Well I don't think I can, I suppose I would need to modify the force it applies and the speed that it moves... Huh, well I don't think I need to do that at least." The boy said, unable to stop himself from laughing at the idea.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Thought It Sounded Cool!->It Sounded Cool]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke shrugged. "I'm an alumni, I may as well use my study grants to pursue my research. I kind of burn through a lot of ink in my field, so I like to keep a good stock of the stuff... Oh, I did need to pick up a few other things, if you had them in stock."
The young fox cocked his head, Alumni? That meant the kobold wasn't even a student anymore he graduated from the academy, at his age even. Aster was a bit taken aback by that reveal, but Wicke seemed to be conversing so nonchalauntly about it.
The woman nodded, Aster had gotten lost in his own thoughts that he wasn't even sure what the two were talking about anymore. Bewildered and confused, the fox looked between them a few times until Wicke pulled out a bit more gold and set it on the counter.
"Wonderful! Always nice when I don't need to go to multiple places, I would like to get a little of each of those. Some old rituals use the strangest things, with odd modern uses." The boy said with a little snicker as he turned to Aster and smiled.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Yeah...! What He Said.->He Was Listening!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke nodded up at the other boy with a quiet laugh. "I guess that's one way to put it, I need some common supplies for spellwork and then a few odd components for a few tests I wanted to run, nothing crazy. Once you are familiar with most spells it isn't hard to circumvent the components required, but when trying out new ones or experimenting with old unfamiliar magic you always need to test and tweak the formula."
Aster nodded along like he understood what any of that meant, still his curiosity was piqued. "I thought, all magic was just... A thing, like spells existed and could be done... Isn't there like, a super book of every spell out there?"
The kobold shook his head. "I wish, spells are tweaked and changed over the years they are used. Some old rituals and traditions can be lost to time and some spells can even lose their potency with each iteration. A lot of old knowledge can end up lost for one reason or another, so some spells are rediscovered. I like to study old history, so I have come across a few things of that nature!... Anyway, shall we go?" Wicke said, gesturing for Aster to follow him.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time To Go Shopping!->Shopping Time!]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The bun was odd, warm and fluffy but also seemed to have something in the center. It tasted like some sort of meat and a sauce but Aster couldn't put his finger on it. Quickly glancing around the plaza, he did see various stands all selling different snacks and treats. "It's okay, I think this has more than earned forgiveness." The boy said with a little chuckle as he took another bite out of his treat.
Wicke sighed with relief before smiling up to Aster. "That's good, I'd hope so they only make so many of those a day. I was lucky to get two of them." THe kobold said, patting his bag gently with one hand.
The young fox nodded slowly as he continued to look around, before turning his attention back to Wicke. "So! What sort of shopping did you need my help with? Got a crazy experiment you wanted to do and need some magical... Stuff, to make it work?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue The Conversation.->Continue Convo Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Stepping inside of the shop, Aster did recognize this place from the occasional window shopping trip around the market. It had shelves lined with various baubles and items each with mundane to wondrous enchantments on them and equally bewildering price tags, the young fox did his best to avoid looking at those as he closely followed along behind Wicke.
As they reached the counter, Aster could see the large cabinet filled with even more items. These ones protected behind glass and with price tags a few digits beyond what Aster could ever dream of affording, his heart sank a little bit at the thought so he shook his head and looked to Wicke who was rather excited himself.
"Hello!" The little kobold spoke up as he stepped up to the counter, taking out a small pouch of coin. "I'm here to pick up an order from the academy, under Wicke... Ahh, here is the rest of the payment." The boy said, taking out a sizable pile of gold and setting it on the counter.
The woman behind the counter didn't pay much mind to the boys as they entered, until she heard the word 'Academy' causing her to quickly sit up straight and turn her attention to the Kobold "Ah! Yes yes, that's a lot of ink you ordered... Bit much for a student!"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Studying At The Academy Must Be Expensive...->Academy Coin]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster puffed up his cheeks, he thought the idea actually sounded pretty cool but he didn't know how to defend his magic shanker concept. He wasn't a wizard, so there was probably some underlying flaw in his idea that Wicke could point out... So he'd just drop it and retain the coolness factor in his head. "Fine...! Uh, where are we going anyway?" The fox said, looking around the area curiously.
Wicke gestured down the road to a somewhat familiar sign. "Ingrid's Arcane Accessories, they sell a lot of enchanted items but also supplies for the trade and other little things. I mostly need the mana-laced ink for my spell working stuff." The boy said, picking up the pace a little bit. ]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Hurry And Follow Along.->Hurry And Follow]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster was able to keep himself composed as they continued their walk, making it out of the busy markets luckily unscathed. With a sigh of relief the fox shifted the crate around in his arms and looked ahead. He had been trying to think of something to ask Wicke in relation to that lesson he offered... He did have an idea now, but he wasn't sure how to approach it yet.
For now he just forged ahead, it was a rough walk, he had to take a few breaks here and there but luckily Wicke was happy to chat each time about something new that Aster didn't fully understand. But, the kobold got so excited each time it was hard for Aster to shut him down until it was time to walk again...
Finally, they reached the top of the steps. Aster's body was screaming in pain as he stumbled forward and set the crate down with a little grunt. Happily flopping onto the stone path, he did not want to do that again.
Wicke huffed and stepped up next to Aster. "You okay? It does take a lot to get used to those steps, come on... Let's go inside, I'm just going to say you are my new assistant for a little bit." The boy said with a little smile as he offered to help Aster up.
Aster accepted the offer, although coming from someone so short the fox still had to get up on his own for the most part. With that he turned his attention towards the large gates of the academy, it seemed he was going to get invited inside...]
(set: $Wicke to 3)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Accept The Invitation", "Wicke P3")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Maybe Later", "Western Lindwood")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded quietly, he was about to speak up but the shop owner stepped back outside and placed a rather heavy looking crate down on the counter in front of Aster. It was large but not exactly out of his capabilities. Well, he hoped as the clinking of bottles could be heard inside.
"And here are your components." The woman said, placing a few bottles of varying sizes on the counter which the kobold carefully started to pick up. Storing a few in his bag, but he had to carry the largest one full of the aforementioned white flowers. "Alright! Thank you ma'am, shall we go back to the academy my new assistant?" The kobold said, looking to Aster with a smile.
Assistant? Aster huffed a bit before he turned and quickly lifted up the crate with a little grunt. "Lead the way!... Oh, jeez these are heavier than the book..." The boy said, carefully following behind the kobold.
Wicke snickered and guided the other boy out of the store and down the road. "Please don't drop those, the ink is very expensive and if it gets all over you... Uhm, actually I don't know what will happen. Probably nothing, probably..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Hope For The Best, It's A Long Walk.->Invited Inside Academy]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster quickly nodded and looked at the woman with a nervous smile. But he didn't say anything as she nodded and stepped away from the counter, vanishing into the back room. "What did you even buy?" The fox asked, bringing his gaze back to the kobold.
Wicke shrugged. "Alba Blooms, Dried Staffshroom Spores and Sacred Sap... That one's hard to get, it comes all the way from Coronam!" The boy said with a big smile as he crossed his arms. "I can carry those, I just need you to help get the Ink back to the academy... Then I can reward you as I said!" The boy said with a happy little huff.
The fox hadn't heard of any of those before, but one of their names did ring a bell. "Alba Blooms...? Like, the draconian goddess Alba?" The boy said as he cocked his head to the side.
The young scholar nodded quickly. "Yup. They are a white flower that only grows in the valley. It is said she first set foot here, they radiate an odd magic that wards off bad energy so a little bit of their extract can be a very useful component."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Well That Makes Sense...->The Alba Blooms]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded and smiled before turning back to Wicke. "Well, lead the way inside... Oh, I think I finally decided what I wanted to ask you also. I was wondering if you knew anything about my race." The young fox asked, he didn't really know how to weave this into a conversation so decided to just ask bluntly.
icke paused for a moment and turned to look at Aster briefly. "Race? Well you're a... Actually, I guess now that I think about it you're much too tall to be a Vullec. Folks of that race are more, er... My size. Huh, I can't really think of anything off the top of my head... But, I might know someone who does, here at the academy. Come on, let's head inside." The boy gestured for Aster to follow along.
Not really having anything to lose by agreeing to help Wicke further, Aster followed along towards the large doors that lead to the academy. Only a single guard was on duty and just by Wicke explaining the situation, both were allowed inside without any other questions.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Head Inside The Academy.->Enter Academy]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster couldn't help but look around in awe as he set foot in the academy's main hall. It was a large room with no visible roof, glimmering stars shining above him with a huge array of crystals floating around each other hanging far above the two. Silken tapestries portraying various arcane sigils hanging along the walls, doors leading to hallways all around them and a large staircase at the far end of the hall leading up to a second level that looped around the large open room... It was pretty crazy, just how much was built into the cliff?
Wicke smiled up at Aster as he looked around. "It's really nice, the academy at the capital is a little bigger but honestly I feel this one captures the grandeur of what magic can really do... Well, in architecture. A very old Astromancer was affiliated with this academy, sadly his research was lost some generations ago though." The boy said with a little sigh.
Before Aster could even speak, another voice chimed in as a shorter figure stepped out from a hall not far from them. "Oh good, I was looking for you Wicke. I understand you went to go pick up your order, you do realize we have people who could do that for you?" The young voice said as Aster turned to face the new arrival.
"Oh! Professor Hoyt, I was hoping to find you. This here is, er... My new assistant, Aster! He's hoping to do a little research on his race. So I was wondering if as a fellow Foxkin you might be able to help shed some light on it?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Professor Hoyt?->Professor Hoyt]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Standing before Aster was another boy, or what at least sounded like one. Large glasses catching the glimmering light and a silven robe with expensive looking gold trim, the boy held himself with a certain level of dignity and confidence that betrayed just how young he looked- The boy was around the same height as Wicke...
It clicked for Aster, this man was probably a Vullec. He hadn't ever met one before himself, but still he sounded rather young to be a professor. "Uhm.. Hello." Aster said as he waved his hand.
The professor gave Aster a quick look over, before turning his gaze back to Wicke. "Are you dragging poor stragglers in again...? So be it, as an Alumni you have the authority to invite guests inside if they are going to help in your experiments, but please do keep out of trouble... That and If you truly are seeking some academic knowledge then I'd be going against my personal beliefs of helping educate others." With a little sigh he reached into his pocket and took out a small charm, holding it out to Aster.
The boy carefully reached a hand out and accepted the trinket, looking it over... It seemed to have the school's insignia on it, but it was a rather simple charm made of what seemed to be copper. "Uhm... Thank you?"
Wicke snickered and gave the other boy a gentle nudge. "That's a visitor's insignia, you can come inside a little easier now in the future. Show that to anyone and they will leave you alone!" The kobold said with a big smile before turning to the professor and bowing. "Thank you, Professor."]
(set: $Academic to 2)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Academia Visitors Insignia Acquired!->Insignia Get!]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[As Wicke stopped in front of a large wooden door to dig through his bag for something, the young fox paused for a moment and looked down to the kobold. If Wicke had already graduated then, did he just look young and was playing along?
"Hey, how old are you Wicke? I'm thirteen myself, my birthday was a couple of months ago actually." The boy said with a little smile, he did remember Wicke had mentioned something about his age prior but there was really no confirmation.
The kobold pulled out a set of keys with a big grin on his face, before turning to look at Aster with a confused look. "Huh? Oh, guess we are the same age then. Actually, I guess I'm a little older than you depending on what you mean by a few months." The kobold said with a little snicker before turning his attention back to the door so he could unlock it.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Same Age, Yet So Successful.->Scholar Prodigy]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster nodded towards the professor, allowing Wicke to pull him along. "Okay! I will try to bother you another time, thanks again professor." The young fox said, doing his best to be polite as the kobolds excited tugging grew more and more persistent.
Not that Wicke was very strong in the end, plus being so small meant that Aster was really just letting Wicke pull him along. "Alright, alright now let's go. Seeing as you have to assist me, now we can do a few fun things for sure hehe." The kobold said with a big grin on his face.
The fox chuckled a bit, following along next to the other boy now. "So, what did he mean by alumni anyway? I heard someone call you that earlier, I guess you aren't really a student then? Or at least, you used to be?"
Wicke just shrugged. "I graduated from the academia over in Alderdeen, the two schools are affiliated so I'm considered an alumni of sorts. I only graduated about a year ago now though, so I haven't been doing much field work just yet."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[How Old Was Wicke Then?->Wickes Age]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox stepped into the kobolds office, or lab. Whatever they had called it, it was a pretty big mess just as the kobold suggested. Books and paperwork everywhere, it's what Aster should have expected but for some reason he was hoping to see some sort of magical mess.
Aster couldn't even really think of what a magical mess would look like now that he thought about it, with a shrug he tried to navigate around the books as the young kobold hastily started to clean up the floor around them.
"So! Recently I have been studying old astromancy documents, working on reproducing some of the lost magical artes performed by the last known practitioner of a specific style. It hasn't been going all that well, but I did find some old documents in some ruins close to Coronam that I have been working to translate..." The kobold rambled on about stuff Aster didn't fully understand.
The young fox looked around for a place to set down the crate of ink he had been carrying this whole time, his arms had started to feel numb but as he set it down on the kobolds desk he was finally relieved of the burden. "Must be pretty old if you need to translate it?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Continue Conversation.->Continue Convo Wicke3]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The professor shook his head, arms crossed as he stared at Wicke intently. "I am serious about you two keeping out of trouble, this is a favor to a valuable Alumni so don't burn my good will... Now, as for your friends question." The boy said, turning his attention back to Aster with a quiet grumble.
The young fox stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to say as the other foxkin studied him so intently. He didn't really know how old this professor was but he couldn't help but feel like he should be careful to not insult the guy. Wicke was young, and was an Alumni to the academy but he wasn't sure if someone even younger than that could be a professor... Let alone act so seriously.
Hoyt sighed and scratched the side of his head. "Honestly, I am unsure myself. Your fur coat suggests a snowy climate but, my own kind often has lighter fur coats unlike my own so there are a few variables... Perhaps you are some sort of cross breed between Vullec and another race? There is the chance of a Kinari... But, those are rather rare and come all the way from the Minami area so that seems unlikely. Do you have no knowledge of your parents?"
Aster frowned and shook his head. "No, I'm working at the Sleeping Serpent for food and board right now. Before that I was left at the orphanage, nothing was left with me and no one saw who did it so... Yeah." The boy said with a little sigh.
The professor fell silent for a moment then sighed as well. "Alright, come by my office when you have a chance. Perhaps I can do something to help figure it out, for now though I need to attend a meeting... So, I will leave you two boys to your own business."
Wicke nodded and gently grabbed onto Aster's arm with a smile. "Come on Aster, my labs down this way. I can show you to the professor's office later when he isn't busy."]
(set: $Hoyt to 2)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[A Possible Lead, But... For Now He Agreed To Help Wicke.->Prof Later Wicke Now]]
''Professor Hoyt''
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster frowned a little bit, he figured that was the case. But if they were the same age, does that really just mean Wicke was some sort of scholarly prodigy or did everyone who managed to attend the academy young end up like this?
The young fox sighed quietly to himself as the door clicked open, but the excited kobold smiling up at him made it hard to feel down on himself for long. Wicke happily pushed open the door and gestured for Aster to step inside. "Here, this is the room they are letting me do my experiments in while I am visiting. Please come in, my apologies, it is such a mess."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Enter The Lab.->Wickes Lab]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke shook his head and shoved a few haphazardly scattered documents on a nearby shelf. "Incorrect! They are coded, many scholars and wizards alike actually write their notes in a form of code that only they can properly translate, it prevents people from stealing one's research... But, it also makes it hard to recover lost information." The kobold said with a little snicker.
Aster cocked his head to the side, then grinned. "Oh, that makes sense. If I had to write in some sorta code I'd probably make it look like a cooking recipe or collection of them maybe!" The boy said with a pleased chuckle.
Wicke looked a bit surprised at the idea. "Oh, that's actually a rather common method actually! Well, depending on the scholar. Alchemy notes can be very well disguised hidden inside other recipes, they can be horrid to translate unless you actually know how to cool." The boy said with a little huff.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Cooking, Asters True Skill!->Asters Talent]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster frowned and crossed his arms. "I'm not going to think of you as a weirdo, I mean... All wizards and scholars are weird anyway so what's the harm, I doubt that is some kind of cooking recipe so is it for some kind of crazy potion or spell?" The boy said as he stepped closer to the kobold.
Wicke sighed and sat up fully in his chair. "It's for a spell, it's supposed to give you the libido and virility of a dragon, but due to the rarity of that kind of... Component, I haven't ever tested that sort of thing... It's not really something you can just cut out." He said with a nervous laugh.
"Look..." The young kobold spoke up as he fiddled with the book in his arms. "Promise not to tell anyone? I have been putting together a compendium of erotic spells here and there, sort of a hobby... Just, whenever I come across one. I have actually managed to recreate a few old ones that I stumbled across on my travels." The kobold said with an embarrassed smile.
Aster's eyes widened as he spoke. "You can use magic for sex stuff? Woah, that's kind of cool. I thought it was just for like, shooting blasts of fire or moving stuff around with your mind." The young fox said, honestly rather (link-rerun:"curious.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke could tell just how curious the other boy was, quickly seeming to relax as a grin spread across his face. "Really? I mean... If you like, maybe I can show you some stuff from my book. We cooould, fool around and stuff..." The kobold said as he slowly opened up the book.
Aster paused for a moment, then gave the kobold a skeptical squint. "You mean, perverted stuff... Like have sex, that kind of fooling around?" The fox asked, before just snickering and giving the boy a nod. "Sure, but only if you show me some of your cool horny magic."
Wicke looked relieved and excited, quickly hopping up from his chair with a nod. "Deal! I think you might just have to become my new assistant after this... Er, wait wait. I do need to run some experiments before I can just goof off... Why don't we do this tonight, you can stay here and help me run a few things then as a reward later I will give you an extra special demonstration. How does that sound?" The kobold asked with a wink.]
(set: $Wicke to 4)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Sounds Like A Good Deal!", "Wicke P4")
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Maybe Later", "Arcane Academy")
''Wicke''](hidden: )|2)[<img
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//wic36a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//wic36b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The desk he had set the crate down had a drawer that was opened up slightly, the glimmering print on a book inside caught the young foxes attention and before Wicke could spring up to stop him, the boy had already taken it out and was looking it over. "So, what's this one on?" Aster opened it up to a random page, but what was inside looked like pure nonsense to him, but one phrase did stand out.
Still, a sudden tug of force yoinked it right out of the young foxes hand. The book flew through the air and into Wickes arms. "H-hey, you can't just look at other people's research...!" The kobold said with a little grumble.
Aster blinked, looking down to his empty hands before back to the kobold. "So, uh... Why was dragon cum written on that page?" The fox said, cocking his head to the side.
The young kobold went flush, stuttering a little bit before he just sort of deflated and sat in his book. "... You're gonna think I am a total weirdo." Was all he managed to mutter out.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Was Still Confused...->Lewd Discovery]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster put both hands on his hips and puffed up his chest. "Then my notes would be like an otherworldly language to you, for I learned to cook from one of the best chefs in Lindwood." The boy said with a triumphant snicker.
Wicke rolled his eyes and sat down on a nearby chair. "Fair enough, oh great lord of the hearth. Maybe you will have to show me how good you are, next time snacks are on you~" The kobold said with a toothy grin.
The young fox frowned. "H-hey I can't afford to buy supplies to bake snacks, as your assistant I request funding for this task... " With his arms crossed, Aster grumbled quietly under his breath, but something caught his eye.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Oh Neat, Shiny Book Cover.->Shiny Book]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[After making their deal, the young fox realized he had agreed to help with whatever crazy experiment the kobold actually had in mind. Luckily, the next few hours actually went by rather smoothly.
Wicke didn't have anything that insane to do, most of his experiments revolved around trying to recreate something on a parchment over and over with the ink he had acquired. Aster mostly helped tidy up, get things the other boy needed and conversed along the way.
The talking is what helped most, even if Wicke really did just love to ramble about whatever interested him. Aster himself was still able to add to the conversation here and there, eventually the fox ended up mentioning the stone.
That ended the experiments for a bit, Wicke really wanted to study it but much to the boy's disappointment there wasn't much even he could do with it. Still, the kobold did seem more then intrigued by the concept even if he was ultimately unfamiliar with it. Seems this stuff doesn't happen in the capital for some reason.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Help Until Nightfall.->Until Night]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster stared at the nearby window for a bit, he ended up getting lost in thought for a good while without even realizing. The young fox was brought back to reality by a small scaled hand waving in front of his face, causing him to jerk back and look at Wicke.
"You okay Aster? Sorry if this is getting boring, I expected to have some luck today but... These runes are pretty complex, guess neither of us are getting turned into dragons today." The boy said with a little shrug, wait what?
Before Aster could even speak up he was quickly silenced by the other boy's hand resting on his thigh. "But, it's getting pretty late now! Seeeing as you are gonna be sleeping over... I think it's time for an after dark lesson on the arcane?"
Aster nodded quickly, a grin spreading across his face. "Okay... What did you have in mind? I'm fine with trying something a little weird, but maybe not so insane as getting turned into a dragon..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Although That Did Sound Cool.->No Dragons]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke paused for a moment, before he seemed to perk up. "Oh! I got some components earlier, they are for an old spell... Supposed to boost your libido and energy in general, sort of a boost to how long you can go. I recently figured out that one and it works pretty well, very boring to use alone though." The boy said as he leaned in a big closer.
Aster blushed a bit, giving the smaller boy a quick nod. "Okay, then let's do that one then. Kinda curious how it works anyway..." The fox said he was expecting something a little crazier, but being able to go at it for an extended period did sound pretty fun still.
The kobold smirked and slipped away from Aster, quickly going over to his bag and digging through it. "Let me see, let me see... A pinch of this and a few petals of that." The boy mumbled as he fiddled with the bottles. "A jolt of magic, enough for two... Aaand!" The small reptile brought a hand up in the air and spun his finger, a few threads of energy spiraled out from it and quickly spread throughout the room. Briefly washing over Aster before just vanishing?]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Kinda Tingly Though.->Tingly Feeling]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster gritted his teeth, it was if the pleasure he was receiving had essentially doubled. His breathing had already grown a little bit ragged, but the kobold in his lap was unphased as he continued to ride the poor fox to the finish.
"H-heheh...! Ohh this is nice, I tied our senses of pleasure together for a little. Ohh... Y-you're getting so close already!" The kobold said with a happy moan as he leaned his head back, early picking up the pace.
The poor fox was already starting to see stars, unable to hold himself back the poor kid felt his body tense up from the overwhelming sensations. Arcing his back, he felt the kobolds seed fire out across his chest from Wickes twin shafts as Aster himself flew over the edge, pumping his own vulpine cream deep into the tiny reptile.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take A Moment.->Instant Recovery]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
''Aster''](hidden: )|2)[<img
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke let out a happy squeal as he felt the first eager thrust, the fox now slamming his hips against the smaller reptile's ass over and over. It felt like he hadn't even cum just moments before, maybe he really could go all night!
It felt good, really damn good. The young fox couldn't help but let himself go a little bit, pinning both of the kobold’s wrists to the bed as he continued to rut the eager kobold below him.
It only took another minute or two for Aster to feel another orgasm surge forward, but this time he could tell that the source was from Wicke. It was strange, but oh so rewarding to know that he was causing this!
The duo shared another magically linked orgasm together, only left panting for a few seconds before the familiar thrum of warmth filled both of them once more. Along with the desire for more, the need to continue fucking soon became a bit too (link-rerun:"all consuming.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[While the idea of going all night felt more like an exaggeration, as the spell soon got a bit out of control both boys found themselves unable to stop. Each orgasm was soon followed by another, and then another as Aster continued to pound the young kobold into the bed.
Occasionally they changed position again, toying with each other's dicks. A bit of curiosity saying oral and another round of riding. Hours soon ticked by as the spell continued to work it's way through both of their systems.
Finally, as the fourth hour ticked by the spell seemed to wear off. Within moments both Aster and Wicke were so exhausted they could barely move, laying there next to each other in a dazed stupor. The scent of sex and sweat filling the room, it didn't take long or Aster to simply pass out.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Much Needed Rest...->Wicke Fin]]
''Wicke''](hidden: )|2)[<img
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//wic47a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//wic47b//^^]]]
(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sat there for a moment, he did feel a little bit tingly and warm but nothing really changed. The young fox looked around a little confused, then turned his attention back to Wicke. "Uhm... Did it work?" The boy asked.
The kobold nodded, snickering as he started to pull off his robe. "Yeah, it just won't really kick in until we are doing stuff." The boy said as he casually started to strip down.
Oh, he was stripping. Aster perked up and started to undo his belt, he didn't expect to sleep with this kobold after just meeting him... But, like Aster was going to complain about getting to fool around with someone his age.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Strip Down!->Kobold Strip]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster felt his own shaft spring out into the open as his shorts were tugged down his legs. He didn't even realize that he had already gotten so hard, but he didn't get much time to think as the ravenous little kobold continued to advance.
Wicke slowly moved back across the bed as he lowered himself face to face with the other boy's crotch, happily wrapping a clawed hand around Aster's length and dragging his tongue along the underside of it with a snicker. "Ohh so this is the kind you have, neat. I figured you'd have a sheath but this is really cool." The kobold said.
The young fox laughed nervously, but before he could really respond he felt the head of his dick slip into something warm and wet. Wicke really didn't waste any time at all, he was already bobbing his head along Aster's shaft eagerly!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[They Had All Night!->Eager Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Wicke was the first to get naked, stripping down in record time. The moment his shorts came down and the small reptile's twin shafts popped out into the open, Aster couldn't help but stare as he sat there with his shirt in hand.
He hadn't ever seen someone with dicks like that before, the kobold didn't really appear to have balls either and he could totally tell Aster was staring.
"Haha, curious? Don't worry I wanna get to know what's in your pants too." The boy said as he crept closer before quickly hopping up onto the bed and grabbing hold of the other boys shorts, Aster yelped as he tumbled back due to the kobold tugging them right off!]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Wicke Was Very Much In The Mood.->Horny Wicke]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[With both boys on the same page, Wicke just eagerly nodded and pushed his rear down onto Aster's lap. A happy groan escaped the small reptile's maw as he felt the other boys shaft steadily push up into him. "G-good~"
Aster bit his lip, the tight rear enveloping his dick sent a jolt of pleasure up his spine. He couldn't help but let out a little grunt once he felt the other boy fully press down into his lap, and gasp as he felt the tiny kobold start to bounce with vigor.
"Yoou.. Like it both ways, I assume? Then... What do ya think of this~?" The boy said as he leaned forward, gently running a finger along Asters chest as he said something under his breath.
The young foxes eyes widened as he felt something deep inside of his own rear, a stimulating pleasure as if his own prostate was being pressed against with each bounce. "W-woah...!"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Now That's Lewd Magic!->Pleasure Link]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox huffed as he shifted around on the kobolds bed, letting out a happy groan as he felt the smaller male continue to suckle with each rhythmic bob of his head. There was no doubt in his mind that Wicke was pretty experienced with this kind of stuff, but due to the boys 'hobby' that made sense.
Aster laid there and enjoyed the attention for a good few minutes, gently running his hand through the kobolds hair every so often. But eventually the fun came to an end when Wicke pulled away with a little huff as he slowly climbed up onto the other boy.
Wicke snickered as he straddled the young foxes lap. "So, I'm more of a... Receiver, you fine with that?" The kobold asked, already starting to align his rear with the fox's dick.
The young fox chuckled, quickly grabbing the young kobolds hips tightly with both hands. "I don't mind, plus you're already in position." The boy said with a grin as he pulled the kobold down slightly, pressing the head of his dick tightly against the other boy's hole.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Time For The Real Fun.->Kobold Ride]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
''Aster''](hidden: )|2)[<img
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster was the first to wake up, but he refused to move until Wicke stirred. Laying there, sore and exhausted for a good hour until the poor reptile finally forced himself up. It was a bit of an awkward morning, but both boys shared a bit of a laugh over just how potent the spell turned out being.
"Okay... Maybe the staffshroom spores were a bit too fresh, I don't think we were supposed to get that into it." The kobold said with a little snicker as he got dressed.
Aster grunted, pulling his shorts on with a nod. "Yeah... Damn, my hips still hurt. You gonna be alright?" The fox asked as he (link-rerun:"looked to Wicke curiously.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The kobold seemed to be taking it better and was already buttoning up his shirt with a little grin on his face. "Yeah... I'm pretty durable, you may need to take a long rest though haha... But, that was a lot of fun. We should do it again sometime- Er, maybe not with that exact spell... Guess it would have to be before both of us leave though."
The young fox grinned and gave the other boy a quick nod. "Yeah we can figure something out, wait what do you mean leave?" The boy asked, cocking his head to the side.
Wicke laughed nervously as he shuffled in place. "Well, you have to go on your journey and my time here studying at the academy is almost up. I planned to go do a bit of field work myself... Soo, maybe we can hang out a bit more before you go?"
Aster frowned, he hadn't even considered that both of them planned on leaving... But, then an idea crept up in the back of the boy's mind. But, he wasn't entirely sure if it was right to ask.
But, with Wicke having a busy day ahead of them the two had to part ways once they had gotten dressed. The young kobold gave Aster a quick hug, before he dashed off down the hall with a little wave. "See you later!"
With a little sigh the fox made his way out of the academy, he needed to get a little bit of rest and now he had something else to consider. Still, he needed to take the time to think about this properly.]
(set: $Wicke to 5)
''Wickes Tale Has Been Concluded,
He Can Now Be Invited On A Journey.''
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Resume Prologue", "Western Lindwood")
''Wicke''](hidden: )|2)[<img
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//wic48a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//wic48b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The fox groaned, throwing his head back as his orgasm hit hard. His body briefly felt like it was going to give out, but then the thrum of warmth hit him out of nowhere. It felt like his energy was renewed, his dick didn't feel overly sensitive like it usually did.
Wicke himself was still going, but he slowed down a little bit as he leaned forward and rested a hand on the foxes chest. "Y-Yees...! Keep going, keep going! We can go all night Aster, c'mon get into it!" The kobold demanded in a playful tone.
Aster gritted his teeth, as he reached up to grab onto the small kobolds torso. If that's what he wanted, then Aster will oblige! With one swift movement, the young fox threw Wicke onto his side and was now on top of him, still hilted in the little kobolds ass.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Give Wicke What He Wants!->All Night]]
|==|Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster couldn't resist, who knows what sort of intense wizardly meeting the professor could be holding or perhaps he was testing some sort of new magical incantation that was too dangerous to do outside of his office, without a second thought the young fox leaned in close to the crack of the door so he could (link-rerun:"take a peek.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Peeking inside of the professor's office, the young foxes eyes widened as he stared at Hoys massive erect cock. Fully exposed due to the young looking Vullec being nude from the waist down, wearing only a shirt and robe as he stood there next to his desk looking over a few papers. "...Seriously, I know you enjoy having some time out but isn't this getting to be a bit much? I have work to do..." The professor spoke, quickly glancing around, Aster didn't see anyone else.
Hoyt shook his head and set the papers down, staring right at his own oversized dick with an annoyed expression. "What do you mean you're excited, we haven't made any progress in fixing this for over a decade now. Just because we met someone who you have an odd feeling about, doesn't mean you can act up like this."
He was... Speaking to himself, or more accurately his own dick? Aster was beyond confused, still... He couldn't help but stare at the professor's impressive size. Was this just something wizards did? He knew many spell casters tended to be a tad odd but this seemed beyond that.
The professor's shaft seemed to twitch and bob in the air slightly, causing him to sigh. "What... Wait, what do you mean?... Damnit." The professor's gaze quickly shot in Aster's direction. "...Aster, just come in please."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Damnit!... Caught.->Caught Peeking]]
](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy02a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy02b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster awkwardly opened up the door just enough for him to slip inside, before quickly closing it behind him with an embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to spy on you like that, I just didn't want to interrupt what you were doing... U-uhm I didn't know you would be... Uh, actually what are you even doing?" The boy asked, his eyes occasionally darting down to the professor's still exposed shaft.
Hoyt made no attempt to hide himself now that he had been seen, he did look rather on edge now but despite that the visible arousal refused to fade. "I suppose you heard me talking to... Right." He sighed, pushing up his glasses so he could rub the bridge of his muzzle. "That is a rather long and complex story... I suppose, let me introduce you to my... Apprentice, Cedric." The vullec said, gesturing to his own dick.
The young fox started, a little bit bewildered and unsure of what to say or how to respond. He had questions, but none of them made all that sense to him at the time.
Seeing the confusion on his face, the profesor sighed quietly and snapped his fingers, a few shimmering Runes slowly appearing around his (link-rerun:"shaft.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[With the runes now on display the professor started to speak. "Cedric specialized in the study of fey magic, namely transformative curses and blessings and how to counteract them... After a small chain of events he ended up like this. Additionally, attempting to stop it caused an arcane backlash of sorts that resulted in my body regressing to appear as it does now. I can assure you I am much older than I look, but ever since... This happened, I haven't aged beyond how I look... Does that explain it?" The professor said, looking a bit displeased at having to talk about this.
Aster nodded slowly... But something still seemed off. "Er, if he ended up getting turned into something so intimate... How did that even happen? Did he fall into you or did some weird arcane hands lift you up and smash you together or... Did his body disintegrate and he woke up like that, like how did it happen and how is he even still in there?" The boy asked, finally able to put his words together.
Hoyt took a deep breath and looked down to his dick for a moment, before slowly nodding. "I am telling you all of this in hopes you won't speak a word of this to anyone else, Cedric believes you may be of some assistance to us... But how is beyond me, here take a seat." He said, waving his hand and causing one of the chairs off to the side of the room to lift up and quickly float towards the professor's desk.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take A Seat.->Sit Down]]
''Professor Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy03a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy03b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Once the boy was sat the professor just rested against the side of his desk, still leaving himself exposed for some reason as he spoke. "Well... Me and my apprentice, before this happened, had a bit of an inappropriate relationship. I suppose this was punishment for doing that sort of thing, conflict of interest... I undermined my own principals and gave into my vices." The professor said with a sigh.
Aster nodded slowly, not really wanting to insult the powerful wizardly professor in the room by any means so he didn't try to touch on that topic. It's not like he hadn't fooled around with people much older than himself in the past before anyway. "I see... So you two were doing it... And then he got stuck like this?"
The professor nodded and gestured to the runes that looped around his shaft. "This is the branding of the... I suppose curse, it's a soul binding spell that is an odd mixture of fey and arcane magic. I have been trying for many years to undo it... But, well it seems that may not be possible without the direct intervention of the fey who made this spell... Sadly, that is just how their magic tends to work when it is overly complex." He said with a displeased grumble.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[So They Were Stuck Like This...->Stuck Like That]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["So, you're both stuck like this then?" The boy asked, cocking his head to the side. He was trying to not stare at the professor's dick even if it was apparently another person... Or, housed the soul of one. But it was very difficult, could the apprentice tell he was staring at times? The more Aster thought about it the more embarrassed he felt.
The professor fell silent for a moment and sighed. "Not... Entirely. We have managed to find a way to get him out, originally I was trying to create a vessel for his soul to inhabit. But, due to the runes if I try to... Remove the second soul within my body it could severely harm or even kill both of us, so I have been studying a way to create a protosoul to take his place... That, is a very long and difficult field of study that no one has managed to crack though so I fear I am still decades if not centuries away from making any sort of meaningful discovery." The professor said with a nod, but he seemed nervous now.
Aster cocked his head to the side, trying to think for a moment to see if he really understood. "Sooo... You need another soul to take his place essentially, why haven't you tried to find someone... Erm, willing? As weird as this all seems, there has to be a weirdo out there that would do it."
The professor shook his head slowly from side to side. "No, even if it could just be any soul due to the fact we can still communicate, I'd rather not have some... Weirdo, in the back of my head invading my mind. Regardless, we would need someone with the proper affinity for the... Erm, position." The professor said as he stared down towards the papers he was looking at.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Affinity? What Kind.->Asters Affinity]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Affinity? What kind of affinity do you need, like soul mates or something like that?" The young fox said with a little snicker as he leaned back in his chair, this was all so strange.
The professor shook his head again. "No nothing like that, souls emit a sort of... Energy, there are various kinds and occasionally said souls are similar. I suppose they would be like minded people? But, Cedric said he could sense some sort of fey energy coming off of your soul and that... Well, you might be a candidate of sorts." The professor bit his lip and at this point looked embarrassed. "I am not asking you to do this, or even see if it is possible. I am merely explaining due to my apprentice being overtly annoying the past few minutes about the possibility of him getting a body back... I apologize, I shouldn't have brought it up." The vullec said, retreating behind his desk finally.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Possibility Of Him Being A Match...->Another Possiblity]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster fell silent for a moment, something in the back of his head was nagging him a little bit. He was somewhat curious, if anything right now he would love to toy around with the professor's dick but... Well, it felt rude to just offer but something did click in his head. "I... Think I know why." The boy said, reaching into his pocket as he pulled out his pendant and set it on the desk.
The professor paused for a moment, his eyes widening as they flickered a soft blue hue for a moment. "Oh... That, that does explain it. Something like that could make nearly anything possible, I see no wonder you wanted to do some research at the academy."
The young fox fell silent for a moment and stared at the crystal. "Hypothetically, if I actually agreed to that. Would this thing help you make the discoveries you need to fix the problem? I was told it can help shape the future so if my goal is to... Turn back, it could sorta guide you towards that maybe?"
Hoyt sat there for a moment, a bit taken aback by the concept. "I... I suppose that yes, it could lead to that, yes. The concept of possibility is a strange one, we here at the academy don't even understand these stones but from our experience that... Well, it also aids the person you choose as your confidant." The professor stared at the stone and took a deep breath.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Could Help...->Aster Could Help]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Before Aster could speak up the professor himself did. "But you cannot be considering this, my apprentice has spent the past fifteen years of his life like this. Choosing this sort of path, I cannot tell you how long it could even take... Cedric has spent longer in this form than he did as a person. Doing this, would mean giving up your life as it is and the possibility of the future you yourself desired."
The young fox stared at the stone for a moment, the professor did have a point... This would be an insane thing to just do on a whim for someone he had only just met even if it could possibly help both the professor and his apprentice immersibly. "Okay... I will think about it."
Hoyt grumbled a little bit and rubbed his face. "I will be frank, if you decide to do this... There isn't a word I wouldn't agree with. This could really change everything, but I am not messing up a youth's future."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Could Still Help A Little Maybe...->Aster Can Still Help]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster really only had his mind on one thing at this point, with a little gulp the boy spoke up. "So uh... With him like that, do you always end up super horny all the time...?" The boy asked, hoping that he could change the subject in some way.
The professor was a little taken aback by the question, but at this point he couldn't even hide that fact. "...Yes, he can be a nuisance... Honestly, Cedric has adjusted to the life to an extent but he can be a bit too... Active at times, it can be a rather large distraction as you could assume." He said with a huff.
Aster nodded slowly, he could picture just how problematic it could be due to the professor's job and everything he had to do. Did he manage to hide this the whole time, there had to be others who knew... Still.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Offer To Help.->Lewd Offer]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox briefly stared at the stone for a moment, before he slowly got up from his chair and looked to the professor. "Can I help then? If he's acting up because of me, then I should help fix it... Erm, plus you did sort of let it slip you had a thing for younger boys."
Hoyt looked shocked by the offer, stuttering a bit as he watched the young fox walk around the desk and get much closer than he expected. "A-Aster this is very inappropriate..." Was all he could manage to say.
Aster stopped and stared at the professor for a moment. "...And our earlier discussion wasn't even more inappropriate? Just sit back, I'm curious myself." The boy said with a confident nod.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Take The Lead.->Take The Lead]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Not wanting to waste anymore time, Aster quickly slipped down onto his hands and knees and crawled under the professor's desk. Within moments he was kneeling in front of the much shorter fox, his face mere inches away from what was apparently the man's apprentice.
With a little gulp, the young fox took the girthy rod in both hands as he leaned in close. Curiously stroking Hoyts dick, slowly dragging both hands up and then down along the entire length of the monstrous cock. "...Wow, Uhm is he okay with this?" The boy asked quietly.
Hoyt was frozen in his chair, legs twitching as he didn't really know what to do. But the sensation of another person's touch quickly made the professor change his tune as a needy groan escaped his muzzle. "Y... Yes, he's basically... Begging for the attention." The vullec said with another groan.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Give Them What They Want->Ezra Cums Easy]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster's own dick strained against his shorts, but he was much too focused on the hefty rod in his grasp to even think about toying with himself. What did this feel like for the apprentice, was it like having his entire body stimulated? Questions like that are what made the boy so curious about this subject.
The young fox leaned in close, slipping the head of the professor's dick into his mouth. He could barely get much more in due to the sheer size, but the shocked moan and squirming legs on either side of him showed that Aster didn't need to do much more to please Hoyt.
The professor felt his whole body ablaze with heat, his legs twitching and his toes curling as the young fox below him started to suckle and slurp away. Hoyt was already seeing stars, it had been a very long time since he was this intimate with another person!
The gentle fingers pumping along the length of his shaft, the warm tongue rolling around the desperately sensitive cockhead. It was just all too much for the poor vullec, with a gasp he felt his body fly over the edge screaming as seed fired out from his cock without warning.
Aster didn't expect the professor to fire on such a hair trigger, he had barely been going for two minutes. The sheer volume of seed flowing out from the vullec’s hefty nuts though was intense, he could barely even try to swallow it all. Vulpine seed flooded out of his mouth as the professor continued to cum, splattering across the poor kid as he lurched back and coughed.
The poor fox was now a sticky mess, the small figure of the professor limp in his chair and panting from the experience. Hoyt looked down to Aster and fixed his glasses. "G... Give me a moment, then we can get you cleaned up..." The professor very much looked like he (link-rerun:"needed a moment.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[After a couple of minutes, the professor was able to regain his composure and helped the poor kid clean up. It only took a few quick finger snaps to tidy up Asters clothing and fur, magic really was wonderful! The professor's cock, how sated from the experience, even retreated into his sheath finally.
"Th... Thank you, Aster. But please, we can't tell anyone about anything that happened today." The professor said with a little sigh as he fidgeted with his ring.
Aster chuckled, looking over his now cleaned shirt. "Wow, this looks better than when I got here! Also, don't worry I wont tell anyone about this, it can be our little secret... Well, big secret I guess." The boy said, still chuckling.
Hoyt grumbled a little bit as he stared Aster down and crossed his arms. "Alright... Alright I get it, no need to laugh. I do have work to get to you know, so I guess... Keep what we talked about in mind, really think about it before you make any choices. I will, well... Be here when you make up your mind." The Vullec said with a little nod.
The young fox flushed, realizing he had taken up so much of the professor's time. "Right!... Okay, yeah I will head out now. I will... I will be sure to let you know when I make up my mind." The boy said as he quickly made his way over to the door.
"My names Ezra by the way, Ezra Hoyt... Please, still address me properly around the school. But, considering what just happened I'd appreciate if you uh... Talked to me casually in private." He said, fidgeting with his ring again.
Aster smirked and gave the professor a nod. "See you later then, Ezra." The boy said before he slipped back out of the vullecs office and closed the door behind him... He had a lot to think about now after all.]
(set: $Hoyt to 3)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Arcane Academy")
''Professor Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy12a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy12b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster had found his way back to the academy, he had spent some time thinking about the professor's offer. Well, in all honesty he was the one that offered it but he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through with it in the end. Now, with his mind made up the young fox made his way back to the familiar office door and gently knocked on it.
"One moment." A voice called out from inside, he recognized it to be the professors. The poor guy probably didn't have pants on again, maybe his apprentice was acting up like last time...? Maaybe, Aster would have to help out again or something...
Realizing he hadn't said anything yet, the young fox opened his mouth to speak but was quickly silenced as the door before him opened up. The short vulpine figure of the professor now staring up at him.
"Oh, hello there Aster... Uh, what can I do for you?" He asked, his expression shifting to a more nervous one. "Oh, uh, here come in may be better to chat with the door closed..." The professor said, stepping aside so Aster could enter.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Step Inside His Office.->Step Inside Office]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The young fox nodded as he stepped inside, looking around the office. Nothing had really changed, then again it hadn't really been all that long either. "Hey pro-... Uhm, Ezra. I think I made up my mind with what we talked about last time." The boy said as he turned to face the professor.
Ezra quickly shut the door, clearing his throat as he did. "Oh... Alright, I didn't expect this to happen so soon. It honestly feels like you just walked out my door and turned right back around..." He laughed nervously and scratched the side of his head. "So, what did you decide?"
Before the boy could speak up, the professor chimed in again. "I just want to remind you that doing this, it could take years to fix. You most likely wouldn't get to go back to your normal life... You would really need to be okay with the idea that this could be a very, very extended arrangement." The professor said with a quiet sigh.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Say You Understand, But Still Want To.->Agree To CTF]]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Apologize, You Don't Want To.", "Decided No")
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["I understand that, but honestly... I still want to do it, especially if I can help you and your apprentice out. I don't really know what will become of me if I try to be an adventurer, or do anything like that... But, well if I do this then I know I can help you both directly. Plus, if everything works out I will eventually end up free again right?" The boy said with a little smile.
Ezra huffed, rubbing his face as he quietly grumbled. "Oh gods you actually want to go through with this... I thought you'd say no, I really have no idea what to say Aster..." The vullec said, shifting around in place as he stared down towards his own groin.
Aster snickered and stepped towards the professor, putting both hands on the smaller foxes shoulders. "Don't be so embarrassed, so how do we do this?" The boy asked with a smile.
The professor stayed silent, even as Aster grabbed onto his shoulders... But, after a moment he nodded and met the boy's gaze. "If... You really want to do this, thank you... Ah, well first I suppose you need to get naked..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Easy Enough, Strip!->Office Strip]]
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster snickered at the openly perverted thought, he wanted to tease Ezra about it but considering what he was willingly about to do and how he himself was hard as a rock... The young fox didn't feel like he was in a position to taunt his new friend.
Ezra seemed to enjoy toying with the young fox for a few more moments, before letting out a quiet sigh and stepping down off the stool- Oddly enough, despite the fact the other fox let go it still felt like he was being jerked off!
Gazing down towards his own dick, Aster saw an odd shimmering magical energy was twisting around it and mimicking a quick stroking motion in the process. The boy let out a little groan, but was quickly caught off guard when the professors massive shaft soon flopped over his own face (link-rerun:"out of nowhere!")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[While Aster was distracted, Ezra had moved the stool to the other end of the table and was now standing over top of Aster. Just high enough for his shaft to press down onto the boy's face gently. "Shh... I'm going to start now, for this both to work you need to stay calm, just trust me Aster." The professor said.
Aster nodded, unsure of why the stroking was a part of this. But he tried to take a deep breath, getting a nice whiff of the professor's own scent in the process. The young fox kept his eyes shut tightly, the warm sensation of the professor's cock pressing down on his face holding firm as Ezra started to chant.
It felt strange at first, the energy flowing around the young foxes body. The buzzing heat soon tingled through his toes and fingers. After a moment he tried to squirm about, but found it impossible. A tinge of panic spiked within the young boy causing him to open his eyes, the sight was disorienting.
It was as if he was viewing the world from three different perspectives... One, smooshed up against the underside of a massive cock. Another looking down over his own body high from above, while another was... It was if he could see Ezra's face and the room around him but at the same time he couldn't.
The disorienting feeling made the young foxes head start to spin, so he shut his eyes tightly again as the heat continued to climb up his limbs bit by bit...]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[The Ritual Continues.->Ritual Continues]]
''Ezra Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Ezra Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy18a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy18b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster studied the table closely for a few moments, intricate runic patterns lined the entire thing. They looked to be drawn on with some sort of chalk but as the young fox tried to smudge it the stuff wasn't phased... Well, at least he could lay down without worry!
The boy gently slipped onto the table, laying down with a quiet sigh as he wiggled about to try and get comfortable... That was a little bit hard to do with it being made of what felt like some sort of stone.
Ezra pulled the stool up next to Aster, stepping up onto it before he seemed to pause at the sight of the young fox’s own arousal. "I'm... Going to draw some runes on your body now, alright?" The fox asked with a quiet gulp.
Aster looked to Ezra as he pulled what looked to be a stick of chalk out of his sleeve, but before the young fox could say that white wouldn't work... A simple flick of the wrist changed the material to black. "Oh, yeah go ahead." The boy said with a little snicker, all he could do was(link-rerun:"let him.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster laid there quietly, watching the younger-looking fox slowly work. He could feel the different symbols being drawn over his body, but not really knowing what any of them meant the boy found himself only really able to focus on the professor's own growing arousal.
He could see the hefty shaft slowly rise from Ezras sheath, it didn't take long for the professor to be at full mast again. Actually, with how big that Aster was a bit surprised how quickly the other fox seemed to stiffen up.
But, before he could even question it the boy felt a small hand wrap around his hardened shaft as it curiously pulled back the foreskin with a gentle tug. Aster let out a little huff as he flashed a playful grin towards the professor, who laughed nervously in response.
"...Sorry, I couldn't resist. I was just wondering what would happen if I turned you into mine directly... Would it end up shaped like this?" The fox said as he continued to jerk Aster off idly.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Ezra Was A Pervert Deep Down.->Perverted Ezra]]
''Ezra Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Ezra Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy17a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy17b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Getting naked was pretty easy, first came off the young boy's shirt and then his shorts. Aster took a moment to tug his boots off before finally discarding his underwear with a nod. Considering that he had already gotten a bit intimate with the professor there wasn't really much shame to be felt.
Plus with what was about to happen, well. As the young fox folded up his clothing and set it down on the professor's desk he knew he wouldn't really be needing it for a long, long time. Hearing Ezra rustling with his own clothes behind him, the young fox nodded and turned. (link-rerun:"turned.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Ezra was just pulling his robe back on when the young fox turned to face him, a light blush spread across the vullec’s face as he turned his own gaze towards the now naked Aster. With a little gulp, the professor nodded. "That... That will do." The poor guy still seemed nervous, but considering what they were about to do.
"So... Do we uh, have sex to make this happen or something else...?" The young fox asked as he fidgeted around, trying to take Ezra up the rear did sound somewhat appealing but he wasn't sure if he could handle someone so big.
Ezra shook his head in the end, awkwardly reaching down to fiddle with his plump sheath. "No, when this happened to me and Cedric it was mid... Uhm, love making. But due to the fact both mine and his body have already... Well, merged together. I only need to perform a ritual to trade your soul with his... So uh, if you could come over here and lay down on this table..."
The young-looking fox guided the taller boy towards a rather short table. If anything, it was just high enough for someone of Ezra's stature to work at but he still seemed to be pulling a stool over towards it... Damnit, Aster could already feel himself starting to get hard.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Lay Down.->Lay On Table]]
''Ezra Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Ezra Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy16a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy16b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The energy swirling around the young foxes body grew stronger and stronger. He could feel the heat of the runes blazing powerfully across his fur, but the strongest ones burned around his waist... The pleasure was starting to grow more and more intense. The spell that was working his dick grew faster and faster as the warmth overtook his limbs.
He could feel the pleasure, in his arms and legs and across his face. He could taste the cock pressing down onto his face, a silent moan escaping the young foxes body as his entire body tensed up.
The heat rapidly overtook his core, the world around him started to spin as all sense of direction was robbed from the young fox out of nowhere. It felt like he was floating, yet falling as a sudden surge of pleasure coursed up from deep within him and fired out into the aether.
Ezra grunted loudly, nearly toppling over as he watched the young foxes body below him reach its peak at the same time he did. His own seed blasting across the poor kid's body as the three souls shared a single orgasm together as the ritual finished.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Was Dazed... But Felt Strange.->Dazed But Horny]]
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[With a twitch and a throb, Aster could no longer feel his arms or legs. He could no longer turn his head to look around, yet for some reason he could almost... Sense, everything around him clearly even if he didn't have eyes.
He felt warm, his body tense and full of vigor. But, he was still tired after what just happened- Wait, it happened. He tried to squirm his body around, but he felt too stiff to do it. Suddenly the sensation of a firm hand wrapping around him coaxed Aster out of his confused stupor.
"Are you alright?" The professor's voice spoke, he could hear it so clearly it almost thrummed through his entire body. The sensation was intense. "Just focus on the words you want to say." The vullec said reassuringly.
'I... I'm fine.' Aster did his best to say, it felt odd to just think it but from the sudden stroke along his body and the warm smile being aimed down at him, things felt fine. He could tell the professor was smiling down at him, it really did work.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Aster Was Now A Cock!->Asters A Cock!]]
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The gentle hand stroking along his form made it a bit hard to focus, but there was no denying it. Aster really had become the professor's cock now, he had gone through with it. The boy could even sense his own body laying on the table, unmoving and unconscious. 'Is he okay?' Aster tried his best to think.
"He will be fine, that experience was probably exhausting for him... I'm shocked you are even awake still, I expected you to be out for a day or two yourself." The professor said with a nervous laugh. "How is it...?"
'A bit weird, but not bad... I can't really move, what you're doing feels really good though.' Aster replied, it was becoming easier to communicate already even with the professor jerking him off.
Ezra laughed a little bit as he turned away from the table, resting his free hand on the side of his desk. "...Good, cause I think it's time to give you what you wanted to experience so badly, if I'm still hard then... Well, you are still needy." The professor said with a grin.
Aster felt his entire form tense up as the professor started to hasten his strokes. 'Y-you knew?' the boy said, but even he knew it was obvious.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Get Treated Like A Cock.->Treated Like A Cock]]
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[As the years ticked by, Ezra was able to slowly uncover more of the magic he wanted. Breakthroughs were made and new feats achieved. Aster was in no rush to find his way out of this situation... The first year was rough, but the longer he was like this the more comfortable he became.
In the end, Aster didn't really care if he was stuck like this. It was a simple, yet rewarding life. Sure he had learned plenty from Ezra just by being around through all of his lectures and lessons, Aster was always there when he studied on his own.
Really, after a good few years Aster had a solid understanding of arcane fundamentals... Not that he had ever practiced them, or really intended on it. Maybe he would someday, if he ever went back to normal... (link-rerun:"Not that he wanted to at this point.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[<img
src=https://detentionwriting.neocities.org/Resources/FragmentResources/Scenes/ProfDong.png>(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster throbbed, hoping to coax his host into toying with him again. A strained groan coming from above. "C... Come on now, really? This is the sixth time today... If I don't finish this formula, I won't be able to return you to a normal body."
But the fox turned cock didn't respond, he just quietly throbbed again. Radiating the same burning need to play he always did. "G-gah... Fine, fine fine. But if you keep distracting me, I'm gonna start to believe you don't want to return to normal... Eager cock." The professor said with a little huff.
Aster throbbed in response, he kept quiet not exactly wanting to out his desire to stay. But both of them knew it at this point, as the professor stared down at his shaft... He was rather sure, this was going to just be how life was from now on. But after all these years, Ezra was rather used to it.]
(set: $Hoyt to 4)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"The End", "The End")
''Professor Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy23a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy23b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Rest came easy for Aster once he had finished, it took the young boy a good two days to really get ahold of himself. By the time he really came to, Ezras apprentice had also awakened. It was a bit awkward at first, but all three of them agreed that some magic would need to be employed to change the apprentices face to avoid problems.
The next few weeks were strange, he got used to sitting inside of the professor's sheath most of the time. It was kind of cozy, warm and perfectly fitted for him. Aster felt himself dozing off more often than not, he tried to not cause any problems and made sure to respect when the professor had things to handle.
But still, he was eager to indulge in the experience and the longer things went on the more used to this life the boy became. Time slowly slipped by, the apprentice never seemed to grow up alongside the professor but magic was a (link-rerun:"wondrous thing.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Weeks turned to months, before Aster had even really realized it an entire year had passed... He did miss Tonric, he missed working at the inn. But, every single night Ezra made sure to comfort the boy and tend to his new companion.
The sensation of a full body orgasm was intense, but his first time being pushed inside of another person was... Unreal. It took a good long while for the professor and his apprentice to try anything intimate again, sadly it only ever happened once.
But Aster was resolved to help his new companion open up and try to find someone else to find relief with, the poor dick just wanted to experience that high again! But, with such an awkward host most of their shared fun was just between the two of them... For now.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Life Goes On.->Cock Life Ending]]
''Professor Hoyt''](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//hoy23a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//hoy23b//^^]]]
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[The rhythmic pumps of the professor's hand stroking sent sparks through Aster's whole body. The intense pleasure of having his entire form stimulated was making it hard and harder to communicate, not that Ezra himself replied in the end.
Each stroke felt amazing, more and more pre was getting coaxed out of what felt like the boy's mouth. The salty, virile liquid drooled from him like a faucet. But Aster knew, Ezra didn't take long to go. He could feel it this time, the pressure wheeling up deep inside of him.
It was intense, growing stronger and stronger as it slowly drowned out everything around him. It came with a burning desire, a need for release that Aster himself was unable to achieve.
But Ezra did, finally one last stroke and a squeeze of his knot made Asters mind go blank from the pleasure. Seed firing out of his new body and splattering the side of the professor's desk, one pump after another as his whole body pulsed and throbbed.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Then Everything Went Black...->Cock Life]]
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster fell quiet for a moment as he went to take a seat by the professor's desk, he had already asked this before so he couldn't think of another way to really word it. "I want to try and find out about my race, I don't know where I come from and I just keep getting told I'm probably not a Vullec."
The professor nodded along quietly and made his way over towards his desk "Right.. There is a chance you are some sort of cross breed or perhaps a race from a continent far from this one, I do know of at least one that fits... Well, not entirely due to how rare they are."
The young fox cocked just sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Rare or not it's at least an idea... So, what is it then? The rare one from oh so far away."
Hoyt walked around his desk and sat down. "To my knowledge they are all but gone, due to their bloodline coming from Samnyaku. A place well known for its hatred of beastfolk, that and they were also yokai blooded..."]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Yokai?->SFW Prof3]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster sighed quietly and scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry Ezra, but I don't think I want to go through with it. I know I offered, but there is a lot I'd be giving up if I did that... I do want to help you, but I don't think I can in that way." The boy said as he let his gaze fall to the ground.
The professor looked a little bit deflated, but quickly regained his composure and patted the young fox on the shoulder. "Aster, it's okay. What you offered was a lot, just considering it was all you needed to do. I'd never ask that of someone who wasn't entirely sure of themselves... Now, how about we leave this topic behind. When you originally came to me, you had something else you wanted to talk about... Correct?" The fox said, quickly trying to change the subject.]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Perhaps Aster Can Ask Finally.", "SFW Prof2")
''Ezra Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["Yokai? What's that?" Aster asked, leaning a little bit forward. He was finally starting to make a little bit of progress. Although, hearing his kind might be all but gone was a problem in its own right.
The professor shook his head. "The race itself was called the Kinari, they were descended from a yokai known as a Kitsune. Yokai are... Similar to fae, but also very different. But, I don't really know how to begin describing the difference in all honesty."
Aster sighed and flopped back in his chair. "Okay so, they were from Samnyaku and got wiped out or something?" The boy asked, feeling as if this lead could be another dead end.
Hoyt fell silent for a moment, before giving the boy a nod. "Samnyaku has been driving out beastfolk for many generations, even the yokai. Spirits of their land have all but vanished from their shores, so any remnants of their culture are scattered about the Minami area... There is a chance you could find something, perhaps in Yu but I couldn't make any promises. Spirits and legends from that side of the world aren't really studied at this academy, so I couldn't suggest any scholars either... But, it is a start. Something to consider for your future, in truth there is a chance one of your parents was just a Vullic and got intimate with a taller beast race of sorts... Do you have any unusual traits that don't fit your vulpine bloodline?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Unusual Traits->SFW Prof4]]
''Professor Hoyt'']
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
|1>[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster had to go out of his way to ask around in order to find the professor's office, Wicke had forgotten to give him directions... But, well at this point Aster should have asked before they parted ways so it was equally his fault in the matter.
After a little bit he found the door in question, luckily it had the professor's name engraved on a plaque next to it so with new found confidence he stepped forward and (link-rerun:"knocked on the door.")[(show:?2)(hide:?1)]]]](hidden: )|2)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)["One moment." A voice called out from inside, he recognized it to be the professors. Realizing he hadn't said anything yet, the young fox opened his mouth to speak but was quickly silenced as the door before him opened up. The short vulpine figure of the professor now staring up at him.
"Oh, hello there Aster, what can I do for you?" He asked, smiling up at the young fox as he stepped inside and gestured for the boy to enter. "Please, come in so we can chat. You had something you wanted to talk about, correct?"]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")[[Step Inside.->SFW Prof2]]
](hidden: )|2)[<img
''Professor Hoyt'']]
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[(text-colour:(hsl:186,0.7739,0.7745,0.2))[|1>[^^//prof01a//^^](hidden: )|2)[^^//prof01b//^^]]]
#The End
(if:$Hoyt is 4)[//Aster found a much more enjoyable lifestyle and being attached to a wizard that does not age, well... Both of them had many many years to find new ways to enjoy each others companionship.//
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Resume Before Ending", "Step Inside Office")]
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"Return To Cover", "Cover")
|==|(if: not ((passage:)'s tags contains "Menu"))[(set: $lastPassage to (passage:)'s name)]
(b4r:"double")+(b4r-size:2,3)+(b4r-colour:#66d9e8)[(link-undo:"''~ Back ~''")]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[(b4r:"dotted")+(b4r-colour:white)[Aster took a moment to think, but nothing really stood out to him. "No not really... I don't really know what else I could be aside from that, don't really have any wolf or feline traits so both Fel and Wolg are off the table."
The professor thought for a moment, looking the boy over. "I suppose nothing obvious like horns or scales so draconic and aquan are also out... I don't see any human or elven traits either really." The smaller fox said before he sighed and relaxed back in his chair.
It seemed there wasn't really much else that could be done, perhaps the academy was a bit of a dead end. He had some ideas now, but nothing he could really work with for the time being. "Okay... Well, I guess that's all I needed. Sorry to take up your time, professor." The young fox said as he pushed himself up from his chair.
The professor watched the boy make his way over towards the door, staying silent until Aster opened it up. "Aster, despite what I told you today. Do not try and travel to Samnyaku, it is not worth it... That place, the people there will not treat you as an equal. They enslave, hunt for game and kill those like us. Their faith, it has become corrupt from what it once was." He said, a serious expression on the young-looking foxes face.
Aster nodded silently, closing the door behind him as he left. He really didn't know what to say to that, traveling to Samnyaku didn't seem like it was worth it so maybe he'd need to find another solution to his problem.]
(set: $Hoyt to 5)
(t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-arrive:"fade-left")(link-goto:"What Now...", "Arcane Academy")
''Professor Hoyt'']